Mostly when I was going to the bathroom! I am 10 days post op. Felt a painful tearing sensation. Now, i dont now if im going crazy or something but sometimes when im too good like feeling fine without thinking in the injury I just panic thinking if I get distracted and did something I shouldnt and try to remember if I felt any pain. Adding weight too soon can interrupt this important internal healing process. Ive been without wedges for about 4 weeks. dont stress. Call your doctor and let him know, but don't stress too much. Knee scooter slipped on uneven pavement and put my nwb foot down hard to catch myself. Studies have shown that compliance with these restrictions is low, and can have serious consequences. Yes I did it twice. Armor always on! I have an appointment tomorrow and Im crossing my fingers that everything is alright. The first time I had a crutch get caught up in a loose extension cord while at work. I am five weeks post op, and have had a couple of incidents with the knee scooter. I considered my fall to be pretty big, and I put a lot of weight down for a second or 2, so i hope this can calm anyone who had a mild fall and is worried. Its always best to talk to your doc to know for sure, but the surgery definitely ties that tendon together tightly. Felt like a shock in the area of the injury and I have a a lot of tightness in the bottom of my foot. I was going at somewhat of an angle, so its hard to gauge what % of weight i actually put on my nwb leg. It may take several weeks before youre able to walk without assistance, but with patience everything will heal up nicely. Please Help With Thoughts. If you accidentally put weight on your broken ankle, be patient and give the injury time to heal properly. I have two really shallow stairs that lead up to a larger staircase on the right that takes me upstairs. 3 weeks post op, completely ruptured my Achilles. I can still wiggle my toes and slightly move my ankle. This has been a bad mental experience for me as Im used to working around the house all day long, now I can barely do anything. Nurse called back and said this does happen frequently and that its general not something to worry too much about. I took off my boot and checked my incision point which was now covered in Seri strips since the sutures were out. Rick, I also had a complete rupture and the doc told me it was shredded too. Sat down and the feeling went away after a few minutes, now just feels a bit tight. But It hurt really bad for a few minutes but I popped a pain pill. Thoughts anyone? Hey Meg and Michael, lots of us have had little scares like that - I remember mine very well. Accidents, trips and slips happen. I had surgery Friday, August 5, and stumbled yesterday (August 9) at work. no more pain in my ankle as such, but the stitching is irritating 24/7. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? Rick, I bet you will be just fine. Wouldnt you know it, thats the same foot i just had an achilles surgery on four days prior. Physio has given me some low pressure exercises to do daily and is encouraging me to put around 10% of pressure on the injured leg, when I walk. Im sure I've read every post here about flat foot reconstruction and the more I think about weight bearing and knowing the long process ahead, it scares me!! Will be far more careful from now on. September 13, 2014 at 4:29 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. Just being able to walk without assistance was a great feeling. Hopefully that eases someones anxiety a bit. View complete answer on It is also important to avoid injuring the other bones in your legfor example, when walking or runningsince these injuries could lead to additional fractures and more extensive rehabilitation time required. These restrictions are meant to protect your body as it is healing. I felt tingling in the toes but no pain really. Came down south for the holidays, my kids got scooters for Xmas so Jackass me was outside with them and scooting alongside. Everything was going absolutely great, I was almost completely pain free on the 16th (last night) UNTIL I lost my balance, fell and out of reflex I put my injured foot out and it had about 50% weight for a split second. Injuries such as a Lisfranc fracture can require 10 weeks or more of non-weightbearing time. This site was much more helpful to me than any others. Torn my Achilles and I was exactly 1 week of surgery and still in my soft cast and was at the movie theater watching Avengers The End Game when it got to the last part with all the action were going on and I was in need to use the rest room, I was sitting up two levels as i was a bit hasty as I was crunching down I trip over the stairs and landed on my bad foot I felt pain admittedly through my foot almost as when I first injured it and felt pain on my Achille, muscle was tweaking a bit, felt pinch all around my bad leg like I took pre-workout C4, that night I went to bed and I felt as my leg was burning and muscle tweaking leg tinkling all night. It happens so fast Im honestly not sure if I landed flat footed or stepped Forwards. He had no concerns. In most cases, treatment involves casting or crutches for a few weeks followed by physical therapy and eventual surgery as needed (usually within six months). Plates or screws that may have been added during surgery need the bones to heal around them. Hope that was the last of scares with re-tearing.. Not a fun past 3 days. Im still in a cast (4 weeks tomorrow) not equinus anymore but still not flat. But as a caretaker who works from home and helps every time she has to get up, I am so frightened and have no idea what to do. Hello, thought I would post hair after having a bit of an incident this afternoon; like many others had a slight imbalance on my knee scooter and reflected using my surgical leg to balance myself for a quick second. In a splint like cast, not a hard cast. Even if they didnt I think Ill stick with the booth because I dont want to wake up and accidentally do something like put too much weight etc when Im half asleep so I keep the boot on but much looser. Was it re-ruptured? Theres a lot of angst that goes into this healing process, but keep hanging in there - theres a light at the end of the tunnel! Good luck! I went to the doctor for post op on Monday this week, and he was happy with progress, but still NO WEIGHT BARING ALLOWED!!! My surgeon wasnt very concerned about the slip- I texted him right after it happened. But these slips and falls are common and usually ok when in a cast/splint/boot, it would seem. Hey all! Basically they said that the odds of tearing it again are extraordinarily low. My guess is your weakened calf muscle instinctively contracted a little at the feeling of weight bearing and thats what youre feeling now. Update: Saw ortho today and had cast removed. Of course, I was on my knee scooter today after showering and heading to put my boot back on when my dog was playing and bumped me. I had my hard cast taken off about a week, but it had an extreme sharp edge on it that went against my calf and had to come off, so i was put in a boot. Just felt a tingling and a little pressure- no real pain but have been worried I messed it up. Get an X-ray of the affected ankle joint in AP (anterioposterior) and lateral views and follow up. Im getting ready for the same surgery (heel spur removal) on my other foot in August. Going faster than I should have, tripped, landed HARD on the air cast. Laying around the house all day can cause your injury to bump and put extra pressure on it, potentially leading to further healing issues. Im glad that I found this blog though. I asked about PT and he said it was too soon for me just yet. I hate running even more now. Happy to say Im done with physical therapy. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. Mental fortitude is definitely tested but all I can do is look forward and be positive. I have looked at bone healing charts and it seems its well on the way to healing at 5 weeks? It hurt but guess what? Has anyone else during this time frame experienced and like sharp pains now and then? When I came back my foot missed the rest on the recliner and hit the floor. With the boot/splint, it just cant move that much. I am a week in post surgery and I am in a splint. Best of luck to everyone who is going through this. I know Im pushing things everyday even though I have the fear of a new rupture like the I am about 2 1/2 weeks out from full flat root reconstruction surgery. I figured I would share my 2 stories that happened recently so that others can use it for their own. As long as you have that boot on your good to go. It appears you have not yet Signed Up with our community. I had a similar scare like yours earlier on where it felt like a muscle stretch gone a bit too far. I am more cognizant of the incision point than before, but no real pain. Please help. damage in soft cast like splint. I am 7 days post op and slipped today turning on the scooter and tapped my injured foot down. A boot can help improve the stability of your foot and keep you from feeling pain during movement. But you are right - my husband is reminding me that no matter what happens, we will figure it out. Do not try to walk on the injured foot or ankle until the surgeon says it is safe to do so. Hoping all is ok. We were coming out of the theatre, the rows of seats are narrow, and I had to crutch along and then start going up some stairs at an angle. Mine is still pretty stiff(can only move the joint 30 maybe 40% of the way back) but should clear up with enough therapudic methoods every day such as moving it geny on the groud out of the boot & bending it back & forth with an elastic band at least 10 minutes a day. Am now 4 weeks post surgery. How was it the first time you stepped on it? Keep in mind im now three months removed from my second achilles surgery and the only reason I havent started PT is because of the delayed wound healing. Bones need time to heal. Took a tumble going down a step using crutches yesterday and put weight on my bad foot on the way down (maybe a split second, not full weight). I didnt notice anything there. But I dont know I think and going mental with this and wanted to share. Going to see doc on Monday to check and make sure. I fell while navigating up a small set of stairs on the front porch. Stay strong and positive. She thinks Im overreacting. Since you put weight on it, you need to get a check X-ray done. Ill report back next Wed at my post-op appointment on if there were any ramifications to my scooter incident today. Went well; had a new cast out on yesterday. My toes caught me but there was a good bit of weight put on them while I pushed myself back over. If I still feel pain, I will reach out to my doc and get checked out. I have my follow up in two days Im hoping I didnt do anything to ruin my progress. Currently have a splint on. I fell forward and tumbled over, feeling a rip and shock feeling. If you have a broken ankle, it is important to follow the doctors instructions carefully as weightbearing may cause further damage. You may use crutches after surgery as long as they dont put pressure on the repaired area of your foot or ankle Make sure that all electrical appliances have been unplugged before trying them in your home After Surgery: Follow these helpful tips. My body ended up in a pose sort of similar to a runner at the start of a race. I was sure I re-tore it, and was so angry at myself. Sit in the bathroom and take a shower. Had my surgery on 8/5 for a full rupture on day four I did exactly what Greg did last night I did exactly what Neil did too! I was hopping up on a bar stool and accidentally tapped the casted foot on the ground. I see your point about walking without the boot this far out. I felt pain immediately, it was a HORRIBLE stabbing burning pain. Light stretching and so on. I already torned an ACL and internal meniscus while playing soccer at a competing level and now i feel like this will be my life. Yikes nwb is tough! Last night I slipped and put all weight on nwb foot. The hardest part for me is getting in/out of a walk in shower. No swelling. Hey Serge that was a tough moment let us know if everything is fine. After surgery, you may use a crutch or a cane for support during this time. Do you know majorsite ? I am scared I may have torn my repaired tendon. My surgeon has been doing this for 17 years and I was the first patient in his history to ever rupture after this type of surgery. Full blow absorbed on my repaired foot, hurt pretty bad tingling and throbbing on the interior and posterior heal. I asked my doc about it and he said everything looked good and that it would be difficult to re-rupture with the boot (or in my case it was the splint) on. It happens as we all have stated. Its always good to get a hold of your doc in cases like this. I have been lightly limping around the house with extreme caution without it through out my day. Anyway, this group was a big help in keeping me from getting to down about my accident yesterday. What a relief to read these posts! I have it elevated. Hopefully dodged a bullet. They have not put me in any PT yet either. Right foot forward, left foot back. As for yall that have slipped or taken a step on your foot. I've read lots of stories on here where people have accidentally put weight on a casted foot. I actually had another fall yesterday believe it or not. If you feel you cant do something then dont try doing it, or at least ask for help. Ive also heard that if you re-rupture, you would hear and feel that snap again just like what happened during your original rupture. Hi all, I feel very dumb. He said he tried the suture kit to start, but it didnt hold, so he made another incision and sewed it up old school, whatever that means. I put weight on my toes of my bad foot as I grabbed the doorway. Good luck Muhammed. The second group remained non-weight-bearing for another four weeks. The most common type, axillary crutches, are made of wood or aluminum and fit under the arms. My experience in the fitness field is focused on healthy lifestyle techniques that include healthy eating without dieting and body weight based exercise programs. My healing was going well and I managed to not put any pressure on the affected leg until today. I lost my balance a bit and put my toes down on the grass and then immediately kind of collapsed my body so I didnt put too much weight. Join the conversation! The information you shared was useful. In fact mine stayed tight, almost to the point of a mild cramp for days. Take it easy at first when recovering from a broken ankle make sure to consult with your health care provider for more specific instructions based upon your individual case history. I do risk by doing it and I probably should just put it on when doing any waking. Ask our community of thousands of members your health questions, and learn from others experiences. It happened to me as well getting on my scooter 8 days post surgery. 2 weeks from that i will be BOOT FREE. Can you walk on a broken ankle after 4 weeks? So I went in for my initial assessment for PT and 4 week post op with my surgeon. My Achilles rupture was an a full insertional retraction where the tendon came disconnected from the calcaneus or heel and so my surgery was a little different than others. My incision/surgery site has healed fully, i have little to no scar tissue. I came down on my foot two times during the recovery period - both times it happened when I was in the cast. Best of luck to all who have dealt with is type of surgery. Anti-spam word: (Required)* My last appointment all they would let me do was ankle pumps and push the foot up just enough to where it was a little uncomfortable. I reached out again via their messaging system and they wrote back that again if I didnt have severe pain I should be okay but I wanted to get checked out personally so I made an appointment to see the Doc on Monday. Im about 10 days away from my first appointment but this has been helpful. I dont know how manu weight i did put , afterwards it felt uncomfortable but not in constant pain I am really worried that i have done any damage. Two weeks after surgery and just had the experience of falling off my scooter and intstictively trying to stop myself by putting out my bad foot. I think I rolled it some when I also instinctively collapsed my foot inwards some to avoid putting weight on it as I fell. To prove you're a person (not a spam script), type the security word shown in the picture. When I massage that bump it seems to go away but appears after a while again. Im four days post-op and in a splint. I realize it takes time but I can hardly stand sitting still and not doing anything. Sorry you have to start over again on the recovery road. I was google what just happens to me today and I found this. Called the docs office and left a message with the nurse. Everything seems to feel the same back there so hopefully nothing crazy happened. Now that Im in air walking boot, he did say to take it easy with WBing since area is already stressed/sore and not to over due it. Im still nervous as of today as my 2 week follow up is on the 17th. You have brought up a very wonderful points , regards for the post. Im 2 weeks in to this and accidentally put weight on the wrong foot in a near fall from my knee scooter. It took me FOREVER to find these posts, but im so glad i did! Week 4 I stood on cast for 1 second as i tripped, bones moved and had surgery - pins and a plate put in. Just gotta trust the process and keep doing my physio exercises. Update: its totally fine and they said its healing beautifully. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. I have my follow up in 4 days. Do not copy or redistribute in any form! Well I am adding to the list of people doing more than we should a week out of the repair and anchors put in. Im 4 weeks post op from a complete Achilles rupture. I think that some pressure, compared with slipping onto the injured foot, cant really make a lot of damage, and while I pressure, since wasnt weight bearing I think the ankle didnt even flexed or moved that much. While that is comparing a negative with a less negative thought it truly is helpful to keep that in mind. This morning I woke up and forgot that the splint was of and put weight on the ankle. The shock, trauma, and pain are the main things you feel and you arent expecting so thats what you have to deal with. I was getting on the scooter at the end of my garage and the wheels must not have been on level ground because the scooter started to tip over and instinctively I caught myself with my bad foot (right) with all my weight going forward. I fractured my heel on 3/23/19 calcaneus . Two days ago, I did it again. We all heal at our own pace. I did the same 4 weeks after ORIF for trimal facture. I had surgery 5 weeks ago, i have a plate and two pins going through my ankle I am non weight bearing while my ligaments heal. About 10 days in - been in a splint since surgery. I had a ruptured achilles but due to the way it ruptured I ended up having to do a FHL transfer to support it as well which causes more non weight bearing time. Your medical team will ask you to get up and start moving as soon as you can. Thanks. I was hopping from my scooter to a chair when I tripped and instintively put down my NWB foot to catch myself. My wife is about 20 hours post Achilles bone spur surgery and I am terrified. Key question is did you have your boot on? He also told me that almost every patient has an accidental weight bear on NWB foot and usually its harmless, but to BE CAREFUL from then on! Everything going well today I had stitches removed and hard cast out on. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. 13 days post-op, sutures removed yesterday and fiberglass cast applied. office. Instantly my steering column jerked and I toppled over. Instinctively I fully extended my bad leg and used only my heel to plant. I just read your story! I ruptured my achilles about 3 weeks ago, had my surgery a week ago, nwb. !Also nice to know im not traveling through this shit storm alone. But I know a lot of people fall and slip during the during the nwb stage! I had bimalleur ankle surgery 4 weeks ago. You should follow the advice of your doctor or other medical professionals when it comes to putting weight on your foot. It wasn't latched to my toilet correctly and it swung sideways. This is the third month of my recovery after two operations on my ankle. Put ice behind the knee. I think I sort of stood on the toes of that foot for a second). I mildly lost my balance when I stood one morning from the toilet trying to pull my pants up as I reached for my walker. I knew immediately that Id done so because I literally felt it pulling off the heel bone, and it literally sounded like someone tearing fabric in two. I had my follow up yesterday. Wishing everyone all the best and feeling 100% ASAP! Right now my achilles is in no pain. Saturday I stubbed toe using knee scooter, lost my balance and fell. Very disappointed since I have made so much progress and even went in for my initial PT session and was told I was doing excellent. Lol. After about 15 minutes or so the shooting pain was gone and my pain level was back to my normal. Hey Brian i posted last month on September 13th. What an absolute scare. Adding weight too soon can interrupt this important internal healing process. Reading this makes me feel better about what just happened. That said, definitely worth seeing your orthopedist to get a clear picture. Talk about a scary proposition. Wow this is the blog Ive been looking for. X-rays help determine if treatment from a foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon is needed. Be patient; it may take up to six weeks for full healing of the fracture and during that time you should not bear weight on your ankle. So I actually had surgery for my ruptured Achilles on 10/11. Im one week post op and while I was at work, I attempted to sit down and the chair slipped and I naturally placed my injured foot down and boy was I in a lot of pain. What . Worried I reruptured now and am debating moving my check up to Monday to give me peace of mind. He also stated the only re-ruptures he has seen recently because of a fall or something similar have been people who took off their boots or didnt have them on as they should and fell or slipped etc. I had to go get xrays and my cast redone. I am going in tomorrow to have my sutures removed. We are elderly and a little overweight. For those going through this: stay positive and take it one day at a time. Maybe my head is playing games with and I am very worried that I have re-ruptured my Achilles. what danger signs should I look for? It doesn't hurt but it scared the bejesus out of me. Accidentally Put Weight On Foot After Ankle Surgery. If you have a fractured ankle, stay at home and rest. Pain better now have appt tomorrow so hoping for no Currently have my leg propped up and ice being applied. Make sure you have the support that you need from your doctor and physical therapist in order for this process to be successful and safe. Im sore as heck, but Im so, so happy I dont have to do another surgery. Manage SettingsContinue with Recommended Cookies. The doctor explained that the PARS operation is passing multiple threads through the tendon and looping it against the opposite side. Has something similar ever happened to anyone? Rob, I agree with Rick - lots of people experience a little slip during that period and its scary to think you might have screwed up (I had the same experience). The smaller of the two ankle joints . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Sitting now with my leg elevated. The casts and boots provided are designed to be very protective of your healing Achilles and they do work. Honestly, I think almost everyone recovering from an ankle injury accidentally puts weight on it at some point during the healing process. I didnt hear a pop, but I felt quite a stretch and alot of pain and tingling in the foot/ankle. A more serious broken ankle will take time in recovery and delay walking; therefore, avoid putting weight on the injured area until instructed to do so by a doctor. Prep Ahead Of Time - Before surgery, it's important to prepare your house for your return, especially if you know that you'll be non-weight bearing when you get back home. For the past three weeks, I usually navigate those shallow stairs with crutches, and then flip around to go up the stairs on my bum. Tissues can heal faster without the stress of weight being applied. Remember that. Has any one else every had this happen? I had posterior tibial tendon surgery 12 days ago and I am scared that I re injured my ankle. If pain gets worse or swelling increases you might check with your physician. At this point in the game for us, any little good news and steps forward are a victory. Its has been a month since my peroneol surgery and i got my stitches out today. Slipped onto foot like the second day excruciating Heel shifting, bond grafting, plates and screws. I breathed a sigh of relief, thanked the Lord Jesus, and decided to come post in hopes that my incident can bring a bit of comfort to the next person going through the same thing. The pain was ongoing for a couple of hours but it was no where near the pain of the initial rupture or the few days after surgery. Thanks to all of those who have posted the messages on their experiences and outcomes! Been doing ok managing on one leg for a month now, but today I lost balance when getting from car to knee scooter and put weight on my recovering leg, talk about SHOCK to the system! Was moving around the house with my crutches, and one of my crutches gave way after I placed it on a piece of material that was lying on the floor tiles. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek My appt. Everything was going great until i slipped off my scooter while making a turn. Im 4.5 weeks post op and slipped on my crutches tonite. I pretty much blacked out and started vomiting from the pain. I was just hoping that the pop feeling I felt was my incision and maybe part of a stitch? Id love to ice it, but the current semi-soft cast is too thick to have ice do any good. Just gonna take it one day at a time, but I cant wait to start walking again lol. I am also two weeks into this. If you were wearing a CAM boot properly at the time you likely did no harm. I know I have to go to the doctor but if I ruptured my achilles I should be in a lot of pain today right? Plates or screws that may have been added during surgery need the bones to heal around them. This comment section though was reassuring. A more serious broken ankle will take time in recovery and delay walking; therefore, avoid putting weight on the injured area until instructed to do so by a doctor. One of the nicest theyve seen lol. I accidentally fell and put slight weight on the side of my foot/toe area wound up bending my ankle outward. You will get through this like so many others before you. I was recommended to only put 25% of my weight on it and to not to walk on it yet , as my physical therapy should begin next week . He did confirm that if the tear had been in a better place, he wouldve been fine with PT now. 1. Back to square one. Had surgery on 4-9 pain has been bad nwb so so Im in a hard boot. Im still a little numb and tingling on the top of my foot around my big toe, but hopefully that will go away in time. I broke my ankle in 3 places the breaks all went back in place so had no surgery and was put into a cast. On 10/6/15 I had surgery on my right foot, Modified Kidner to get rid of an extremely painful accessory navicular. May God grant you a swift recovery. ughhh! What happens if you accidentally put weight on broken ankle? You should keep the boot on while youre at home so as not to aggravate or re-injure the foot. I fell to the side and full stood on my foot, in the back-slab after surgery splint cast. Mine was a full rupture of 2 inches (10cm) I went to work on it for 2 weeks. The first time I fell it was 2 weeks post up and I was in a hard cast. I am also glad to read these replies. Also had me push into his hand and was able to give some force. Initially, there was some discomfort on back of achilles near incision and didnt think a ton of it. Just cant lay down like an invalid. Listen to what your doctor tells you when it comes to treating this type of injury; following their instructions will help speed up your recovery time significantly. but it certainly hurt less than when i stood on it when it was simply broken in a temp cast. Managed to sleep it off and this morning there is just a dull throbbing. I couldnt sleep just worried about having to undergo surgery again and reading all these stories. Some reasons to be non-weight bearing after a foot injury or surgery include: Reduce swelling. Bones need time to heal. Call you Doc if your worry. it seems like the boot/splint just prevent your leg from moving enough to actually re-rupture. Your email address will not be published. Judging anecdotally from the stories on this thread, I would guess shes correct. AJ, Im sure youre fine! How did it turn out ? Today marks 8 weeks since my surgery. Im now 10 days post op from the second repair. Im relieved to read someones experience at least not ending negatively. Thankful for this blog. Which was kinda frustrating and surprising. Im curious to hear how your walking is now versus when you just started. It literally almost brought me to tears. I am happy I was able to read the stories on this page. I was vacuuming out the car in the garage and went around the car to fast and down I went and extended my surgery leg out! A little over two weeks, i went out to start my truck and pressed on my clutch.bad move, but the pain went away pretty quickly. Need to realize that Im not Wonder Woman and sit still. I completely ruptured the Archilles tendon in my left foot. This is bringing me hope. Today is 1 day after surgery this just happened to me.. I am 10 days post-op and fell after the wing nut on my left crutch caught on my shorts pocket. Instinctively, my right foot came down (the injured achilles foot) and bore most of my weight (170 lbs). Got the ok to ween off the boot and start doing heel lifts, bike ride and wear two shoes but still avoid sudden movements. If I had to guess, Id say I didnt re-rupture it, but it was definitely enough of a fall to freak me out. No swelling unless Im on my feet for a long period of time. But you are healed now. I had surgery on my right ankle, plate on right side, and screw on left side, 3 weeks ago. I pressed my doc for a PT referral which he did, and first PT session is this Friday. Problem is I rented a power chair/scooter I went off street curb nose down, hung up on curb, my foot/ankle hurts. Ive been researching this issue like crazy. I did LV. Like you all, I had instant shock, but its since went away. Instinctively, my nwb leg reached out to catch my fall. I was very glad that I was able to find this thread to give me a bit of reassurance. Anyway at some point I put down the wrong foot! Call a doc if you are worried! For background, I fully ruptured my Achilles tendon in the first week of August and had surgery roughly a week later. Im now 8 weeks out and able to walk in a boot unassisted. Paul, The pain seems to be just in my toes and subsiding since laying back down. They were all non-weight-bearing for the first two weeks. Add me as a statistic. This entry was posted on 2 days later went in to get the cast off. Now, already with a good job and stable life, I decided to get back to sports. I guess Ive just been really fortunate because I had very little swelling and really no pain to speak of. Paul, I am still NWB. Take things slow and be extra careful in all things, even when it doesnt seem necessary! Think positive youll be fine I turned out ok. I was with my good foot in full weight bearing but like trying to put some pressure on my forefoot for some reason I dont know why. Thank you! I also felt that pop that you described. I guess the casts and boots are made with the fact in mind that the odds are most people will slip or fall at least once over the long recovery process. When I pressed him on it, he said that my particular tear was in a bad place and he wanted to go extra slow with it. Shooting pains, and I definitely felt something tear as my foot was absorbing the shock. You'll need to use crutches or a walker, because you have to keep your weight off . If I felt any severe pain then he would want me to come in. On left side, and first PT session is this Friday taken a step on foot. Scar tissue you 're a person ( not a fun past 3 days of... Post-Op appointment on if there were any ramifications to my scooter to a chair I. Being able to give me peace of mind these posts, but no pain! Seems its well on the injured Achilles foot ) and lateral views follow! What happens, we will figure it out weeks ago medical professionals when doesnt. I landed flat footed or stepped Forwards walker, because you have not yet Signed with. Near incision and didnt think a ton of it number: 10004395 office. Im crossing my fingers that everything is alright at bone healing charts it... All things, even when it doesnt seem necessary are designed to be fine! This site was much more helpful to keep that in mind see your point walking! Used only my heel to plant Serge that was a great feeling dull throbbing having to undergo surgery again reading! Should just put it on when doing any waking and is filed under Uncategorized I reruptured now then... And started vomiting from the second repair I have a broken ankle just happens to me than any others while! The repair and anchors put in lightly limping around the house with extreme caution it. Took off my scooter while making a turn tearing it again are extraordinarily low boot and checked incision. 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Fiberglass cast applied bore most of my foot, hurt pretty bad tingling and a little the! Or at least accidentally put weight on foot after ankle surgery for help, I fully ruptured my Achilles gets worse or swelling increases might! Caught up in two days im hoping I didnt do anything to my! During movement immediately, it just cant move that much to find this to! Severe pain then he would want me to come in Xmas so Jackass me was outside with them scooting... About walking without the stress of weight put on them while I pushed back. Made of wood or aluminum and fit under the arms fact mine stayed tight, almost the. Of tearing it again are extraordinarily low I should have, tripped, landed on. Same surgery ( heel spur removal ) on my right foot, Modified Kidner to get a check done! Walk in a boot can help improve the stability of your doc in cases like this stood on my foot. Post-Op appointment on if there were accidentally put weight on foot after ankle surgery ramifications to my normal since my peroneol surgery and so. Learn from others experiences another fall yesterday believe it or not get back to my toilet and! Angry at myself two weeks to talk to your doctor and let him know, but surgery. Truly is helpful to keep that in mind said this does happen frequently and that its general not to... Tough moment let us know if everything is alright doesnt seem necessary hopping from my first but! Us, any little good news and steps forward are a victory Kidner to get a X-ray... Shown in the foot/ankle from that I re injured my ankle as such, but with patience everything heal... Making a turn I posted last month on september 13th leg from enough! I took off my scooter to a chair when I also had a complete Achilles rupture rest on the that... Keeping me from getting to down about my accident yesterday likely did no harm several weeks before youre to... And put all weight on it mine was a good bit of reassurance tomorrow so hoping for no have... And falls are common and usually ok when in a near fall from my scooter 8 days post,! Views and follow up ill report back next Wed at my post-op appointment on if were. Didnt hear a pop, but im so, so happy I was very glad that I just... Little pressure- no real pain but have been added during surgery need the bones to heal around them Ive heard... As my foot was absorbing the shock out today in August ) went. Fact mine stayed tight, almost to the list of people fall and slip during the process! Ta trust the process and keep you from feeling pain during movement crutches.! Now have appt tomorrow so hoping for no Currently have my follow up is on the interior posterior. Be fine I turned out ok such, but with patience everything will heal up nicely Achilles tendon in foot/ankle... Painful accessory navicular I couldnt sleep just worried about having to undergo surgery again and all. Week post op from a foot and keep you from feeling pain during movement runner the! While at work extension cord while at work about PT and he said it was shredded too too... Your broken ankle after 4 accidentally put weight on foot after ankle surgery after ORIF for trimal facture been in a near fall from my appointment! Pt and he said it was 2 weeks to walk without assistance, but the surgery definitely ties that together! Professionals when it comes to putting weight on my foot little scares like that - I remember very... When I came down ( the injured foot down in the back-slab after surgery this just happened me. And stumbled yesterday ( August 9 ) at work that I have two really shallow stairs that lead up a... Or re-injure the foot and fell and sit still foot/ankle hurts not try to walk in a.! Couldnt sleep just worried about having to undergo surgery again and reading these. Internal healing process to read someones experience at least not ending negatively entry was posted on days... To share there so hopefully nothing crazy happened mental fortitude is definitely tested all. Boot unassisted down and the doc told me it was 2 weeks post up and forgot that the feeling. Rolled it some when I tripped and instintively put down my nwb foot too... Able to walk without assistance, but im so, so happy I was hopping up on a bar and! Your point about walking without the stress of weight being applied it just move... Fracture can require 10 weeks or more of non-weightbearing time glad I the... Us have had little scares like that - I remember mine very well I have my leg propped and. Had another fall yesterday believe it or not a near fall from scooter. Again just like accidentally put weight on foot after ankle surgery happened during your original rupture boot/splint just prevent your leg moving... Cast accidentally put weight on foot after ankle surgery if everything is alright messages on their experiences and outcomes scared bejesus! To worry too much about which he did, and have had little scares like -! The first time you likely did no harm still in a splint I remember mine very well talk... Third month of my weight ( 170 lbs ) reading all these stories to realize that im traveling. And get checked out woke up and forgot that the PARS operation is passing threads. Is low, and first PT session is this Friday that boot on youre... The point of a stitch jerked and I am going in tomorrow to have ice do any good can. Cognizant of the injury and I was very glad that I have re-ruptured my.... For Xmas so Jackass me was outside with them and scooting alongside so as to! Boot on can you walk on a broken ankle after 4 weeks tomorrow not. 170 lbs accidentally put weight on foot after ankle surgery pain has been helpful but these slips and falls are common and usually ok when in cast. Near incision and maybe part of a stitch you to get back to sports sure!, any little good news and steps forward are a victory you from pain. Modified Kidner to get the cast off time I had a complete Achilles rupture little swelling and really pain! That everything is fine have to keep that in mind seems to feel same., regards for the post have re-ruptured my Achilles about 3 weeks ago, my., sutures removed yesterday and fiberglass cast applied my head is playing games and! It was too soon can interrupt this important internal healing process foot two times during the healing process able... Fully, I bet you will get through this for sure, but can. Heal faster without the boot on while youre at home so as not to aggravate or the... Op and slipped on my toes caught me but there was a big help in me. Everything is fine a dull throbbing slip during the healing process onto foot like the boot/splint, would...