You have attained the understanding of magic and you craft a Mark of Life on the forehead of your Warforged Golem, turning it into a Warforged Companion. If you have multiple Stormforged Weapons, you can change which one you are attuned to during a long rest. Now deals 4d10 guaranteed damage, stuns on fail, and reduces to zero from a 50 hp threshold. The increased chance is3.5% at level I, 4.5% at level II, and 5.5% at level III and so forth. You know three 1st-level spells of your choice from the Inventor spell list. When cast this way, it has no Verbal or Somatic components. Damage from this acid deals double damage against structures and objects. Additionally, you can convert a set set of armor with a magical plus to AC to a lighter armor type. While this is active, you are considered lightly obscured, and can hide from a creature even when they have a clear line of sight to you. Pick a target point within range, and make an attack roll. You install an additional pair of grappling appendages taking a form of your choice. At 20th level, your mind is always thinking of new options and clever solutions. Any remaining benefits fade at the end of your next turn. You advance the control routines for your golem, allowing it to fight more effectively. It has been edited for tone/content/style. This pool of temporary hit points refreshes when the Inventor that created it completes a long rest. With the Iron Man Mod, you can try on the Iron Man costume in the world of Minecraft. When you choose this specialization at 1st level, you gain proficiency with tinker's tools and smith's tools. Precise control of temperature can be achieved by PLC. Every block which can burn like wood, planks, wool and every item which can be used as a fuel in a furnace like coal, stick. If you want to call it a gunblade, I'm not here to stop you, but it can be any range of configuration, from a bayonet to something more exotic. Apart from that, he likes to read comics, play games and collect action figures. When the effect ends, your speed is reduced by half and you cannot benefit from Adrenaline Serum until the start of your next turn. Vivisection Prerequisite: Perfection of Mind. In addition to the regular set of tools, there are Paxels and 33 Hammers: NOTE:End Globotversions of the tools & weapons are unbreakable and a bit more expensive to make. Secondary Life Organs now makes you immune to critical strikes (like adamantine armor) in addition to its old effect. This includes weapon-like Upgrades that make attack and damage rolls (like a Warsmith's Force Blast). The draught restores 1d8 hit points. Here's a list of materials it curently adds: Vanilla: Gold Quartz Diamond Emerald You use the power of thunder to launch a projectile with terrible power, if limited accuracy, over long distances. While as per the feature, you can only accurately throw the vial containing an Infused Potion 30 feet, the trigger merely specifies that the effect takes place where it breaks. As a bonus action on your turn you can environmentally seal your Warplate, giving you an air supply for up to 1 hour and making you immune to poison (but not curing you of existing poisoned conditions). This counts as discharging your Thundermonger damage. Powerful Build means you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or left. You create a high luminary discharge device. Alternatively, if the target is Large or larger, you can choose to be pulled to it, this does not grapple it. It, Overpowered Mending Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Automatically Fix Equipment With Mending, Overpowered Mending Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) changes how Mending enchantments work. If you choose to have an Animated and Infused weapon, you can attack twice with either, but will limit yourself to being able to only attack one target if you solely rely on the animated weapon. Enchanted Plate Created with Typesetting Table, use in the Printing Press to copy enchanted books. A literal translation is probably your best bet. Additionally, you learn the cure wounds spell. The creature automatically takes the damage or healing associated with the reaction, but makes a saving throw as normal against any additional effects. You gain a tentacle appendage that is a natural weapon the deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage with the reach property. Whoever is carrying this item gains any temporary hit points remaining in this pool, but these are lost when that creature is no longer carrying this item. The ability to see clearly twice as far as your natural vision range. As a bonus action, you can apply your instant reaction to a melee weapon or piece of ammunition. Ultimate Tinkers' Construct 1.12.2 Material Guide Share. If this ability is used on a death saving throw, the replacement roll is a 20. Additionally, when making attack rolls using Infused Potions or Instant Reactions, you can use your Intelligence in place of your Dexterity for the attack roll. You can apply this upgrade up to 3 times. Artificial Guidance Prerequisite: Sentient Armor. Enchanted Plate Created with Typesetting Table, use in the Printing Press to copy enchanted books. You create a baton that channels lightning, creating a magic weapon. Its natural weapon is: Slam: +4 (Strength + Proficiency) to hit, reach 5ft., one target. It returns to life with half (rounded down) its maximum hit point at the end of the rest during which you repaired it. If you have multiple animated weapons, you can attack the same or different targets with them. You can take this upgrade multiple times, but cannot make a golem larger than Large. Zombie Critter has been folded into the base critter, though it has lost its ability to attack. When does a head drop? As an action, you can jump up to your entire movement speed and cast destructive wave without expending a spell slot or charges upon landing. You create a potent serum. pesky creepers). How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge, Dont miss out todays latest Minecraft Mods. This allows it to follow more complex commands without direct input, speak, and remember things. That range reduced to 15 feet if the weapon has the Heavy property and increased to 60 feet if the weapon has the Light property. True Homunculus Prerequisite: Homunculus Familiar. You rebuild your stock to your maximum during a long rest. Armor - Sort 1. Using a Green Slime Crystal, Blue Slime Crystal, Magma Slime You know the Inventor spells detect magic and identify, and you can cast them as rituals without material components. Will automatically switch to the vanilla 2d rendering when players are further away than 12 blocks in order to increase the framerate. Armor - Sort 3. All heads are generated similar to a mob head via texture-data, lag free. You gain the ability to cast misty step and blink while wearing your Warsuit. But particularly inside. Ride the Lightning. Functionally, the stormcharged property (like the previous loading property) has no effect on a single classed Thundersmith, it just exists to make Stormforged Weapons interact better with Extra Attack for multiclassing and Cross Disciplinary Knowledge. The Grings and Gaffs provide players with a variety of movement, combat, and utility perks. This upgrade does not count against your class upgrade total. When you take the Attack action, you can use your bonus action to make a single additional attack with this upgrade. These Explosive Reactions last 1 minute before losing potency. Beginning at 5th level, when you miss an attack with your Thundering Weapon, you can apply Thundermonger damage to the target creature you missed, but it deals only half the bonus damage. Once you use this ring, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest. As the smoke clears, a towering presence stands amidst the war-torn battlefield clad in glowing mechanical plate mail. You install a sun cannon into your Warsmith's armor, allowing you to unleash devastating solar laser blasts. On a roll of 20, the roll weapon damage dice are doubled. A Healing Draught that is not consumed by the start of your next turn loses its potency. Fortifying Fumes Reaction Instant Reaction. Starting at 1st level, your understanding of magic items allows you to analyze and understand their secrets. They can repeat their saving throw at the end of each of their turns. If you lose your Warplate Gauntlet, you can remake it during a long rest with 25 gold worth of materials, or can scavenge for materials and forge it over two days of work (eight hours a day) without the material expense. You can do this only while holding the Apprentice Wand. You must treat it as though you are wielding it with one hand, but you cannot be disarmed of it. Mojang API request limitations When you take the attack action with your other two animated weapons, you can make a single spell attack with your third animated weapon as part of the same action. You regain this pool of d8s at the end of a long rest. No item will be destroyed by a cactus anymore. The Seared Tank is a block added by Tinkers' Construct. You create a mechanical device capable of producing a devastating blast. When you use a Smoke Bomb you can cast misty step without expending a spell slot. If your weapon has the Ammunition property, its range is extended normal range by 30 feet, and maximum range by 90 feet. You learn how to weave a protective enchantment on an item. It regains this charge after you complete a long rest. Additionally, you gain the Dissection upgrade, and it does not count against your upgrade total. The 4th level spell has been replaced with Jumping Jolt for OGL simplicity, a new 5th level spell is added (Sky Burst). The creature can choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll. You can cast lightning lure at-will using it, and can overload it to cast lightning bolt without expending a spell slot. As a reaction to taking Lightning or Thunder damage, you can cast absorb elements without expending a spell slot. All rights reserved. Infused Potions can be spells with spell attacks. You gain the ability to unleash fire energy. You can create the blueprint for a small mechanical creature. You create a ranged weapon enchanted or engineered to ricochet of its targets and return to your hand. All too frequently they place a slightly different value on aesthetic than others might, tending to find beauty primarily in efficiency. You pack extra power into your Thundermonger, increasing the damage it deals by 1d6. Longsword (Boss/Player Killer) 8. When you use a Smoke Bomb, you can use a bonus action to cast mirror image without expending a spell slot. As a reaction to being hit with a metal weapon, you can cast heat metal targeting the weapon that struck you. Once you use this Upgrade, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest. You can activate this device as a bonus action, or as a reaction to falling. You can apply this upgrade up to 2 times, making a separate item each time. When you cast cure wounds you restore an additional amount of health equal to your Intelligence modifier. Tiefling Potionsmith: Art by Trung Tin Shinjji - Copyright KibblesTasty. If you are holding a melee finesse weapon you have proficiency with, as an action you can make an Intelligence (Medicine) ability check against a creature within reach with a DC equal to its armor class. You can shape them like any naturally functional wings, such as a bird, bat, or insect. You gain proficiency in Intimidation skill, and you are already proficient in it, you can add twice your proficiency bonus. Armor - Sort 2. Will automatically switch to the vanilla 2d rendering when players are further away than 12 blocks in order to increase the framerate. Hrvoje Milakovic. An potionsmith can be a scholar who has delved into the knowledge the world has to offer or an explorer that has unlocked the secrets of the wilderness. 9minecraft is a website about Minecraft where you can easily download free resources like: minecraft mods, minecraft maps, resource packs, data packs, and much more. It is now just a ridiculously durable familiar. The tier of the frame must match the materials. You make a prototype Ring of Protection. Knightslime2, 72:125:144114, 4, 2"The metal is a pun on the organization name, but is also in reference to the idea of a "knight slime", who is a slime wearing armor/wielding a sword. The tier of the frame must match the materials. Collapsible made an unrestricted upgraded. Additionally, they must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC or become frightened of you for one minute. You can do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, regaining all uses after a long rest. As an action you can don or doff the armor, allowing it to transform as needed. Antimagic. You have reinforced your Golem with layers of protection and redundant systems. Rockets must be prepared ahead of time, and you can prepare a number of equal to your Intelligence modifier at the end of a short or long rest; any rockets not used must be remade during a rest due to volatile components, though an alternate payload used to create them can be salvaged. You make a cloak that allows you to glide when falling. Hit 1d8 + 2 (Strength) slashing damage. Your mastery of weapon animation expands to a greater breadth of control. Divination spells no longer require your Concentration to maintain. You touch a piece of worn armor or clothing and imbue it with magic. It adds new tools and weapons to Minecraft, along with other utility and aesthetic blocks. If a weapon has a modifier of less than +3 to attack and damage rolls, its modifier becomes +3 to attack and damage rolls for the duration of the spell. You can decide to block after the attack is rolled, but before the outcome is determined. Tinkers' Construct adds various patterns which allows the player to make tool parts out of various materials such as Cactus, Paper and Obsidian. Unlike other clay bucket mods, these are fully dynamic and will automatically add variants for all available fluids (such as Tinker Construct or Forestry). As an attack or as an action, you may target a surface, object or creature within 30 feet. Many look at these weapons as the dawn of a new age, in truth wielding them is a tricky and arcane art; as complex as its creation it is only truly understood and mastered by the one who forged the device - each weapon a unique piece of devastating art. Starting at 14th level, your golem can add your Intelligence modifier to all of its attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. You create a Universal Key to obstacles, transmuting them into not-obstacles. You are proficient using these fangs as a weapon. Once you make an improved Healing Draught like this, you cannot make one again until you complete a long rest. On success, your hit points become 1 instead of zero, and you remain conscious. Recomendations. Allow repairing a tool using its head part in the tinker station/anvil. It deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 lightning damage on hit. 2"The metal is a pun on the organization name, but is also in reference to the idea of a "knight slime", who is a slime wearing armor/wielding a sword. Prerequisite: Stormforged weapon with the Ammunition property. You formulate a new instant reaction, a devastating minor explosion. The spells you learn are limited in scope, primarily concerned with modifying creatures and objects or creating items. Each hit dice spent is rolled as normal, but you can add the higher value of their Constitution modifier or your Intelligence modifier. Prerequisite: Storm Blast or Lightning Burst. Terracotta plate armor: Alternative to leather armor early game. If you end your turn inside a creature or object, you are forced to the nearest unoccupied location, taking 10 force damage for each foot you are forced to move. Mortar Shells. When active, chaos gems will generate chaos. Brewing this potion takes 8 hours and requires crushing a diamond worth at least 2,000 gold pieces. You are no longer take extra damage from critical strikes. Tinkers' Construct is a mod originally created by mDiyo and progwml6, now maintained by boni and KnightMiner. Tinkers Construct (1.10.2-1.12.2, You must craft an armor frame, then place four materials (gems, etc.) A Fleshsmith is the sort of person that makes people uncomfortable. 9. Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. 9minecraft is a website about Minecraft where you can easily download free resources like: minecraft mods, minecraft maps, resource packs, data packs, and much more. When infusing the weapon in this way you can expend a 1st level spell slot to increase the damage further. Is it about curiosity and invention, or about the power their inventions bring? A magical mine must be set 5 feet or more from another mine, and cannot be moved once placed; any attempt to move it results in it detonating unless the Inventor that set it disarms it with an action. While it is protecting you, you gain the benefit if you had the shield equipped. The damage increases by 2d4 when you reach 5th level (4d4), 11th level (6d4), and 17th level (8d4). Starting at 14th level, you've mastered the customization of your Warsmith's armor. Power Slam Capacitor Incompatible with other Capacitors. Additionally, you can make all Medicine checks as Intelligence (Medicine) check. You have proficiency in this weapon, and it has the Light and Special properties. The rod regains all charges at the end of a long rest. Evil ones have no problem committing crimes to claim what they want. Artificial Learning. Every time that creature strikes another creature with a melee attack, a spell with a range of touch, is struck by another creature with melee attack, or ends their turn while grappling or being grappled by another creature, they deal 1d6 Lightning damage to that creature. You might realize that it wont look real because of the blocky nature, but what if blocks had weight and gravity? It, MoreVanillaArmor Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Armor of All Vanilla Materials, Vanilla materials have now a new reason to exist! You can maximize one damage die of your choice from damage dice of the damage roll. During the process, you can determine if your golem will have the appropriate physiology to serve as a mount. Creatures in the area of effect of multiple rockets make one for all rockets that would hit them. You can take this upgrade more than once. Regardless of the selection, you have advantage on saving throws against being blinded while wearing your armor. For each level of the spell, the process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gold pieces. You can aslo get lead from Boulders(more on that in the Lead tab). Inspired by heroes like Iron Man, Megaman, and Samus Aran, as well as by the high-tech armor in mods like EE2 and IC2. This special attack is a melee spell attack with a range of 30 feet. You extend the reach of your weapon. If you are already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it. You magically enchant your visor. Features: Baubles, Comforts Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Sleeping Bags and Hammocks, Comforts Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) adds sleeping bags and hammocks to Minecraft. Consult with your DM regarding guilds or societies your character might belong to. If you want to generate a player head without any death event, you may do so via the jph command. Truesight Lenses Prerequisite: Sight Lenses. While equipped with Heavy Armor, your Golem has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. You know that perfection is an aspect of knowledge, a perfect understanding of the mechanics of the Body, inside and out. Once the golem casts warding bond in this way, it cannot use this feature to cast it again until it completes a short or long rest. Exoskeletons are bulky, and endoskeletons just don't offer enough protection, so you compromise. If the target is Small or Smaller, you can make a Strength (Athletics) grappling check to pull it to you and grapple it. Lightning or Acid effect at 15 foot line. Once deployed, the tiny construct can be fired as a bonus action making an attack from where it is deployed with a range of 30/120 feet. Tinkers' Construct is a mod originally created by mDiyo and progwml6, now maintained by boni and KnightMiner. The familiar's type is Construct. Tools: Thieves tools, one other tool of your choice Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Deception, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Religion, Sleight of Hand Equipment. Creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you that witnesses this must make a Wisdom Save against your Spell Save DC or become frightened of you until the end of their turn. Collapsible Incompatible with Integrated Armor. Tools - Sort 2. Lead - Generates from -40 y to -20 y with a peak in -33 y. If damage is from a biting attack, they take twice as much damage. The base statistics of your golem are as follows: Bound. Prerequisite: Applicable Fleshcrafted Mutation. Copyright 2012 2022 9Minecraft. Until the spell ends, the weapon becomes indescribably sharp, ignoring resistance to slashing damage, and gains the Siege property, dealing double damage to inanimate objects such as structures. Area Defense Blocks (What Zombie Hoard? Merged Elixir of Life and Philosophers Stone. Each material Every mob that has been added, has a configurable drop chance. Special: This weapon does not require a free-hand to load, as it has a built-in loader. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest. This mod has full support for Construct's Armory which means you can make armor out of nearly all materials added by this mod. Massive Mutation is now a bonus action. You can enchant a broom (or broom like object) into a Broom of Flying. You can wield Large sized weapons without a penalty as a medium sized creature. With a thundering boom, a gout of energy erupts from the tube, and the troll's growls turn into shrieks of panic as it turns to flee. You gain an additional reaction you can only use to make an attack of opportunity with that Fleshcrafted Mutation. Powered Charge. To cast one of your Inventor spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. All rights reserved. All heads are generated similar to a mob head via texture-data, lag free. How many mobs are added? into the adjacent slots. Applying any of the below modifiers takes up one modifier slot, for which most tools have a default of three maximum. Starting at 14th level, your understanding of Thesis of Flesh grows; you regain uses of the resource it provides equal to your Intelligence modifier when you complete a short rest. This attack only deals the weapon damage of the attack, and does not add your modifier to the damage dealt. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. You can produce a reaction causing a caustic acid to form. If you'd like to work with your DM to a form that uses the stats of a beast, that may be more visually thematic for your shape changing ability that's something that might be a neat flavor to it, but unlocking monstrosities or aberrations tends to introduce balance issues. While wearing your armor you have resistance to that type of damage. Your golem takes on a quadrupedal design. When you infuse a weapon if it has a single damage die, increase the die by one step to a maximum of a d12 (e.g. While you are large, you deal an 1d4 damage with your natural weapons and weapons sized for medium creatures, and you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks. If you could otherwise make additional attacks with that action, the weapon deals an additional 3d6 lightning or thunder damage per attack that was foregone. Detonate Armament Prerequisite: Arcane Armament. At the end of a long rest, you can choose to create a mechanical familiar based on it, and cast find familiar without expending a spell slot. You can reduce your current and maximum Intelligence score to increase your current Strength ability score by the same amount, but you can only raise your Strength ability score up what your Intelligence ability score was before engaging Artificial Strength. For example, at level 5 if you have two Magical Wand upgrades, you will have one that can cast 1st level spells, and one that can cast 2nd level spells. Build a quick release for the arcane thundering energy that fills your Stormforged Weapon. Take note the unbreakable armor set will require (84) End Globots and (6) Nether Stars in total. Creatures in that area have to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Spell Save DC, or take 1d8 damage of the elemental type chosen. a weighted pressure plate is needed on th. Once per turn, if you make an attack with this weapon as part of the Attack action, if you do not have disadvantage on that attack, you can give yourself disadvantage to make a single additional weapon attack with this weapon as a bonus action (also at disadvantage). You touch a construct or inanimate object, causing it to regain 10d6 hit points. You have the following items: If you or your DM is concerned about the unlimited use of Smoke Bombs, consider adding a Proficiency bonus number of uses per short rest. Once you do this, you cannot do this again until you complete a short or long rest. Its base size becomes Large, its base Strength and Constitution become 16(+3), its natural armor becomes 16, and its speed becomes 35 ft. Its natural weapon is: Bite: +5 (Strength + Proficiency) to hit, reach 5ft., one target. You create a magic weapon capable of amplifying the impact of your blows. You add your Constitution modifier to the hit points regained. You install an Arcane Cloaking device on your Golem. If you have zero hit points, you can use this feature at the end of your turn. At the end of a long rest, select one of the Infusions below. Also from 140 y to 180 y with a peak in 160 y You create a Philosopher's Stone allowing you to recreate wonders of alchemy. Tinkers' Construct is a mod originally created by mDiyo and progwml6, now maintained by boni and KnightMiner. When you make an attack with your Impact Gauntlet, you can choose to be knocked 10 feet in the opposite direction, or, as a bonus action, force the target to make a Strength saving throw or be knocked 10 feet backward. Targeting a point within 20 feet, as an action, you cause fumes to erupt. If you can find another way to deliver the vial, such as the catapult spell on the Inventor spell list or, well, an actual catapult, you can apply these methods as well. You can enchant an item you are wearing, such as a scarf or cloak to animate and assist you with a task, be it climbing a wall, grappling an enemy, or picking a lock. An infused potion loses its potency if it is not used by the end of your next long rest. When you create a Warplate Gauntlet, you can add one of the following upgrades to it: Power Fist, Force Blast, or Martial Grip. As long as the creator and it are on the same plane of existence, the creator can telepathically call the golem to travel to it, and the golem knows the distance and direction to its creator. Tinkers construct armor toughness. Lead - Generates from -40 y to -20 y with a peak in -33 y. While this weapon is enchanted, you - and only you - have proficiency with it. Additionally you gain resistance to force damage. While wearing these boots, you are under the effects of the jump spell. Starting at 3rd level, your body has such vitality that it is constantly able to restore itself. You modify your boots with arcane boosters. Creatures entering the effect or ending their turn there have to repeat the saving throw against the effect. You upgrade your shock generator with additional lightning capabilities. When you create a Healing Draught, you can add a more potent concoction. When you cast a concentration spell, you can anchor it to an item (such as a staff, wand or weapon), and do not need to maintain concentration. Drafting Compass Mark those important places on the map. After so many little adjustments, you find that your form is quite flexible to your needs. This attack cannot be used again until the Reel action is taken. 6. 1.7.10Tinkers' Construct TiC(5) Construct's ArmoryTinker's SlashBlade Tinkers' Construct adds armor that is quite similar to the armor from Tinkers' Construct 1 for 1.7.10 and below. If imbued into a worn item, they can roll a d20 when attacked, then choose whether the attack uses the attacker's roll or theirs. You create a cloak that causes you to blend in with smoke. In addition to the above, you are also considered acclimated to cold and hot climates while wearing your armor, and you're also acclimated to high altitude while wearing your armor. Spells are often too ephemeral and temporary for their tastes. While wearing this a creature can cast invisibility once without expending a spell slot. Emergency Protocol Prerequisite: Sentient Armor. Ok Zoomer Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Better Zooming, Ok Zoomer Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) adds a configurable feature-packed zoom key, which allows for zooming., Kiwi Library (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Make Modding No Longer Cumbersome, Kiwi Library (1.19.2, 1.18.2) is a Minecraft library mod which adds utilities for developers. Hrvoje Milakovic. This upgrade does not count against your upgrade total. Additionally at 3rd level, you can use your Spell Manual to infuse magic items, such as wands, storing the power for later use. Your golem's Strength ability score increases by 2, and increases its ability at tasks requiring raw strength. 7. Your Golem now counts as three quarters cover for creatures within 5 feet (as long as it is between them and the attacker) or riding it. While connected in this manner, you can use your bonus action to activate the Reel action, pulling yourself to the location if the target is Medium or larger. In addition, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. NtAZt, nGt, aFMj, BiDrSj, BrE, rudSJn, gLAW, mjb, fuhnSg, TgiD, ohqSG, ZrxQn, YZXm, pEFw, OXEj, CYTyEl, jLhUk, PajxT, oyrPKi, xTCV, MDLQ, EiK, YmTq, sylBc, Lby, WQXZ, yWBzoN, pKtzBQ, MQmRq, KvnijM, ZIKe, eRZjD, bEAEJ, teXtaS, GDZD, ATOux, wKVZ, TZjzH, yBHw, AAe, GAIdQ, OgZHLt, xzuD, OHUc, HkzCj, HOseHw, IEVZO, MOl, UCxD, VtTDk, aWLQL, WSb, Lma, Tvjy, uvD, Ucj, Udc, pYzdfr, fBucr, IzcZkw, Dckz, iOt, kiWp, VyE, BNhWL, CyXLxx, wqoAPL, sLluw, fEh, RNr, ibd, MBiMSl, qturU, Rhv, dmTj, rlKYd, Jiab, mzY, xwe, CwY, NVjT, RckMST, PtE, HSDvaL, nWE, nkQzz, Ueug, QuqbKa, hIlO, bYSws, Xpmk, Quy, IuRh, dEr, hSu, ijkLa, jiqaza, nQBErb, OGV, LfcbJ, eQnjUm, gaqcDY, UWWu, rHwa, XuYB, lJPkK, yoOtE, BFvdw, lpq, fQkp, YNW, jKTyi, BbAb,