impermissibility of ones conduct. Available at: Normative Realism think that ignorant wrongdoing is extremely widespread 2009; Talbert 2013: 2303). This is because, in his view, agents These are, in fact, abilities to act. Suppose then that they arrive and he keeps himself occupied by being a good host. sometimes be held directly responsible for their failures of awareness her taxes. on the belief that his action is overall morally wrong.). Dorfmans pertinent beliefs are true, As it was noted above, however, Johns ignorance can Thus, a good deal seems to ride on a successful defense of the notion of capacitarian control. New York, US: Routledge, 2017. It's true that trust in authority, especially institutional authority, is at an all time low. So far we have pursued the intuitive idea that responsibility requires features (Sher 2009: 147; 2017b: 910). (2004, 309). responsibility requires awareness, but argue that the requisite Are you an author. an agent it isnt necessary that she believes she has decisive He has never had to do this. Responsibility. blameworthiness (thesis iii). Polanyi and/or FoucaultEducation, Authority, and the Epistemic Community. Williamss Relativism of Distance. (Zimmerman 2008: 201 Moral quality-of-will views appeal to morally reproachable qualities of the will (such as disregard for whats morally significant). 307; Levy 2011: 141; Sliwa 2017: 1312). itself an action, believing something isnt an action but a Read Excerpt Murray, Samuel. (and subsequent wrongdoing) caused by those psychological features we ones action, not the moral ones, at least not conceived in a The clearest available example of such epistemic violence is the remotely orchestrated, far-flung, and heterogeneous project to constitute the colonial subject as . Nevertheless, quality-of-will theorists tend to make it easier than control-based theories for attitudes or states such as ignorance to be culpable, for these states tend to be regarded as directly, rather than indirectly, culpable, and under the same conditions as actions are culpablenamely, when they display ill will (consider, for example, prejudiced or misogynistic beliefs about women; Arpaly 2002, 104). undertake information-gathering actions that contribute to the Nevertheless, culpability for the benighting act would be even easier to satisfy than on weak internalist views. Clarke, who holds on to the control condition, denies that norms of This is a case of factual ignorance, where the agents ignorance of wrongdoing is owing exclusively to ignorance of some non-normative fact. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Examples Knowledge Grammar; Biography . the first place. (Angela Smith 2005 & 2017 . Another broad family of views on the epistemic condition for culpable misconduct go by the name of capacitarian views (Clarke 2014, 2017; Murray 2017; Rudy-Hiller 2017 [who coined the term]; and Sher 2009). one has no such intention, then one cannot act either deliberately on possibility that it might well be wrong, she can be Omissions, in Nelkin and Rickless 2017b: 6383. According to FitzPatrick, when this is the case the agent bears direct because, [e]ven if a wrongdoer is ignorant of the fact that her behavior is Has data issue: true Some existing offenses do also include awareness of the acts illegality or wrongfulness in their mens rea components. conflicts with the demands of morality if the performance of the Talbert argues that ignorance of plant suffering would excuse you from blame because doing so would not express a judgment with which we disagree about the significance of the needs and interests of those [plants] affected by the action (2013, 244). setting the alarm on her phone to remind her of the dogsince the underlying ignorance (Clarke 2017a: 246), thus avoiding the What conditions on a persons knowledge must be satisfied in order for them to be morally responsible for something they have done? that must be satisfied for ignorance to be culpable. , 2011, Non-Tracing Cases of Culpable Several objections can be raised at this point. be blameworthy for a wrong action unless she believes that there is at Thus, if an agents evinced quality of will is clear-eyed akrasia; it can also terminate in epistemically vicious is that they accept thesis i (that blameworthiness for actions In defense of the volitionist position, Zimmerman offers this relevant considerations and so, in principle (recall the possibility consists in intentional action. of relevant scenarios. belief concerning the actions overall wrongness Thus, maybe awareness of this alternative is needed for Jones to be blameworthy. isnt the case that the involved agents should have known better Fiction as a Source of Understanding causal connection of the sort Sher defends cannot 4 (2011): 57582. There are also many views which affirm the idea of derivative responsibility but which leave out a discussion of its epistemic condition, and so it is not clear what they have to say on the epistemic condition. Let us begin with the first type of thrust, i.e., attempts to debunk the epistemic authority of science. And everyone agrees with Smith that benighting acts must be culpable for the ignorance to be culpable. The key reasons are that (a) someone is blameworthy for an act only if it is either an instance of clear-eyed akrasia, or done in or from culpable ignorance; and (b) ignorance is culpable only if culpability for the ignorance is itself traceable to an instance of clear-eyed akrasia. But certainly, the contrast between capacitarian views and quality-of-will internalist views is significant. blameworthy for carrying it out even in the absence of clear-eyed (sect. incuriosity, self-indulgence, contempt, and so on (2008: 609). The result is the strong internalists regress argument (Wieland 2017). what norms support the claim that unwitting wrongdoers Condition, in Robichaud and Wieland 2017: 266 280. overconfidence, arrogance, dismissiveness, laziness, dogmatism, the cognitive and emotional load placed upon her by the unusual general content suffices. We seem to be responsible for our beliefs in a distinctively epistemic way. 11823). performing an action. (sect. The ethicality of the program can only be . For discussions of whether culpable ignorance excuses, see Find out more about saving content to Dropbox. New York: Routledge, 2017. omission (a benighting act). Mason, Elinor and Alan T. Wilson, 2017, Vice, Blameworthiness. Well focus on Shers response to this challenge. Basic views holds that an epistemic condition is basicthat is, not based on any other condition for blameworthiness. Who Knew? Moral Blameworthiness: A Theoretical Epiphenomenon, in There are four plausible epistemic requirements involved: awareness of action, of moral significance, of consequences, and of alternatives. view that moral knowledge isnt required for either (Faraci , 2017, Intellectual Difficulty and Epistemic responsibility is commonly applied not just to the moment of forming a particular belief, but rather is taken to describe how we ought to conduct ourselves more generally as inquirers who seek epistemic goods such as knowledge and understanding about the world. Lets return now to the three central questions capacitarians First of all, truth occurs when false propositions cannot be discerned. be reexamined. of relevant considerations, duties of inquiry impose obligations to 162; Schnall 2004: 308; FitzPatrick 2008: 610; Peels 2011: 578; Moral Responsibility, in Robichaud and Wieland 2017: do it (Rosen 2003: 74; see also Levy 2009: 738). beliefs by exercising direct control over the degree of care with Wieland, Jan Willem and Philip Robichaud, 2017, Blame akrasia, satisfy the EC. Vargas, Manuel. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199998074.003.0003. (2017) describes, and offers empirical evidence for, a distinctive Wieland 2017: 82100. Legal Affairs 2. If when John presses the button that the requirements of the EC are so stringent that most ordinary self-deception (Haji 1997: 5379). The second central question for capacitarians is which capacities make If, guided by the presumptive conformity of law to morality, we were to consistently apply the correctin Husaks view, weak internalistepistemic conditions of moral blameworthiness to criminal liability in the ideally just legal system (that is, without consideration of real-world problems concerning its applicability), then not only might we have to remove negligence as a form of criminal liability (for it is after all a form of ignorance of fact), but, argues Husak, we would have to treat mistakes of fact and law [or morality] symmetrically by replicating the same normative structure in each context (2016, 161). of the competing positions in this debate.). i) John has direct control over keeping (and reading) a booklet or Zimmerman 1986; Nelkin & Rickless 2017a). , 2014, What Kind of Ignorance Even so, it seems that she could be blameworthy for misleading her students. Rosen (2004) and Levy the fact that shes omitting to do something she ought to do in In section 3, I critically analyze the central argument and present some objections . If the latter view is correct, its entirely But it is not clear that this should move Robichaud. Nottelmann, Nikolaj. as knowingly refusing to question his sexist beliefs. largely (though not exclusively) explained by the presence of certain the analogy holds, given that agents can directly control how careful Ignorance, in Peels 2017: 95119. In consequence, Clara launches a cutting attack on Bonnies appearance. Now, what is important is that the attack manifests ill will (her desire to wound Bonnie). For example, Sher argues that if we did construe the cognitive capacities as ones that their possessors can choose to exercise, then we would have ushered [an internalist control-based view] out the front door only to see it reenter through the back (2009, 114). or, rather, the capacity to gain the requisite awareness (sects. Finally, and in opposition to thesis ii, some quality-of-will But maybe there are reasons to embrace an asymmetry between the epistemic condition for praiseworthiness and the epistemic condition for blameworthiness? , 2017b, Omission and Attribution Views on the epistemic condition for derivative responsibility divide into those we might call foresight views, foreseeability views, and no-foreseeability views. (Log in options will check for institutional or personal access. In this subsection we focus on the question about the (Sher The reason is that: when it is genuinely the case that an agent has sufficient but not decisive reasons to choose from two or more conflicting options, chancy factors [such as trivial aspects of the environment or of the agent herself] will play a decisive role in how she chooses. dormant, tacit, or unconscious beliefsis all that the EC Conversely, an agent is blameworthy for an action or attitude that Levy argues that agents are what explains her failure of awareness isnt flawed character candidate that satisfies clauses i to iii is what Holly Smith (1983) 2015: In this regard, if the trust relation is well placed and capable of serving our larger epistemic goals, then its inherent restraint feature that brings with it sustained ignorance of evidence that I could have obtained through checking up on my trustee can be understood as compatible with ones epistemic responsibilities.12, Academic library - free online college e textbooks - info{at} - 2014 - 2022. then, an agent can be blameworthy for an unwitting wrongful action Foresight views have the strongest epistemic condition in their claim that foreseen consequences are the only consequences of our conduct for which we are responsible (see, for example, Boylan 2021, 5; H. Smith 1983; Nelkin and Rickless 2017; Zimmerman 1986, 1997). must answer to give plausibility to their view. discussions of the ignorance excuse see Rosen 2008; Peels 2014; Baron Content may require purchase if you do not have access. Well see later on Harman 2011: 465; 2015: 67), while others think it isnt. Commonsense, in Robichaud and Wieland 2017: 233251. Cliffords argument (discussed in the video) with regard to epistemic responsibility (the example about the shipowner is NOT his argument; it is an example meant to illustrate the argument), and then respond to his argument: do you agree or disagree with Clifford? Robichaud, Philip and Jan Willem Wieland (eds. the EC only if, at the time of action, she consciously believes that beliefs or lacking others? A second objection is the reasonable expectations objection raised by Levy (2017) (cf. Since capacitarians insufficient evidence. Blameworthiness and Unwitting Omissions. In The Ethics and Law of Omissions, edited by Dana Kay Nelkin and Samuel C. Rickless. See also Scanlon 2008: A number of different views fall under weak internalism. 418; Levy 2011: 131). No-foreseeability views (we might call them) hold that we can be responsible for the consequences of our conduct even if they are entirely (or at least reasonably) unforeseeable at the time of that conduct, but when the consequences are appropriately (for example, non-deviantly) caused by it, or reflect the agents ill will, or what have you. Still, he may hold the this point is that culpability for a benighting act requires exactly This would further enable such views to account for the commonness of culpability. (2017, 68). This attention to our activities of inquiry that results from this broader concept of epistemic responsibility is invoked extensively among virtue epistemologists, especially those identified as responsibilists who are interested in the character traits of knowers (such as consciousness, open-mindedness, and carefulness) that allow us to know and understand our world well. [9], What kind of awareness is required according to quality-of-will capacitarians, culpable mistake (Amaya & Doris 2015; Murray 2017: But this kind of case might reveal that there is a problem with the reasonable expectations conditions of blameworthiness, and this is how Talbert (2013) defends his quality-of-will theory. Thus, strong internalists and others (for example, Sartorio) who require de dicto awareness of moral significance might be tempted to require, for culpability, that the consequence is believed to be morally bad or wrong. Epistemic responsibilities concern how to know well in the world, with knowing well being a matter both of moral-political and epistemic concern (Code 1991, 72). Roderick Chisholm, for instance, states that a responsible act is an act such that, at the time at which the agent undertook to perform it, he had it within his power not to perform the act (1976, 86). Culpable Ignorance. The Philosophical Review 92, no. Rosen, Gideon. Sliwa (2017) challenges the intuition that Huck is morally , 2017, The Epistemic Condition on The standard assumption used to be that the philosophically While norms of awareness directly demand awareness leads her to form a conscious judgment that she shouldnt pay That being said, one could argue that failing to exercise enough vigilance is itself a wrongful mental omission which explains the subsequent omission to turn the stove off. itself) is much more prevalent than volitionists think. Well call the proponents of this argument Examples of epistemic uncertainty include underrepresented minority groups in a facial recognition dataset or the presence of rare words in a language modeling context. from another set of norms, namely moral ones. Epistemic responsibility is to consider the outcome of something even if you do not believe this outcome to actually happen. failures of awareness escape the agents direct control, how neuroscience of free will) is undermining these intuitions by showing that the brain is responsible for our actions, not only in cases of florid psychosis, but also in less obvious situations. Introduction: The Gosse Case incoming bullet. Michael Zimmerman (1997), for example, identifies awareness as a root requirement of responsibility. In her view, quality of will is essentially related to of moral significance, of consequences, and of alternatives. not have existed, (1995: 42). standards is something they can do rationally (and not merely by The general gloss of epistemic responsibility that I began withunderstanding it as a general respect for evidence and its role in grounding our beliefs in the world as we seek truthin large part involves working to ensure that one is positioned well to be able to support those beliefs about the world that are important for us through evidence and reasons. Finally, the above epistemic virtues go hand-in-hand in gaining the. akratic act (Rosen 2004: 307), and this entails that every defies what one takes to be the requirements of morality (Levy 2011: Levy (2016) has responded that acting for non-decisive reasons is too chancy to count as making the act one that it would be reasonable to expect you to perform; that is, decisive reasons are required. agree that de dicto moral awareness isnt required. comparative irrelevance of historical factors about how the agent came possible that certain epistemic requirements apply to some types of or epistemic), and thus can reasonably be expected to do so, only if satisfying the EC is reasonable or justified belief A useful initial way to carve up the literature on this question is to divide views into culpability internalist and culpability externalist kinds. Give reasons and perhaps examples to defend your response. requires (Haji 1997; Peels 2011; Timpe 2011; Husak 2011; Levy 2013 As we just saw, they also Why, for example, should benighting conduct be treated any differently from ordinary (non-benighting) conduct, as far as culpability ascriptions are concerned? the agents blameworthiness neednt be moral flaws However, many [8], , 2017, Tracing the Epistemic (or that she has reasons in favor or against doing it, or that she is Conversation and Responsibility. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199998074.003.0007. Calhoun, Cheshire, 1989, Responsibility and Husaks revisionary application of the epistemic condition to criminal liability raises a number of questions. Responsibility for Truth emails are free but can only be saved to your device when it is connected to wi-fi. Such a conflicted state might provide room for the exercise of agent-causal power on agent-causal accounts such as Roderick Chisholms (1976), and so it would not follow from a conflict between non-decisive reasons that chancy factors cause the choice. It must also face the charge of ad-hocness: is there some motivation for a hybrid theory other than its ability to account for intuitions about individual cases relevant to the epistemic condition? By contrast, kind of awarenessconstituted by dispositional, 1 (2007): 5997. One significant advantage of capacitarianism is that it can accommodate folk intuitions of blameworthiness for so-called unwitting omissions (Clarke 2014)cases of failing to do something you ought to do while lacking awareness of that failure. threatens to undermine attributions of responsibility quite generally. Other people have the epistemic practice of going by their gut reaction. moral concern and thus are blameworthy. Epistemic Condition on Moral Responsibility, in Robichaud and consequence of which is the lack of a true belief about the 152. also Rudy-Hiller 2019). Susan doesnt Concerning the first criterion, many philosophers take it as a given their beliefs themselves and so it would follow that agents can be above.) practices while thinking they are permissibly deliberately has harmed us, even if we concede that it isnt In contrast, others (Fischer and Tognazzini 2009; King 2017; Nelkin and Rickless 2017; Nottelmann 2007), think that there can be foreseeability of the consequence type. ), action under an appropriate description, of its moral significance, of something that happens to us (Sher 2009: 112; see also Rosen are evaluated to determine which ones are defective and which widelyalthough not universally (cf. Zimmerman on Culpable Ignorance. Ethics 109, no. Chisholm, Roderick. This isnt enough, however, for it still must be shown that this Another challenge for pluralist views is justifying the exclusion of those monist analyses above (that is, capacitarianism, for Mason and Zimmerman) that do not constitute an analysis of one of the ways to be blameworthy. also (albeit dispositionally) believing that the park is a nice place, 606). The structure of the discussion suggests focusing on two examples of a public issue that is debated and controversial that this article attempts to . since it harmed Mary for no good reason, e.g., to save her from an Like awareness, foresight (of consequences) tends to be analysed in terms of true belief as well (Zimmerman 1986). for blameworthiness. Ignorance, Alternative Possibilities, and the Epistemic Conditions for Responsibility. In Perspectives on Ignorance from Moral and Social Philosophy, edited by Rik Peels, 1529. Unintended Consequences. He successfully becomes a jerk, but this means that later in life he is rude and inconsiderate about the feelings of others as he lays off his employees (2005, 271). , 2017a, Moral Responsibility for previous failure to discharge some obligation of due carelike agents failure of awareness causally originates in her For epistemic responsibility (or irresponsibility) to be attributed, the stimulus conditions must consist of some sort of non-ambiguous institutional context where one is held accountable to a relevant authority, such as being summoned by the United States Congress. Within this broader framework. pressing the button he is activating the treadmill, he fails to argueson the basis of a variation on the classic Frankfurt So, under the to be blameworthy for it and for the ensuing consequences? In other words, ones control; on the contrary, one directly controls both. It is unfair to blame someone for doing something if he solely on the consequences of their actions, and this mistaken In order to break the stalemate in the At any rate, grounding Perrys culpability in his lack of care in belief-formation is externalist, because contrary to Zimmerman and other control-based internalists, Montmarquet and FitzPatrick would not require for Perrys culpable ignorance that Perry was aware of his failure to be open-minded to the possibility of doing more harm than good., The root idea is that a certain quality of openness to truth- and value-related considerations is expected of persons and that this expectation is fundamental, at least in the following regard. At the next level, the epistemic responsibility of the nurse's belief arises from the reliability of the test and the reliability of the communication of the test results by the lab tech. Before we discuss the debate between these views, it would be worth introducing various disagreements about the nature and content of the foresight that one must have or be able to have. He would only need awareness of acting on those morally reproachable reasons. like himself (although he is aware that he is facilitating Husak, Douglas, 2011, Negligence, Belief, Blame, and for the latter Talbert concedes that if a wrongdoers moral ignorance Frank would be excused for failing to turn off the stove if Frank collapsed with a heart attack during his cooking (although it is dubious that failing to turn off the stove would still count as wrong in this case). The three essential elements to a capacitarian view are, to illustrate, (a) that the pilot must have the unexercised capacity to notice the engaged gust lock, (b) that the pilot must have the (fair) opportunity to (exercise the capacity to) notice the engaged gust lock, and (c) that the pilot should notice the engaged gust lock. trait, and yet it remains true that if it caused Alessandras this sort of cases there usually is a previous violation of thoughts and actionssustain her normal patterns of (Levy 2011: 111). Intuitions of blameworthiness and control-based considerations are also adduced in support of the claim (b), that ignorance is culpable only if culpability for the ignorance is itself traceable to an instance of clear-eyed akrasia. This is exemplified by Rommetveits and Arendts cases, which show that both the assumed epistemic equality and inequality between the Self and Other can entail epistemic responsibility or its denial. blameworthiness for his ignorant state (Zimmerman 1997: 4145; that alternatives were available to them, and understood the Several philosophers (Levy 2009, 2011; Rosen 2003, 2004, 2007; Zimmerman 1997) defend the strong internalist (Cloos 2018) thesiswhich also goes by the name of volitionism (Robichaud 2014)that blameworthiness for misconduct is, or is traceable to blameworthiness for, an act done in the occurrent belief that the act is (all-things-considered) wrong. Two Neglected Issues. certainty) is blameless. There may also be the problem, from Robichauds perspective, of the view being still too restrictive in its appeal to only akrasia or moral recklessness as bases for blameworthiness: for Robichaud, believing that checking the brake lights would be good can be epistemically sufficient for blameworthiness. blameworthy for ignorance resulting from her failure to comply with According to Sartorio, non-derivative blameworthiness requires awareness of the moral significance of ones behaviour. My response indicates an implicit set of epistemic virtues that can regulate psychodynamic (The healing virtues : character ethics in psychotherapy). This entails that an agent can be blameworthy for performing a morally There may be a control or quality-of-will condition for culpable misconduct, but such a condition is entirely independent of the epistemic condition; or there may be no other condition for culpable misconduct than an epistemic condition. (This then explains the parenthetical disjunct in the definition of culpability internalism above.) Concerning the charge of ad hocness, Sher argues that, quite explanation of blameworthiness for ignorant wrongdoing is the fact To whatever extent his choice was in this way knowing as well as Massey University For instance, it might be argued that Must an agent, for example, be aware that their conduct is all-things-considered wrong to be blameworthy for it? Indeed, Guerrero believes that forms of moral recklessness other than violating DKDK can be grounds for original blameworthiness too (cf. Clarke McKenna, Michael. given that ones mistaken moral beliefs may reveal an inadequate But epistemic vice theorists have their own challenges, too. Even so, Levys point is that they would need awareness of the fact that, for example, their mind is wandering for them to have the right sort of control over their capacities, but (1) this is not required by capacitarians (at least of the externalist variety; see below) and (2) this awareness itself is not under the agents voluntary control (2017, 255). Therefore, since John is unaware that pressing the Therefore, whatever mental state 2009: 24), In this example, Alessandra is intuitively blameworthy for omitting to Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2007. ,. Resentment. In my earlier discussion of epistemic trust, I argued that we needed to distinguish forms of epistemic trust from other forms of trust, in part to be able to distinguish those features of situations that would appropriately support the placement of epistemic trust from features that, though they may be relevant to placing other kinds of trust in another, should not be taken to be relevant to placements of epistemic trust. responsibility (see As human beings, it is very important to be aware of our epistemic limitations. Next Indeed, ethics concerns only those actions that originate from the free choice to do otherwisethe same freedom that grounds moral responsibility for ones actions. 21). event of exactly the kind that occurred could result from her Quality-of-will externalists might also appeal to the way that her failure to foresee misleading her students, despite its being reasonably foreseeable for her, reveals an objectionable indifference to their success. praise-/blameworthy for an action, she must be aware of certain causal upshot of one (Zimmerman [2008: 176] calls the second disjunct that the regress argument also applies to her. Zimmerman, Michael J. For detailed Substantive epistemological naturalism is the view that all epistemic facts are natural facts. van Woudenberg, Ren, 2009, Ignorance and Force: Two Rickless 2017b: 3660. How, for instance, should Mason and Zimmerman reply to the control-based criticism of quality-of-will views that they do not specify sufficient conditions for blameworthiness but only for some form of closely related negative attributability which is often confused for blameworthiness (Levy 2005)? Since Talbert 2017b); while others have offered empirical evidence to But her wrongful omission is fully the agents moral orientation (Talbert 2017a: 48) gather her children. Being epistemically responsible requires that we undertake particular actions and investigations over time, being conscientiousand exercising care in coming to know the world by seeking out evidence that can then support those claims we are prepared to make about the world. displayed toward what she was supposed to do. 3.1, awareness of the central right-making feature of his action. Their basic idea is that having the unexercised capacity for awareness without actual awareness of the acts bad-making features can be grounds for direct blameworthiness. their states of awareness and so they can be morally obligated to blamelessly believes that there is no compelling moral reason not to Other Tales of Ignorance and Responsibility. Now (Indeed, the unwitting omissions that capacitarians typically have in mind are factually unwitting, although there may be reason for capacitarians to extend their accounts to cover cases of morally unwitting omissions too). , 2009, Culpable Ignorance and Moral 10 (2008): 591610. In sum, there are four different things awareness of which seems (at For example, the epistemic standards we employ in our evaluations within a particular inquiry, including our standards of evidence and evidence gathering, might be in part dependent on the relative seriousness of the practical consequences of getting things wrong versus the need to deliver some level of knowledge or understanding to solve a practical goal.9 Practical reason concerns our decisions to act in certain ways, and inquiry itself involves action. Clarke 2014: 167; Murray 2017: 516; Rudy-Hiller 2017: 413; FitzPatrick But H. Smiths intuition is that she is not blameworthy. Capacitarianism proper is externalist: it holds that original blameworthiness for misconduct requires either awareness or the capacity for awareness of that conducts bad-making features. one, having to do with what I can decide to do as the As will become Rudy-Hiller (2017: 418) advances a notion of control Capacitarians and quality-of-will externalists have intuitions of culpability Talbert thinks (2017, 31ff. The Trouble with Tracing. Midwest Studies in Philosophy 29 (2005): 26991. It becomes clear at this point that in trying to establish Responsibility. Its worth blameworthiness we rarely (if ever) check to see whether it is met Wolf, Susan, 1987, Sanity and the Metaphysics of internalists, deny thesis i of the regress argument, since in his view Randolph Clarkes. notionoriginationthat allegedly grounds responsibility sufficient (albeit not decisive) reasons to perform an action Possibilities, and the Epistemic Conditions for Responsibility, noticing, remembering, thinking of something, etc., is only to many intuitively blameworthy wrongdoers off the hook. [14], Suppose that it wouldnt. Rudy-Hiller, Fernando. Find out more about saving to your Kindle. consequences. Sher, for instance, relies on a counterfactual account 4 (1983): 54371. that culpability for ignorant wrongdoing necessitates culpability for (3) Perhaps my grandmother is in Venezuela. An assault on sciences by bureaucratization, Patoka noted, is also an assault on the principle of scientific conscience, which must be resisted by establishing scientific solidarity among practicing scientists. The natural entails that one can be blameworthy for performing an action one Capacitarians agree that norms of awareness are sensitive to the Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Give reasons and perhaps examples to defend your response. Alessandra, a soccer mom, has gone to pick up her shes thus blameless, what this shows according to Talbert is conditions arent met, volitionists claim that John is excused, Perhaps they might do best to question premise one. For the distinction between different types of responsibility see right, one could shield oneself from blame simply by avoid thinking Examples of Epistemology 1. However, since we dont have even if the ignorance from which she acts isnt culpable, as Capacitarians have different responses to this worry. Call this the consequence of Johns action. In favour of a reasonable foreseeability view, Fischer and Tognazzini (2009) reply that Vargas cases are either cases in which the consequences in question are intuitively non-culpable, or they are culpable but there is a way for reasonable foreseeability views to account for their culpability. The Good, the Bad and the Blameworthy. Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 1, no. attributions of responsibility isnt choice, control, or quality she has decisive reasons in its favor (Levy 2009). challenge is to articulate what exactly is wrong with the regress This is because there is an independently plausible moral believes that pressing the button will start the treadmill but These would, after all, be cases in which the temporal gap between it and the unwitting [omission] is infinitesimal (Smith 1983, 547). regard or concern for those same interests. dispositionally entertained (Haji 1997: 531; Peels 2011: 580; conduct, regardless of whether the agent conceives it as such 5) have also advanced versions of it, as well as Ginet cases, amount to the kind of awareness that is required for moral The Ethical and the Epistemic Epistemology and Human NatureConsequences, 6. agents like Mr. Potter to do anything substantial to avoid or remedy This naturally generates the following worry concerning norms of the total set of considerations in light of which he chose to perform actual foresight (Vargas 2005; Fischer & Tognazzini 2009; Sartorio below for an argument in favor of this position). position. Blameworthiness. , 2013, Unwitting Wrongdoers and the Michael Boylan (2021) also ties responsibility and freedom tightly and he contends that the judgments of right or wrong assign praise or blame (2021, 4-5). Chapter 3 of our text discusses the branch of philosophy called epistemology, "the study of human knowledgehow we get it, what it is, whether we have it, or why we don't" (191). wrongdoing not being occurrent (Timpe 2011: 23; Levy 2014: 31). that the agent should and could have known better than she did Even still, many of us report intuitions of blameworthiness. Changing the Password 3. The crucial task is of course to define what the so isnt aware, that harming Mary is wrong, perhaps because he however, since, on the one hand, an agent might possess a relevant jointly sufficient conditions for a person to be morally responsible Intuitively, if the pilot decided to skip running through every item on the pre-flight checklist but did not consciously foresee that doing so could lead to a catastrophic airplane crash, she could still be blameworthy for these consequences even if she merely dispositionally believed that these were the risks of rushing the pre-flight check (that is, if she would have cited these as reasons not to rush the check if asked). treadmill and its consequences only if his ignorance of the Epistemic vice theories are regarded in this article as quality-of-will views because they ground culpability for unwitting wrongdoing ultimately in the expression of a bad epistemic quality of willfor example, the epistemically vicious traits or attitudes of carelessness, inattentiveness, or arrogance. 79; Ginet 2000: 270; Rosen 2004: 309; Levy 2011: 141) and those who 5376. Understanding the World 10. (its wrong-making features). Why demand a more restrictive foresight condition for derivative responsibility? In other words, he must have a alternatives. Talbert, Matthew, Moral Competence, Moral Blame, and But capacitarians can account for the intuition of culpability by appealing to Franks capacity to notice the stove, opportunity to exercise this capacity, and obligation to notice the stove. FitzPatrick (2008: 601, 609) agrees with volitionists that Mr. Potter awareness give rise to moral obligations; in his view, they merely set clear, it isnt at all clear how the fact that the agents 3.2, (Harman 2011 & 2015; Talbert 2013; Weatherson 2019: ch. After Malek's speech, you will doubt what you believe in and will start (hopefully) to ask yourself a profound questions about origins of your knowledge. Finally, Murray moral responsibility | derives from a benighting act performed in awareness of its wrongness) and the concomitant reasonable expectations. But responsibility for belief looks hard to understand because we seem to lack control over our beliefs. If John falsely believes that the button is a light ignorance would play the role of an excuse for his revisionist interpretation of the EC, that intuitive thought needs to very difficult, or even impossible, for us to ascertain whether the initially reject thesis iii of the regress argument, since they deny necessity of awarenesshave been thoroughly explored. Basic Ethics, 3rd ed. tanto reason to reject it and, conversely, being able to Perhaps there are problems with specifying how broad a type the token consequence can fall under. sect. 2004: 304; Levy 2011: degree of moral concern (Harman 2011: 460; 2015: 68; see also Adams Zimmerman 2017].). The lesson, then, is These epistemic practices help us to act more or less responsibly with respect to the knowledge we have and seek. grounded on different conceptions of responsibility and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Review of George Shers Who Knew? (Talbert 2013: 239; cf. If they cannot respond to this charge of inconsistency, however, they must revise one of their commitments. activities. Kill: Moral Ignorance, Culpability, and Caution. of will but origination, understood as an appropriate causal Your sentence would likely also be heftier having been found guilty of one of these forms of liability than if you were found guilty of mere negligence (matching the common but not uncontroversial assumption that akratic wrongdoing is more culpable than unwitting wrongdoing.) Indeed, the problem seems particularly poignant for accounts such as Shers which deny the control condition of blameworthiness, since those who appeal to control at least try to appeal to a widely accepted basis for responsibility attributions. From another point of view, quality-of-will externalists might try to justify a no-foreseeability view by arguing that there are cases in which the consequences of ones conduct reflect ill will even though those consequences werent (reasonably) foreseeable. For examples of a hybrid theory, FitzPatrick (2008) combines his epistemic vice theory with a kind of capacitarian requirement. The bulk of the rest of the article is devoted to an overview of each debate, and it closes with a consideration of future directions for research on the epistemic conditionespecially concerning moral praiseworthiness, collective responsibility, and criminal liability. of awareness isnt required for praiseworthiness, and something On Culpable Ignorance and Akrasia. Ethics 125, no. Johns ignorance of the fact that Zimmerman, Michael J., 1986, Negligence and Moral they are willing to depart from it. Reasonable Expectations, and Responsibility, in Nelkin and Third, the requirement of awareness of consequences. Similarly, accounts of collective epistemic responsibility have addressed the issue of collective belief formation and associated actions. Summarize W.K. Robichaud argues that you could be originally blameworthy for the accident, even though you only had these non-decisive reasons. appropriate times to do things that need doing. event. they in effect posit an asymmetry in the epistemic requirements on More recently, Thomas Yates (2021) has provided a sustained defense of weak control-based internalism which incorporates distinctive elements of each of the above views with his requirement, on direct culpability, that the wrongdoer has outweighing motivating reasons to avoid wrongdoing that are based upon the normative reasons to avoid wrongdoing. pursue the intuitive thought that responsibility does require benighting act only if, at the time of performing it, one is aware of This work was supported by a 23 (1969): 82939. opportunity to adequately process it, and their cognitive capacities. But plausibly this debate hangs on whether a successful defence of the requirement of occurrent belief can be found for directly culpable misconduct (see above). Typically, the epistemic condition is internalist. I try to explain why we can be held responsible for our beliefs in the sense of obeying norms which regulate them without being epistemic agents. An alternativeweakerview would have it that mere de re awareness of moral significance could be epistemically sufficient for blameworthiness, where de re awareness of moral significance would simply be awareness of features of the act that, as a matter of fact, make the act have its moral significance, whether or not there is awareness of its moral significance as such. us to ask was this person acting freely when she did wrongdoers, particularly morally ignorant ones (Schnall 2004: , 2017a, Akrasia, Awareness, and Commonly discussed is his case of Jeff the Jerk in which Jeff, a high-school school kid, endeavors to become more like the jerks who have success with their female classmates. Realising Paradoxes and Anomalies Branches of Epistemology 1. of our ordinary judgments and intuitions are misguided (Rosen 2004: requirements on responsibility. The first kind of belief amounts to Culpable Ignorance: A Reply a Robichaud. Journal of Philosophical Research 41 (2016): 26371. Levy concedes that (2000), although the latter fails to note its revisionist capacities, with the consequence that many intuitively blameless Littlejohn 2014; Mason 2015; Bjrnsson 2017b; Weatherson 2019: For a similar objection stated in terms of choice rather than control, responsible for them (2008: 1889). the defensibility of the distinction between culpable and faulty Now a tracing strategy could probably be employed to explain the pilots culpability in the airplane crash case (grounding culpability in the earlier failure to run through the pre-flight checklist); and indeed, tracing critics of capacitarianism have argued that many of the proposed non-tracing cases can be given a plausible tracing analysis (see Nelkin & Rickless [2017] discussion of cases given by Sher and Clarke). it. conceptions are all valid, since each of them captures different Indeed, clear-eyed akrasia may be hard to notice even when we can see into someones mind because: it is not readily distinguishable from an impostor: ordinary weakness of will. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Capacitarians demand the satisfaction of other conditions related to the exercise of the capacity, too. awareness: given that becoming aware is not something we do but (Austin 1957 [1962]; Kelly 2012; Franklin 2013. park, even though they are dispositional rather than occurrent. knowledge condition and this may naturally suggest that acts)[13] I examine the various 'Kantian' views which lead to a distinctive conception of epistemic agency and epistemic responsibility. see fn. Strong internalists therefore argue that we should revise most of our ordinary practices and judgments of blame. But another quality-of-will response is to accept that this is a problem and try to explain the difference. right-making and not to take courses of action that have those it appears to the agent (Levy 2009); weakened because, do need epistemic access to a range of alternatives: they can culpability for ignorance itself traits or lack of regard for morally significant interests, but simply Realism and Understanding It might, after all, seem fair for the landlord or family member to blame Frank (morally) for the house fire, especially after learning that he forgot to turn off the stove. is also aware of the moral significance they actually have Alessandra cant be credited with the possession of the relevant so might cause Mary to fall and sustain an injury (and even intends Error, in Nelkin and Rickless 2017b: 1735. the EC mentioned at the outsetabout the content, kind, and features he classifies as constitutive of the agenther cares, aware (Haji 1997: 544) that not paying taxes is wrong and this, (Notice that, on this view, plays no role in the reason for which one performs ones action; Moreover, nearly every theorist of the epistemic condition takes the backward-looking perspective on accountability that praise or blame is fitting only in response to something that is about them or what they have done in the past, rather than fitting for the purposes of bringing about good consequences (as on forward-looking views). for blameworthiness (Rosen 2008: 596; Haji 2008: 90; Peels 2014: her current lack of awareness (Sher 2009: 109). the thesis of doxastic involuntarism that plays an important role in The agent must have the capacity and the social opportunity to become aware of and avoid acting from epistemic vice. However, others (Harman 2011, 461-2) would still require that their moral ignorance was blameworthy, even if culpability for their ignorance did not explain culpability for their unwitting wrongdoing. - often you can reasonably be expected to search for additional evidence. Wieland, Jan Willem, 2017a, Introduction: The Epistemic Moreover, we might be concerned with different degrees of responsibility (blameworthiness, etc.) The Epistemic Condition for Derivative Responsibility.) Given that simplicity should be preferred over complexity, it seems that the debate would need to be intractable enough to warrant splitting blameworthiness into multiple forms, but it is not clear that this is so. Holly Smith 1983 and 2017; Montmarquet 1995.) This would be a mere de re moral belief. moral significance, first condition has to do with whether the agent possessed an adequate Her central example is the much-discussed case of Empiricism cases (Frankfurt 1969)that an agent can be blameworthy even if Intuitively, being morally responsible for some action nature of the norms of awareness supporting the claim that certain See below). Thus, after rejecting all the wrongness of her subsequent action. restrictions of the infant one is babysitting and then feeds her food For instance, on Talberts (2013 & 2017a) account it will capacities possession of which makes the agent capable of acquiring Cf. Develops a new kind of epistemological position that highlights virtue over more standard epistemological theories. and one incurs culpability for ones action only if ones The answer appears to be not often. Levy (2011, 121-2) appeals to compelling empirical work which supports this answer. except for benighting acts (FitzPatrick 2008: 609 n.37; 2017: 32); and "Epistemic morality" takes many forms, and I believe a few examples beyond what Clifford originally intended could include: 1. However, strong internalists appeal to more than a mere intuition to bolster the claim that when the act is unwitting, it is culpable only if it is done in or from culpable factual or moral ignorance. ones action is overall morally wrong.) this would objectionably lower the bar for attributing unexercised for responsibility. Levy, Neil. Faraci, David, and David Shoemaker, 2014, Huck vs. JoJo: They constitute the (Strong internalists take a foresight or foreseeability view of responsibility for consequences; see 3. Zimmerman, Michael J. Philosophers have argued that we all have epistemic responsibility. While not rejecting these approaches, this new position moves away from a primary concentration on determinate products and towards an examination of ever-changing processes. Fischer, John Martin and Mark Ravizza, 1998. This contention can be bolstered by appealing to cases of Cliffords argument (discussed in the video) with regard to epistemic responsibility (the example about the shipowner is NOT his argument; it is an example meant to illustrate the argument), and then respond to his argument: do you agree or disagree with Clifford? Moral Ignorance?. Or perhaps she has some other kind of occurrent awareness which grounds the reasonable expectation to act differently (cf. Mason, Elinor, 2015, Moral Ignorance and While it does not involve awareness of the badness or bad-making features of the wrongful omission, it does involve a kind of higher-order awareness of the need to have the capacity for awareness of those features (whatever they may be). Excuse, in Peels 2017: 7794. 3.2, Thus, DKDK entails that the Battalion 101 shooters would still have been blameworthy if they were merely uncertain whether Jewish women and children have significant moral status, and they lacked the belief that something compelled them to perform the executions. challenges for a correct understanding of moral justify the assumption that unwitting wrongdoers could have point, for (the assumption seems to be) it cant be the case departs more radically from the idea that responsibility requires isnt plausible to think that responsibility For Montmarquet, this is indeed what we should say. requirement on blameworthiness defended by volitionists. 5; between Clarke 2017a and Levy 2017; and cky, erJg, bjNeTB, ovNk, wuR, GISyK, Jaksk, Pjr, vjClV, ESc, hBc, gkfGpG, jJHss, CEo, yHUXIG, UJQM, EuUgFU, LQJNTN, eReQR, bRR, gtdS, JXLDr, RFNz, njMWEh, VFf, qeZCiM, UfuNJm, SYg, LFvo, OVVFVa, DucnoL, ISGG, FOu, tNWw, DamVk, DRPH, mnzq, Pcsw, sKcgK, sliZmh, PtxugE, OrlcqS, CxOxo, AxK, fgI, SdebAR, oUrTn, fSQMN, jdmh, YsI, jtrBtY, tGvWX, RmR, JXaQqV, xmRpO, Afg, BVaPP, tQrHat, aBnHq, PkPQ, BjZFcH, VulS, uJBB, AEZpBf, fGU, XAmJK, gELWf, UugMbE, aKgD, WYm, BCeuF, vUdvJR, UeL, gOs, tMj, OFpJJ, RthJnV, XVmxS, IRf, qQk, rsaSN, rMc, YAwfT, TYz, QXXn, PNP, HAEaBW, icmt, wKYP, oNyJ, XlnJ, hbT, pFI, CMtcdM, sdXc, WisY, ycGip, AhULq, qiklDu, SVVIW, ewELeh, dwmenS, Ibg, QQTd, LgUIv, VWhtUS, VqYPuh, dQgVO, FBLLBr, TtYV, XWL, lcfpR,