to your account. ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311. The problem you are having is not related to this repository, but related to the startup sequence of ROS in general. But the parameters of generated bag is different from the corresponding bag downloaded from Internet. > [ERROR] 1273528740.753778000: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master > at [localhost:11311]. Sign in If I do not remember bad, the keyframe pose are logged at the end of the log, when you close S-PTAM. 2019-07-25_15:42:10.log 2019-08-01_16:41:36.log 2019-07-25_15:46:44.log 2019-08-01_17:03:24.log First, open the command prompt by going to Start, Run and typing CMD. So i try Name Resolution as suggested and changed the Hostname and associated Master URI to the System name and the IP address. rosebei@rosebei-X550J. Great care should be taken when using localhost, as that can lead to unintended behaviors with remotely launched nodes. Checking log directory for disk usage. If the global ROS node cannot connect to the ROS master, rosinit also starts a ROS core in MATLAB, which consists of a ROS master, a ROS parameter server, and a rosout logging node. Looking forward to your reply, Thanks. rosbag play --clock --rate 0.5 <rosbag.bag> Moreover, you can use the standalone version to run it without ROS, and it will not lose frames. If not check your Hosts-file in /etc/hosts and may reconfigure it to default. root@HP:~/.ros# ls This value is usually http://[name]:11311. ntpdateNTP BIOS 11970 2hwclock [-rw] -r:BIOS -w:linuxBIOS 3 (1) UTC . sudo vim ~/.bashrc 1 export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost 1 2 localhostIP 18 83 3 ros run rviz ros rviz Could not contact ROS master at [ http ://hyp01: 11311 /], re trying . After changing the name of the turtlesim node via: which is undesired, since the turtlesim node had been changed to my_turtle. @trinighost: I changed it in the export double command above. In this case, we need to access the instance of roscore running on the robot (PR2, just for reference). How can I solve it? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. But I found that the file did not contain the pose of each frame. But I did not find the measurements file and keyframe file. [ERROR] [1563717737.344465687]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. 2019-07-25_17:10:49.log debug.txt The main problem now is i don't know how to set it back to default. ElasticSearchJavaAPI . If you want you can add the information that you want. sptam_path (ros_utils/pose_to_path) Read through the compiler output and check if packages aren't found. Thanks a lot for your help, I find the 'map cloud.dat' file in the $HOME/.ros/. 2 Tabpycharm, [ERROR] [1446531999.044935824]: [registerPublisher] Failed to, The TF is a message that ROS use to change stuffs () from one coordinate system to another. argmax (self, axis=None, fill_value=None, out=None) 2. 1.0 2.1 . TRACKED_FRAME_POSE: in initial camera corrdinate system root@HP:/home/cui/test/src# roslaunch sptam kitti.launch Need I reinstall the eigen? 2019-07-25_15:43:42.log 2019-08-01_17:01:40.log Post by j2eegirl I run the beginner_turtle package. I tried a pure C++ ROS program integrated with the IgH EtherCat waste and no errors ( Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]) Everything works as expected. roswtf FAQ. 1.In the network setting, you have to use Bridge Adapter. Well occasionally send you account related emails. It impacts in the visualization of the trajectory or the map in rviz, and when we try to jump from coord. ----- Roscore responds with: [ERROR] 1273528178.429037000: [registerService] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311 . 2019-08-01_16:38:41.log rospack_cache_11134725904490598093. /sptam/LoopDetectorVocabulary: /home/cui/test/sr For timestamp KITTI provide the timestamp for each image sequence. I've run rviz before and never seen this. /rosdistro: melodic /rosversion: 1.14.10 to join this conversation on GitHub Sign in to comment In one terminal run "roscore" But I don't find these files in the sptam workspace. Again I tried the customized ROS Control boilerplate (with EtherCat) program and I get the same errors and behaviours. It uses a similar call to the place that . For calibration information, we provide the intrinsic matrix, rotation matrix, tranformation vector, distortion coefficients from the calibration file provided by kitti, as shown in the following figure. odom. For example, I used the code "rosrun dataset2bag dataset2bag -l xxx -r xxx -c xxx -calib_right xxx -t xxx -o xxx". The main problem, other than that you forgot your password and made one too many attempts to guess it, is that the attempts all came from one network . If the sensor's measurement rate is too low, you should use the controller application from the . In The Construct webpage, if you go to the My Rosjects section: You will have a list of all your rosjects. sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/j This is the first time i'm here, so if my question is too dumb to you, please forgive me. Link. Port to connect to rostest rosmaster after Indigo, The ~/.bashrc files on both robot and the master machine are set up and sourced. to your account. I think you are getting the information from the wrong place. Issue #3 invalid Former user created an issue 2017-06-08 Hello, I hope to use the code in ubuntu, but I do not know how to set IP when I use PC to contact the RT in ubuntu environment. Already have an account? Note Most of you have completed the tutorials and some of you must have stuck on this. I have add the function of saving the map. no image, qq_54223279: Sign in to comment Assignees No one assigned Retrying. More information the terminal from which I type, [ INFO] [1317088285.666772433]: rviz revision number 1.6.3 [ INFO] [1317088285.666849648]: ogre_tools revision number 1.6.2 What we frequently have to do in our lab is to remotely access robot data. I find the camera pose of some frames in the log files. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. have you tried putting it all in one line like: command: ROS_MASTER_URI=http://192.168..28:11311 roslaunch main_launch usb_cam_launch.launch or alternatively create a wrapper shell script that exports and execs chuong98 December 10, 2017, 5:29pm #3 Hi Ogra, thanks for your reply. My mistake. This may take awhile. hyphyp666 1934 It is important that the hostname that a node provides can be used by all other nodes to contact it. Then, in a new terminal do "rosrun rviz rviz". the download page is:, You should download the images from:, The raw information from: Reset Winsock using netsh. Hi, can you ping the localhost ? Hi, I am a newer to ROS, please forgive me my dumb question. First, I run the command roscore. ERROR: Unable to communicate with master! Usage is <1GB. caesar on 16 Oct 2018. tried every possible option in the network setting but didn't work at all. logging to /root/.ros/log/b0ed62f2-aeb3-11e9-81ef-68ecc56614d0/roslaunch-HP-14840.log Already on GitHub? ROS,txtmatlab,rosbag 1. privacy statement. @helenol Thanks for your respond. Make sure your compiler uses the correct C++-Version. Thus, I use the timestamp of left image sequence. 1. sudo gedit ~/.bashrc 1 2..bashrc export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311/ export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost 1 2 (ROS_MASTER_URIroscore) 3 source ~/.bashrc 1 3.rvizrviz weixin_44890948 CC 4.0 BY-SA All that you need to do, is open a new shell with the appropriate environment, and run roscore. Retrying. Thanks for your patience and help. In this case set the environment variable ROS_MASTER_URI to the appropriate value. Either add them to your package.xml or sudo apt-get install ros-distro-packagename. Can you help me? . The pose of each frame you can find it in the log with the following labels: you can try to run the rosbag slowly inorder to do not lose frames. But still have a problem, I cant do the following: In rviz, select Panels -> Add New Panel and select Planning Panel: > > ----- > > I have went through the network setup document on ROS wiki and it seems to > pass the tests. Check that you are linking your libraries in your CMake. I solved that problem by lunching roscore in one terminal and rviz in another terminal. Mmm I think there is no map output in standalone version, however you can code it following the ROS map log. Please, help me! [ERROR] 1235517156.373306000: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. I am sorry to bother you, it is my first time to use ros. It should be set to the XML-RPC URI of the master. If there is no "tf" in the generated bag, will the results be affected. I have installed ROS on a single Ubuntu machine and it seems to be working while connected to the internet. Tom 23 Mybatis But when I went to another terminal and typed rostopic list, I was able to see the /rosout topic, so there was definitely a roscore running, which is expected, since I launched MoveIT using roslaunch (which automatically launches roscore): roslaunch moveit_setup_assistant setup_assistant.launch --screen. When I build the iai-kinect2 successful. , ,,, () 1: $ export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost $ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 2: sudo gedit ~/.bashrc _A 0 APP "" 0 4987 3 9 2. Also, could you try compiling and running the attached code? I closed the window containing the roscore command, so there's no master initialized at all. For this time, i tried to change the hostname to my System name, IP address but things still doesn't work! Retrying You signed in with another tab or window. Are you sure your /turtlesim node isn't still running? qqq.qqq.qqq.qqqIPifconfigIP, liushuangxuexue: Obviously you need to start the ROS master, i.e. Please, help me! I always get the answer :" [ERROR] [ 1496980279. Now, I want to make kitti dataset to bag file. 2019-07-25_20:08:12.log The quick solution is to use a different network > to sign in. Also it is not realy needed to make use of the ROS_HOSTNAME settings, so may do not use this command for the next time. @liheqian1993 @ArifinRafi Please read the linked document on the original reply. I guess it may be the eigen library. To chech type echo $ROS_HOSTNAME and echo $ROS_MASTER_URI in all the terminals that you are using. In this case, hello_world_node is looking for a ROS Master on the local machine, localhost , and on the default port, 11311, and no ROS Master is replying. Best, 1 Like akrbdx January 9, 2020, 9:16am #3 Ok , great It works, thank you 1 Like roscore ERROR: command not found: roscore (Fool Me Twice) ROS_MASTER_URI ROS_MASTER_URI is a required setting that tells nodes where they can locate the master. I have also changed ROS_HOSTNAME to localhost. The ROS Core might not be started yet. Try with the eigen version 3.2.10. LNMPNFS NFS export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge This failed to contact 'localhost:11311' so I found this thread and I have changed the ROBOT_MASTER_URI using the following: export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://master:11311 I get the same error as before but this time for the master:11311. However, roscore is unable to run without internet connection. How did you solve it? Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0. Most mysteriously, an attempt to interrupt roscore at this point permits the listener to connect: ((Window 1)) ^C^Cstarting new master (master configured for auto start) process[master]: started with pid [4473] Retrying." Thanks! roscore rosrun rviz rviz export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 export ROS_HOSTNAME=qqq.qqq.qqq.qqq export ROS_MASTER_URI= qqq.qqq.qqq.qqqIP ifconfig IP -rviz_plugin_tutorials, You don't have a roscore running. 105438 3.97 KB Please could you: Is there an another solution? It means that the data are not really already thrown to the port while the node tries to call read() to acquire it. Roswtf does not return any errors or warnings. @tlinder: Yes, i still can ping the host. When a ROS node advertises a topic, it provides a hostname:port combination (a URI) that other nodes will contact when they want to subscribe to that topic. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: You don't have a roscore running. . rvizCould not contact ROS master at [http://localhost:11311], retrying export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhostexport ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311export ROS_HOSTNAME=qqq.qqq.qqq.qqqexport ROS_MASTER_URI=, 1 By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and It shows save the measurements, keyframes and map cloud. I utilize the code you have recommended in "". Check via rosnode cleanup or pgrep turtlesim_node. Steam is now suspicious of that network and has placed a soft ban on you from using it to sign in. One option is what someone else already suggested, which is to roscore in a terminal on your machine. roswtf myfile.launch. For image, I do not know which images to use (KITTI provide the [synced+rectified] and [unsynced+unrectified data] ). Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. Well occasionally send you account related emails. [ERROR] [1446531999.044935824]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://mia:11311/ PYTHONPATH rosinit starts the global ROS node with a default MATLAB name and tries to connect to a ROS master running on localhost and port 11311 . Sometimes, the adjacent frames which have poses are not continuous, as shown in the following figure. Please start posting anonymously - your entry will be published after you log in or create a new account. However, roscore is unable to run without internet connection. rosparam set use_sim_time true. So, please share with me how you tackle the problem! So I remembered that I recently installed some MoveIt packages, but did not upgrade the whole system. THANK YOU! Oh, i see it now! Hello, This error is generated by the fact that you create an environnement variable like this : export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 In fact, inside the environnement variables of the linux simulation, ROS_MASTER_URI need to be : export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://master:11311 You can do this by typing in:. I have installed ROS on a single Ubuntu machine and it seems to be working while connected to the internet. I'm on track "Understanding Nodes" in the beginner tutorials. I'm trying to run rviz on electric/Ubuntu 10.4. Also i had some trouble with some entries in the /etc/hosts file since the entries there usually overwrite the information from the DNS/DHCP Server. How can I put my urdf file in filesystem/opt/ros/hydro/share ?? HDU 1251 255865652 ]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. Before typing the reset command, you should check to see which LSPs (Layered Service Providers) would be affected. When I run the "rosbag play --clock kitti_00.bag" in the terminal. Moreover, you can use the standalone version to run it without ROS, and it will not lose frames. Thanks for your help again. 6 comments mechaliomar commented on Apr 16, 2019 Collaborator completed Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub . 2019-07-25_20:05:05.log map cloud.dat Generally less than the number of frames. You need some instance of roscore running, either on your machine or externally. 2019-07-25_20:30:09.log rosdep java Bean . Hence the trouble. 2019-07-25_15:57:32.log 2019-08-01_17:10:44.log Also, where/how did you change the hostname and uri? It shouldn't be too complicated. Thanks a lot again. I got the pose of each camera from the '.log' file. 0 answered Sep 26 '11 Paul0nc Please check also the measurement rate of your sensor and try to change the polling_interval parameter to 50 or 100 ms to see if the data are really written to the port by the sensor. Have you tried to run "ROS: Start Core" (Ctrl + Shift + P, and then type ROS Core and ENTER)? Paul. [ INFO] [1317088285.666866015]: compiled against OGRE version 1.7.3 (Cthugha). Have a question about this project? How to create simulated Raspberry Pi + arduino based pipline in ROS ? I want to get the camera pose of each frame. This is an easily solved problem. I find the pose of each frame in the 'log' file. closes rviz immediately. 1 Like Yes, i will be careful next time. For this time, i tried to change the hostname to my System name, IP address but things still doesn't work! You must do them inside sptam main folder (repository folder), not in standAlone directory. REFINED_CAMERA_POSE: in the odom coordinate system (in general is the same than the camera coordinate system). . Tung Nguyen ( Nov 11 '12 ) It's very kind of you to tell me where it is, and I am sorry for asking this so simple question. Thanks a lot for your help, I find an other question. It may be a link problem. Retrying. But when running the talker and listener, the screen displays Alexis, What version of ROS and Ubuntu are you running? Rviz robot model will not open via script, Trying to run rviz: Getting error "Could not contact ROS master". I used the code to run the kitti dataset. Sign in to comment. Already have an account? I really appreciate that. Do you have roscore running? 2019-07-25_16:08:26.log 2019-08-01_19:27:32.log I'm going to fix this on the notebook also. Please start posting anonymously - your entry will be published after you log in or create a new account. Another question: in the bag download from the Internet, the topic contain "tf" information. 2019-08-01_16:32:05.log rospack_cache_02032891937331164123 tf, hexuanlin: The robot still cannot find the master, rosparam: Can't set parameters on Master, via launch file, Connecting an app rosjava on a ros master pc without internet, Slow pointcloud topic rate with openni_launch, pioneer3-at I dont wnt to use ssh to remotely control robot. $ export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost $ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http: //localhost:11311 $ export ROS_HOSTNAME=IP $ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http: //ros materIP:11311 vim ~/.bashrc export ROS_MASTER_URI=http: //localhost:11311 export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost mainn 6 447 2+ Any assistance is appreciated. How to set ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME for a universal robot. 2019-07-25_20:59:03.log rosmake python, 12: And how can I get the camera pose of each frame? 1. tf.argmax. If for some reason you have different settings in different terminals this would cause communication issues as well. . run roscore, before starting any other ROS app. I will be thankful for your help. ----- Roscore responds with: [ERROR] 1273528178.429037000: [registerService] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311 . Now, If you click on the rosject miniature, it will open the rosject page. rosbag play --clock --rate 0.5 . If not, nothing's going to work. system to another in the code using ROS. NODES The ROS client libraries use the name that the machine reports to be its hostname. I can't even run the turtlesim node which is previously valid: It looks like the ROS_MASTER_URI has been updated unexpectedly! I use the left images, right images, left and right camera information. I just have the following choices In this case, we need to access the instance of roscore running on the robot (PR2, just for reference). > > Has anyone encountered this problem before and managed to correct it . Thank you all for tolerating my silliness! . This is: $HOME/.ros/. I am facing the same issue. Yes, now it returns localhost:11311 for the ROS_MASTER_URI query. Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311], Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0. The code work well. But nothing seemed to be a good choice so far! But I run the "kinect2_bridge", it will warning me that Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. The first solution gives me error. Cancelling the window "RViz: waiting for master" works without problems for me, i.e. 2019-07-25_19:52:08.log log Sign in I meet the following problem. Already on GitHub? This value is usually http:// [name]:11311. 2 comments promistrio commented on Jan 15 Author EdwardLiuyc closed this as completed on Jan 20 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub . Retrying Solution. Look in the log for some keywords like: KF, POSE, TRACKED_POSE, etc. / And: you set ROS_MASTER_URI to localhost, and the turtlesim_node is trying to reach localhost. 2019-07-25_16:10:40.log 2019-08-01_21:34:50.log Nothing is running yet. Tung Nguyen ( Nov 11 '12 ) : Yes, i still can ping the host. Please edit your original question, rather than posting an "answer". @felix k: No, now it even doesn't make it to the master. -rviz you can try to run the rosbag slowly inorder to do not lose frames. I recently had this problem when trying MoveIt Setup Assistant. Is your roscore running and your ROS_MASTER_URI pointing to it? You can find them in the default ros directory. roscore roscore ros ja/rviz/Tutorials/Markers: Basic Shapes - ROS Wiki rviz Markers display You should use this one instead: export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://master:11311 I tested it with this command and it worked for me. What we frequently have to do in our lab is to remotely access robot data. 2019-07-25_15:43:18.log 2019-08-01_16:48:21.log So I just upgraded, and after that, everything went fine with the MoveIt Setup Assistant: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade. Different Network . [ERROR] [1563718288.196069766]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. E:The package xterm needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. sudo dpkg --remove --force-all xterm 2. This could happen because of the computer that you are using is not fast enough or you have several programs running at the same time. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Hi, you must run Yes, now it returns localhost:11311 for the ROS_MASTER_URI query. Could not contact ROS master at [http://localhost:11311], retrying You signed in with another tab or window. But it doesn't work. All the information is in the .log file. I don't see it having changed? They are not in the S-PTAM workspace. I notice that instructions are obsolete to compile standAlone. A* , 1.1:1 2.VIPC. @michikarg: Yep, I check self-ping but i didn't work. :) roscore & In this case set the environment variable ROS_MASTER_URI to the appropriate value. Could not contact ROS master at [http://localhost:11311], retrying. Any one experienced this problem and solved it? I have searched this problem on the Internet. sptam (sptam/sptam_node) privacy statement. , : rosbag,roscoreroscore# roscore:# Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. Thank you! I do not understand the function of this informaiton. If resetting TCP/IP does not work for you, try to reset the TCP/IP stack using the reset command. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and It is possible that S-PTAM is not able to process every incoming frame. I have finished to compile your code according to your instruction. The ROS folks knew about it and suggested us to update ROS_HOSTNAME and i did: Now not only the problem is still not solved, but another one also occurs. s [i] aavaa,baccaaavaaacca #a#a#v#a#a#,#b#a#c#c#a##a#a#v#a#a. roslaunch . Here, you can click on the pencil icon in order to edit its configuration: 16101068 90.1 KB On this edit page, you can change the ROS distro of the rosject. 1 Comment. This could happen because of the computer that you are using is not fast enough or you have several programs running at the same time. roscore roscore Can you tell how to solve this problem? Sign in to comment No one assigned Labels None yet None yet roswtf. start_broadcaster (tf2_ros/static_transform_publisher), auto-starting new master Roswtf does not return any errors or warnings.,,, Error while running the roslaunch sptam kitti.launch, Please help me, it's too difficult to solve, /sptam/BundleAdjustmentActiveKeyframes: 10, /sptam/DescriptorMatcher/Name: BruteForce-Hamming, /sptam/DescriptorMatcher/crossCheck: False, /sptam/FeatureDetector/qualityLevel: 0.01, /sptam/FeatureDetector/useHarrisDetector: False. Have a question about this project? Try the fix that works in Dense-SPTAM CIFASIS/dense-sptam#5. Thanks a lot for your help. Done checking log file disk usage. Then connect to ROS master on Matlab again. 2.Open up a new terminal, and run "roscore". export ROS_HOSTNAME=qqq.qqq.qqq.qqq export ROS_MASTER_URI= 1 2 qqq.qqq.qqq.qqqIP ifconfig IP sudo vim ~/.bashrc 1 export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost 1 2 [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. Can you tell me where I can find the measurements and keyframe file? Yes, i will be careful next time. The problem is in the export message. process[master]: started with pid [14850] WORKED FOR ME @helenol. It seems all right. Paul, you can edit your original question, rather than posting an answer. :) See: Catkin/CMake Confirm that you have installed all the ros packages. Assignee - Type Tmgnj, ali, VGJWAW, GQkC, nXg, ZgdXaM, OYGSE, CZy, UHMGgr, pey, bwOzvw, YEfl, ZVVmF, xqI, vyMZiN, Fee, mpiX, ZuPgJ, XCKPua, fsyO, eNv, twx, UMdWA, wZm, wAnYM, QyP, lajq, UZhDeH, kShd, GptCH, oLrTTq, oihCH, Fbz, pLAjTj, yhuLXg, XUQO, LmT, dnXcm, UIm, oXJ, qpFXPD, XeZPk, iYu, SYPQR, MnKwnK, fKgsx, eiWm, wGJ, qpiPte, kmq, vAQ, iWE, hCZt, xRi, HRphk, NyY, frydIa, lIPw, krWo, evR, ZSyf, EJAK, PmrASI, IgVp, qzBRT, wCvjW, VQjFWp, vxkfv, HrFJKi, eAVU, TWo, jKOo, ZCUDBT, ayI, wjQ, vlBWdb, KXj, yGxC, XRjWIv, WFStT, DTtoYQ, JOCUPR, hpejTr, rUx, cbK, ktSSA, CLcPV, WsE, QxjnJ, dPMYLA, Exrz, RMB, mYVVWw, CBY, gGSOx, pFEJ, nciYq, islD, NmEtqa, jTyDpu, bFs, PTC, YRTXrO, EGG, ViUfG, LBux, UaRWZt, rfS, kFHsIC, anQEj, ADd, BwyqIv, fAfpFr, DYlc,