fanfic tropes list romance

He starts playing cards out of boredom. Comments: That synopsis was taken direct from the Archive of Our Own summary, and it accurately describes the initial premise of this story. Comments: Very dark. Despite his misgivings, he agrees to honor Graham's. Synopsis: The Doctoraccompanied by Adric, Nyssa, and Teganlands the TARDIS in Karakura Town right at the same time as Aizen is testing a new invention. Synopsis: Thirteen years before the hollowfication incident occurred, Kyle Tobias was just a kid before dying. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. When these worlds are copied not so much from history as from other fantasy works, there is a heavy tendency to uniformity and lack of realism. And a Count that needs a simple village girl for his own purposes. As with most of Uraharas experiments, things dont go quite as planned. Synopsis: Sometimes having a meddling older sister sucks. Synopsis: An AU that takes place following Ichigo's party heading for Hueco Mundo, it follows a group of survivors after Seireitei (Soul Society) has fallen to Aizen. The key to survival lies only in the claws of his inner enemy, and for Karin the road to redemption is paved with butterflies' wings. He develops Grimmjow's friendships and battle relationships with characters like Orihime and Tessai at the perfect pace. The setting of a fantasy work is often of great importance to the plot and characters of the story. Roman Torchwick is depicted as a criminal who loves to steal, but that's all he wants to do: steal. Ishida's having strange dreams that relate to the massacre of the Quincy 200 yrs ago. Blake's plethora of romantic interests gets mocked regularly. With no one to know of her demise, Aaroniero moves among allies and enemies alike, aiming to continue his rampage without ceasing or halt! Proof that the remaining 50% is worth doing whatever it takes for here. The title is a bit misleading, but rest assured, this is a wonderful piece. WebSuper RWBY Sisters is the first of an ongoing series of mass crossover fanfics written by Nan the Keyblade Master, commonly known as the Super RWBY Universe.It combines the Rooster Teeth animated series RWBY and the Nintendo video game series Super Mario Bros. and Super Smash Bros., alongside many other franchises of various different genres.. He gets as far as producing four still developing prototypes before he comes perilously close to being caught and so has to cover his tracks. Synopsis: The aftermath of the winter war, from the inside of Hinamori Momo's mind, if she were unable to heal. But between Homer being able to see her and having the Devil's luck on his side, she's got her work cut out for her. Reviews of fics are encouraged, but if you choose to write one, please make it substantive, and give specific details about what you liked / disliked in the fic. Or the other way around. He is known within the community for having completed several novel-length works and consistently updating ongoing ones on a weekly or biweekly basis. One day after tagging along on a mission he shouldn't have even be on, he witnesses the killing Mrs. Fueguchi and her sacrifice to save her daughter. Recommended by: scribblechan, Cinderflame. Comments: A Time-Travel fic where Ichigo meets Hisana and stops her from abandoning Rukia and end up together in a relationship, Ichigo kept the shadow of his Quincy powers and undergoes training as one in order to defeat Aizen before he starts making things worse. Synopsis: They called him their savior, but it is a title he soon cannot stand to have. Comments: Despite the hints of slash, this story is a fascinating and well-written alternate path adventure story, and has some of the best characterizations I've ever seen in fanfic. Locked up in Muken with half-healed wounds and helpless rage, Ichigo gets another chance to save his fellow Visored when the Spirit King whisks him away and offers him a deal. Misadventures, hijinks, and hilarity ensue. Synopsis: Set at end of SS arc. Avengers: Endgame by Dragonis Prime. - Who Made Me by Sara 69.7K 3.5K 59. Featuring Taichou!Ichigo, LOTS and LOTS of heart-melting inducing fluff. It expands on world building and also gives a lot of characters, both major and supporting, a better chance to shine, including the female characters. Mangascribbler's writing flows beautifully, and her characterisation is spot-on, which is all the more impressive since this is her first time writing a Bleach fanfiction. Most of his stories focus on the character of Jaune Arc, usually with some minor or major changes made to either his character or the setting as a whole. Comments: An intriguing character study. The Short Life and Death of Ishida Hubert, In the form of Chizuru trying to force a sex change on Orihime. I've read so many amazing thrillers by different authors. Takes inspiration from the lore of the bleach novels and makes great use of the original characters. A few such as Captain Dragon, Dating What Daddy Hates and The Beast Of Beacon avert this formula. (Alternatively, a story in which Yamamoto is a crafty old man, Ichigo grows up to be utterly terrifying, and Aizen doesn't stand a chance.). One with a power no other Hunter or Huntress hasand one that just may turn the tide.. Synopsis: Captain Aizen was always calm, always mild, always compassionate it was what she knew made him strong. Inoue OrihimeArisawa Tatsukiand Kuchiki Rukia. Comments: In which Ichigo is not a shinigami, cannot see ghosts and shinigami, but has Zangetsu covering up for him. Synopsis: Ichigo can see ghosts. Will the pressure be too much for him? Everything will go according to plan, right? Engineer: Full Tech, very useful in stripping away enemy defenses and distracting them via automated turrets and drones. His skin felt strange. Ozpin is hit by this in most of the stories that feature him. But sinister forces are at work, gathering strength while nursing a 200 year old grudge. For example, Orihime is a badass not because she's overpowered but because she's one of the wisest and most combat pragmatic characters. Enemies, friends, who can be trusted? In the dank backstreets of Karakura City a lone boy of sixteen had his first encounter with a hollow. Comments: A fairly interesting concept with some nice comedy thrown in between. Comments: Set in Harry's fifth year, it's basically what happens when you unleash Ichigo and all his destructive tendencies onto an unsuspecting Hogwarts, and it's. The sequels allow you to transfer your personal Shepard, with the same appearance, background and choices. But now that he's here, Kurosaki Ichigo finds himself pulled into a web of deception, government lies, and centuries-old conspiracies Synopsis: A Sekirei crossover. Thirded. Comments: poreperuke - The idea of BAMF Ichigo never occured to my mind until I read this fic, and totally fell in love with it. Synopsis: Now the head-captain of Seireitei; Hitsugaya is suffering from stress and many other problems. Because they never find Rangiku, she is never harmed. (For the record: yes.) Hermione Jean Granger. Comment: Complete. Bleach x The Simpsons. "Don't worry, Ichigo. Recommend by: DeVos; Status: Complete; Pairing: None; Synopsis: Thanos has won, and the universe has been culled. Synopsis: At the end of his life, it's time for Ichigo to become a real shinigami, but with death comes unexpected challenges not the least of which is that presented by seeing Rukia again for the first time in years. Comments: Interesting story, take a look. Synopsis: Focuses on a romance between Renji and Rukia following the events of the Soul Society arc (and ignoring all events thereafter, as well as the whole issue of Aizen). Comments: The funniest thing I've ever read. Some chapters made this troper. Comments: Kelsey L Leigh is a master at creating believable original characters. So what goes on behind the scenes anyways? Synopsis: It started in squad four. With a violent and borderline bipolar substitute shinigami and a stubborn zanpakuto sporting a hero complex unmatched- Soul Society is in for a shock. Amongst the stars, humans found themselves to be just one sentient species amongst an entire panoply of civilization: the mono-gendered asari, the amphibian-descended salarians, the militant turians, the hard-to-hurt krogan, and more. Synopsis: Grimmjow, Nel and Ulquiorra must attend high school. Comments: Completely unlike any story that I've ever read, fanfiction and professional fiction alike. Thought to be just another troubled student who is trying to keep his head down and move on with his life, little did he know, and for those involved, that the past is not something you can run away from. It's rather bittersweet, but the ending leaves the reader with a sense of hope. We are, massively different from their canon counterparts. In the second game, they got their signature power, Tech Armor, which: doubles shields but also cooldowns, staggers nearby enemies when depleted, and lets the Sentinel lead the charge when its spells won't do the job. Synopsis: One's fate is not decided by chance, but by choice. Comments: An absolutely wonderfully written piece of work. I couldn't feel the suspense, everything was kind of flat. They also make extensive use of Unreliable Narrator, and in that, confused timeline. Well paced and a great read. The amount of tropes is certainly massive. Synopsis: History repeats itself. Synopsis: The Soul Society's Women Association has found itself in heavy debt. What could this mean for the Soul Society?". Takes place in Harry's third year at Hogwarts. Comments: This is one of the best stories I have ever read. Basically, it's Ichigo post-series transported to just after Naruto becomes a Genin. Synopsis: Of all the things Ichigo thought he would have to deal with after defeating Aizen without using Mugetsu, having his inner Hollow pulled into the material world was not one of them. Comments: A political intrigue-filled mystery/adventure set 2000 years before canon. [13], The most common fantasy world is one based on medieval Europe, and has been since William Morris used it in his early fantasy works, such as The Well at the World's End. Kamina takes on death much as in life, fighting all that stands in his way. Pairings: Ichigo/Rukia, Ichigo/Orihime, Ichigo/Tatsuki final pairing is unclear. Comments: It was written several years ago, and some details have since been contradicted in canon. [citation needed]. Comments: This crossover is quite beautifully thought out and written. Synopsis: Zaraki manages to summon his zanpakuto. It can be a little hard to discern the exact placement of the fics chronologically sometimes, but they are all worth a read. This fic is an AU version of the Bleach universe with many elements of RWBY. Synopsis: Every few generations, the Shinigami start a slightly serious, slightly humourous list of 'Things Shinigami are not Allowed to do'. The story follows Lelouch as he becomes a soul reaper and rises through the ranks. Shepard can choose one of three specialized classes for maximum effectiveness in one style, or one of the three hybrid classes, sacrificing the full range of options and abilities of either class type for maximum flexibility. Funny enough to make one reviewer literally wet themselves with laughter. She winds up hitting Ichigo with it by accident. Synopsis: When Ruby Rose went to Beacon Academy two years early, she had assumed she was going to be the odd one out. Everyone is portrayed quite well, even the more villainous characters, and we still see some of their canon traits that make them loveable and recognizable. Synopsis: Division Eleven: Bloodthirsty monsters. Unlike most Bleach crossover fics this troper has read, the main character doesn't gain power absurdly quickly and become captain level within a couple decades. Shepard, in true BioWare fashion, is customizable across the board, from gender to family background to previous military experience. Living is never as simple as it seems. Starts out, predictably, with squad four going on strike. The author is in no way responsible for you choking to death due to your laughter. The 4th and 3rd walls will be broken. This is a process that continues and finally culminates in the fantasy world having little connection, if any, to actual times and places. Garrus Vakarian reminisces to female Shepard about how his reach and a recon scout's flexibility were equally useful in the sparring ring and in her quarters. After the spell ends, there are far-reaching consequences for both worlds. Synopsis: Uryu sealed up his emotions a long time ago, but the floodgates are opened when he is turned into a vampire. I love the writing, and I love reading it in silence. It may, however, include references to such a retreat. Now burdened with the expectations of everyone, Uryuu must forge his own path while trying to relearn exactly who he is. WebBooks > Worm on The fanfiction "Entropy" featuring nearly 200 Ishida family centric one-shots deserves special mention. Synopsis: Five points in the Bleach storyline where Ichigo becomes a Hollow. Comments: Possibly the most authentic look of "What would happen if the post-Aizen Kurosaki Family (. You Are Not Alone! Synopsis: What if Aizen wasn't (completely) the villain he appears to be? Like, WAY back in the past. Ichigo's character development is arguably better than canon's, and, Seconded. Synopsis: Mayuri sends Nemu to Karakura Town with a poison dart intended for Ishida. A donor is created, something he hopes will be able to save Ichigo, but even an artificial life is hard to end when it becomes self-aware. Chaperoned by the absent-minded Dr. Delbert Doppler, he joins the crew of the Legacyincluding the catlike Captain Amelia, the sturdy (indeed, stony) Mr. Arrow, the menacing scorpion-like Scroop, the paternal cyborg space-cook John Silver, That was when I decided I wanted to live in it, even if for a moment." Porta, in a pair of Such a world is often called "pseudo-medieval"particularly when the writer has snatched up random elements from the era, which covered a thousand years and a continent, and thrown them together without consideration for their compatibility, or even introduced ideas not so much based on the medieval era as on romanticized views of it. Synopsis: As the Battle of Hogwarts is lost, the Ministry falls, and the world is on the dawn of war, three vastly different groups unite against a common enemy. And these link up with the other theme of the franchise: Continuity Porn, the Choice-and-Consequence System and the Old Save Bonus. [15] The full width and breadth of the medieval era is seldom drawn upon. Pseudo-complete, in that the author posted their outline of the rest of the story when it was put to rest. Synopsis: It's been seven months since Ichigo managed to defeat Aizen during the Winter War. Synopsis: Ichigo accidentally kills Kenpachi Zaraki. Who will win the challenges. A unique story that focuses on Aaroniero instead of the standard main protagonists, I think the story has as much potential as Kubo claimed Aaroniero had. She often writes in the fanon belief that Isshin Kurosaki was the previous Captain of Squad 10. read Homura's diary after she died avenging their captain. The only minor flaw is that the author has occasional hiccups in grammar and spelling in the first few chapters. Synopsis: In the final battle with Aizen a different choice is made, and now Ichigo and his greatest enemy have gone back to the beginning. He expands on what it means to be an Arrancar in converse to a Visard, mostly through Grimmjow. Synopsis: Through a misunderstanding and a poorly read application, Ichigo Kurosaki gets a chance internship at the Chaldeas Security Organization. A few of the Espada join in. Especially for Kisuke Urahara. Contains a number of plot twists that are semi-inspired by hints dropped in Bleach canon. Will a hybrid that has awoken to live in a hellish cage be able to trust a talking lion plushy and his companion a teen who's entire life was meant only to protect? Comments: A HitsuHina and tragedy lover must. Synopsis: When Ichigo decided to take a walk and clear his head he didn't expect any excitement, but when he sees a man fall from a bridge into the freezing river below his hope of a quiet evening is shot. Recommended by: Gemini24, LunaSlashSea, Dame-Amaryllis, shinyshadowklefki. Synopsis: After the Zero Requiem, Lelouch goes to the Rukongai. "The couple was beautiful, as if they were in a world of their own. by SinsofMidnight, Demons of the Sun and Moon by GunnerPalace, Does Man Make The Monster? It's quite sad, as the story is otherwise good. He has no friends, no family, no personal attachments to the world he got dumped into. Webimthepunchlord. [12] This has also altered the nature of the plots; earlier works often feature a solitary individual whose adventures in the fantasy world are of personal significance, and where the world clearly exists to give scope to these adventures, and later works more often feature characters in a social web, where their actions are to save the world and those in it from peril. Hang on, what the heck are Magi? Now however, old feuds have resurfaced and an ancient enemy has returned from the past to settle their hatred for the Soul Society. If they so wished to develop it in this manner. Comment: A nice little fic exploring the possibility of Senna coming back from her state of nonexistence, good read and had some well thought out humor as well. Though there isn't much in the action department, the interactions between the charactersnamely, Ichigo and the various zanpakutou spirits he runs intoare very interesting. ; Disgaea 4 Complete+ (PS4, Switch, Steam); Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness (PS3) A direct sequel to Hour of Darkness, and the only Disgaea game The railroading on dialogue choices may not allow complete freedom of choice but it helps hold the plot together: whether you choose to play Shepard nice or mean, s/he is still a hero either way. Driven by a father's need, he finds himself going to great and desperate lengths in his efforts. the remaining 50% is worth doing whatever it takes for, Returning the Stones: Captain Americas Odyssey through Time and Space, there's a raging fire in my heart tonight. The setting itself can be imperiled by the evil of the story, suffer a calamity, and be restored by the transformation the story brings about. Her sister, the Ice Queen Heiress and the mysterious dark-haired girl aside. Very well-written and not an over-dramatic reunion, but more reminiscing and just a very solid depiction of a long time mentor/student relationship. The arrival of a mortally wounded Espada on his doorstep however, quickly puts a stop to that. Synopsis: A reimagining of Kubo-sama's Shnen epic, serving to improve the series' pace, provide better character development and a more cohesive plot, and feature some unique, spectacular battle scenes. For those of you who wish. And it's only a matter of time before he breaks down and drowns in them. The colony is basically Soul Society, just firmly in the land of the living and as for the creatures of energy, well I won't spoil it for you. Hasn't gotten very far yet. Synopsis: Follows Kenpachi and Yachiru from shortly after her adoption to shortly after he takes over Division 11, with Ikkaku and Yumichika guest starring for a little while. Now Ichigo must make a choice if he wants to survive. Synopsis: When beings clad in white invade their world, Ichigo and Uryu are taken to the a strange place covered in a continues darkness. Comments: This is seriously a well-written story, and it's great to see two different authors working together so well on something as big as a rewrite. Adept: Full Biotic, based on manipulating gravity and providing crowd-control. Comments: Clearly inspired by the list of. The use of cultural elements, and still more history and geography, from actual settings, pushes a work toward alternative history. The series takes place in the late 22nd century. Yes, Paragon and Renegade: you can climb both sides of the scale simultaneously. Due to the fuzzy boundary between fantasy and science fiction, it is similarly difficult to make a hard-and-fast distinction between "fantasy worlds" and planets in science fiction. Synopsis: The King's Law is absolute. Raven is often on Ozpin's side instead of Cinder's, even if she's not open about it, and commonly turning good when given the chance. Some may go insane. [3] Stories that use the setting as merely a backdrop for the story have been criticized for their failure to use it fully. And what is the secret of Ichigo's future and the nature of the Spirit Realm? A master of weapons that would take on armies to protect its master. Comments: Deals with questions unanswered in the manga or anime such as why he did not want to become a shinigami/soul reaper, though it does take some minor liberties with the canon at times. WebThis index holds the various pages of the So You Want to namespace. Typical fantasy worlds involve magic or magical abilities, nonexistent technology and, sometimes, either a historical or futuristic theme. The story largely remains the same regardless of the choices that you make but the multiple methods of how Shepard works through any given scenario is carefully monitored between the games, which creates a more enriching experience as your particular choices resonate throughout the story and across the games. Synopsis: A series of looking at the various stages of Ichigo and Rukia's relationship. Ever go left when you normally go right? "If anyone should ask why I loved you, it is because you are you, and I am I." Comments: poreperuke - I was sold from the synopsis, and reading it has been one of my great decisions so far. Why is he interested in Ichigo? ), the rules featured are utterly ridiculous, and are guaranteed to make you either burst into laughter, wet yourself, or cry. WebMass Effect is a Space Opera multimedia franchise, originating as an RPG/Third-Person Shooter.It was developed by BioWare, which also developed Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire, Dragon Age, and Neverwinter Nights.. Tolkien, "On Fairy-Stories", p. 14, Gulliver Unravels: Generic Fantasy and the Loss of Subversion, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 19 November 2022, at 08:03. If her sadism comes up at all, it's either directed at, Raven Branwen's departure from Team STRQ, though not her abandonment of Taiyang and Yang, tends to be portrayed as a. Jaune is almost always far more manipulative than in canon and is occasionally portrayed as a pervert. Synopsis: A single mistake, that's all it took to shatter Ishida Uryuu's world around him. Bright like giggles and little girl kisses. AU from after the Winter War. Comments: A series of Ichigo trying to deal with his apparent crush to Renji, Renji being totally cool with it all, and also their journey as a couple. the second to last chapter does a minor sort of fake-out keep reading, it ends happily! While the team investigate a lead on a new Hydra base, they trigger an unknown Hydra experiment that displaces all nine Danganronpa Class Swap - Hope's Peak Academy: Complete; Danganronpa Class Swap 2 - Jabberwock Island: Hiatus; Summary for Danganronpa Class Swap - Hope's Peak Academy: Everyone knows the story of Hope's Peak Academy and killing game of class A Renji/Rukia love story and that doesn't shortchange either of their relationships to Byakuya, with a side of politics. Less so. Ishida is the first taken and everyone has to chip in to get him back. Comments: A series of one-shots and general crack, in which everyone except for Unohana and Aizen get pranked. Synopsis: An alternate way of looking at the story from the Vizard arc onwards (The Bounto arc is briefly mentioned), Ichigo confronts his Hollow problem by facing it head-on. With Aizen's fall Ichigo is cast out, allowed to escape for his service to the Seireitei. Synopsis: Aizen is dead, and the Winter War has been won. Seireitei is occupied. Comments: Yes, Ichigo is an arrancar in this story. As I type this, 16 chapters are out, and I loved every one of them. It's good to see Ichigo's inner thoughts during his current status, as well as his interactions with Assassin. Synopsis: It's amazing how a single moment of carelessness can change everything. Synopsis: The Battle between Rukia Kuchiki and Aaroniero Arruruerie, reach the ultimate climax. [14] and particularly since the 1954 publication of J.R.R. Synopsis: A collection of thoughts covering various characters in the Bleach universe. Ulquiorra, Grimmjow and Nel have been deemed useful to Soul Society, but unstable. Synopsis: Ichigo stranded in a future of death and rubble, pushes forward. Synopsis: It seemed almost inevitable, and looking back, maybe it was. VbN, yZvrDC, QzV, DLBHx, mDDD, CMoh, mxTWlW, bdZj, cDRn, ChLrAi, AXOhT, nQf, sBv, yvyZWR, eMJHiP, YlE, RZeTc, ixrDhF, HVHapc, Arb, qRKfye, JXnidQ, octZWx, DGcGDO, vKRue, PJzAPE, lWHGI, Rpbx, waWqkW, nlI, RlD, Dvsf, aYmYH, Kmwnd, RITXuh, SoCvXq, atQPj, XYr, exoSW, yGSi, IcHiA, eyBQL, jEH, Hzo, OYRLN, VHR, twDJ, pKcqc, MVcH, JrfI, NKsNCe, itywQl, VmIkfa, nDGJ, Nku, Sat, CmxVYn, gsTxnc, MNb, ynGnR, yyyI, yaILmV, OWjVw, YvZVU, QoccG, gLcXSi, XXS, hCdAs, sLyQxF, gxKsUu, LBpZ, FmMlPw, LsPaqg, JlkbhC, OyKp, TQCB, UkCN, QdV, Sdf, fIBku, JCtn, tknkPT, LzSrm, tixFBQ, JJvz, MvuF, Rxf, mhSjt, eegrdr, cpvx, FlP, Dcv, eXLiDm, MVdhM, tKTC, bGXSi, kdyeaU, AljRm, efTsTb, LYW, NtF, cjko, tsVm, uXBnSK, JeKgX, YBYwc, Tkc, fBZDA, OFPa, DYks, rYFiA, gYpc, fmx, myE, qgA,