list 10 ethics of teaching profession

The contemporary liberal arts comprise studying literature, languages, philosophy, history, mathematics, and science. Were doomed to live with that consequence and its the choice we make. It was scholars studying women who dug deep into journals, notes, memoirs, and receipts to uncover women of importance who were previously unknown. Then the best 20 should be getting the job. 4. Philosophy enhances oral and written skills as well as an amazing ability to persuade. Right now I read Nelson Mandelas biography in my free time. If there was no philosophy, there'd be no lawyers. I am an engineering major, and at our school we're required to study a few credits from humanities and the soft sciences in order to gain an appreciation of what others do. Philosophers hold a wide range of positions on various kinds of ethics advisory panels in medical ethics, bioethics, environmental ethics and developmental ethics. Its because women dont want to do these jobs Same reason why guys arent the leading number of beauticians. A philosophy class nowadays teaches you the methods of what is called analytic philosophy, which has a style of argumentation which resembles more like math rather than English literature. Professional ethics is divided into several types, since each profession has its own code of ethics. obviously you guys have made a smart choice, and know a lot more about life than these whack-jobs who claim that Philosophy is useless. Ed., and History degrees are good for management in most companies. In this instance, the procedure heretofore established will remain the same. Before there was science there was philosophy. Majors like advertising, business, management, etc. The guy clearly was claiming that logic and maths can be traced back to Aristotle, who was clearly a philosopher. that is very 1960s thinking. But i ask that you do not diminish mine. Aesthetics, on the other hand, is a complete waste of time (psht, who needs art anyway?). ", "Sciences are much more limiting in what you can eventually do with your degree. He probably meant material contribution, i.e. Code of Ethics for the Physical Therapist, Alexandria, VA: APTA. we did our time .. so you want to insult my intelligence some more while we are savin your butt?!?!?! Excluded professions. As for making the assumption that people are lacking intelligence, well intelligence is a subjective term and used more by Philosophers and Educators and every one who like to over exaggerate the loftiness of their useless degrees. 2.07. Technology and the nature of business are changing all the time. If so, how important compared to finance and health? Would that be your ideal society? I hang out with a variety of people from different faculties. Physics and chemistry major would also obtain the skills to scrutinize evidence and statistics. WebThe precise titles, roles and requisites of allied health professionals may vary considerably from country to country. Your type (not everybody in arts) loves to use big words and ideas out of context in order to impress people and wow them to submission. I just lost faith in humanity. The Datuk Seri Najib Razak university, just outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, claims to be a world first in Bumiputera studies, relating to the arts and private parts therapies(Depan Rasa). Youre making a lot of assumptions for someone allegedly schooled in philosophy. Few are the ones who will make decisions or who will design a revolutionary new way of doing things. Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. WebA physician (American English), medical practitioner (Commonwealth English), medical doctor, or simply doctor, is a health professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring health through the study, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental NURSES AND PRACTICE 12 3. In fact, most of the people who replied to you were far more impartial than you yourself were and backed their claims up with evidence, either from their own experiences or other data. NOTHING is for free. A philosophy major is definitely down there with art history major. So please stop embarrassing yourself with elementary-schoolish philosophizing like the above. I hate philosophy, so I have to agree! 6.05. David Beckham, really? wasting parents $$amazes me when 1 talk to immigrant families in our bldg.think their daughter or son will get big paying jobsknow But some people do think its worth it (though I would strongly advise one against it if he/shes poor or quickly needs a job). Starting your own company is not an easy route to success. you can be bored for the rest of your life? Medical ethics . Einstein was flat broke before he came up with relativity. No time limit applies to violations of the Code for which substantiated reports are received by the Ethics Board from external tribunals after the three-year period noted above. Directly relevant, yes. Many of my jobs aree through employment agencies, contracted through the city. Not influence others to undertake any action that involves a breach of this Code. He also indicated that Noam Chomsky was somehow a good teacher when he was an utter rube in actuality. Expert? But costs other people their hard earned money to provide what amounts to worthless forms of entertainment for the students. JB, philosophers most definitely do not think about trivial things. Maybe they are just less visible in modern society but theyre there and theyre very helpful. Pay attention as we list the top 10 most useless college degrees. Even if you were to go on and get a Ph.D in a science subject you're probably going to end up in research living on miserable salaries and lucky enough to have two pairs of pants. We list openings at no cost to you. If this is not possible, the formal hearing will be scheduled. Looks like you picked up one of Russells, couldnt understand a shit out of it, and instead of being resolute to learn more, you decided to take the easy way out and say its bullshit. sounds like someone is defensive of his useless degree. And I also don't really have the time or the patience to explain everything to you. On a more personal note, I find it comical how upset people get when given a taste of their own medicine. What is law? I want to understand people, i want to know what makes them tick. Is earning money the bottom line? Either way, I enjoyed your sense of humor and your ability to spark debate. 6.07. Public Reprimand is appropriate when the violation is serious enough to warrant public knowledge of the issue. But i dont think philisophy is useless. 4. if you're going to defend your position, please base it on tangible evidence. Not because some dude learned Freuds views on life! (this why we ave art critics*) Anyway, for anyone who thinks they have a grasp on life, and think that Philosophy and Art is useless, They need to go back through ALL years of school and start over again; Actually pay attention to everything in those subjects. How can you say that, out of all the ridiculous subjects in the world to rank art history nr.1? Drones study business and accounting.. and conformists who want to memorize and recite facts study the sciences. And no, I'm not annoyed in the way that "hey! You could walk into the research laboratories of any science or engineering faculty at any leading university, and you could witness new, ground-breaking things being researched. My Art History degree and I are deeply offended. ", "I wrote that over a year ago when I was young and naive. Think again! Useless is not the word for itits become the enemy. It's a whole other playing field. Philosophy is merely one persons opion.oh yeah, those that can, do. Videos, FAQs and resources to support members in working with this section of the Ethical Framework for the Counselling You'll find that many scientists are really down to earth, well rounded individuals. Why do studies have to purely lead to jobs.. To these ends, the Ethics Board will avoid using unsecured email correspondence, public conversations, or postal mail without a signed receipt to conduct business. Chop chop! people wonder why some majors are labeled easy or hard. Oh, and art majors rock on, without you we lose culture. If your are a small petite white woma or a woman of color,you have a better chance than I do. Cherry Hill, NJ: Jeffrey Books. So theory is philosophy and philosophy is about critically evaluating the theory for flaws whilst science endeavours in its progress to apply the theory using experiment of which their are two types mathematical and labratory. Report significant violations of this Code to appropriate authorities when it is clear that consultation with people involved in these significant violations is impossible, counter-productive or dangerous. Useful degrees are meant to prove that someone is qualified to perform a certain job that could really screw people over if it is not performed correctly. haha u r such a loser i love it. Engineers have to learn a lot of insane stuff, sciences have to learn the same stuff, but not as much of it, and many other majors teach stuff that is not really different than studying celebrity lives or stuff that you shouldn't have to take a class to know. hate your job? These principles do not preclude the Ethics Review Board from maintaining records in a secure place for archival or record keeping purposes, or from using or publishing information concerning ethics matters for educative purposes provided that individuals named in the records are not identified. It appears the fine people at UBC would agree with at least some of the points Ive been making In other words, taking high school lit classes and reading Nelson Mandella's biography don't cut it. Philosophy isnt usually viewed as the hardest major, but neither is it viewed as one of the easiest. Work to develop software and related documents that respect the privacy of those who will be affected by that software. You dont need to demean people who chose to stay doing what they really liked. Some may argue that there's no such thing as a useless degree - any education is a good education including many degrees from online schools and universities. Those programs deserve nothing more than a broom closet to hold their classes in. It exercises your mind in ways that math and science never could. A degree ability to research, critically evaluate and relay that information in a intelligent manner. Hopefully I have removed the repetition, let me know if I have not. We support ministers in leading the nations health and social care to help people live more independent, healthier lives for longer. They all have some sort of Art Degree, many would have had to take an Art History class. In the summer of 2009, I, a student of the liberal arts was able to secure employment that was relevant to my career, yet my engineering technologist room mate was unemployed because all construction projects in the city were stalled. Not only that, it's probably one of the hardest majors. Most of the time they don't even have degrees period but once again stats show that philo majors move up to high positions just as much as a finance degree holder would in a corporate setting.. so please hold the judgment for the Lord. I also invite you to try to take a experimental result (even one found in an undergraduate textbook) in chemistry and physics and reproduce it in a lab. People do some research. In general business majors have a higher beginning salary than liberal arts students but later on the liberal arts students make more money than the business majors because they know how to actually think. You inferred that chemistry and physics are just number crunching? The ones with the diplomas in the liberal arts and sciences will be very polite to you as they are promoted above you. Since queer musicology is an increasingly important sector of our field, it makes sense for graduate students to be familiar with it, no? If your confident enough to say that all engineering students can earn a philosophy major then you don't have any idea what philosophy is all about. To the people that have backed up philosophy, Congrats for taking it. She was an important leader in the history of social work and women's suffrage in the United States. or more words of my comment. 6.07. I was a graphic design major and took many art history classes and enjoyed them and they helped me in my early design career and fostered an appreciation of art. Do I know enough to make a decision? It also shows how the main goal of the administration is to develop people who have the ability to communicate effectively. umm .. no thank you .. id like to actually have to use my brain for the rest of my life in my career teaching someone else to use theirs and not be so useless to the world .. we need more thinking in the world .. maybe we wouldnt be in the war predicament that we are now if there were .. and dont even think about sayin anything to me about that either .. because i was in the Marine Corps .. and my husband still is !! This Code of Ethics effective February 1, 2019. I personally don't think any of the subjects mentioned are useless, because there are billions of people in the world that are probably interested and at least one who is driven enough to create the course. You would have to be a complete ignoramus to think that I actually believe that the sciences are a breeze. 3. I go to the supermarket everyday, is that going somewhere in life? However, many times they can be mixed with each other, because it is very difficult to separate them. The Respondent may appear with counsel, who may ask questions and speak on behalf of the Respondent. This information is from personal stories told by many of my friends (not in the sciences, or in UBC). Those who think it is the Top Useless Degree is just another ignorant person, who doesnt recognize the behind the scenes people who make those in the forefront look good. Look forward to learning of your deep, non-demeaning, contributions to the herd. You may be referring to pre-Socratic philosophers when you mentioned ancient philosophy.. But that is not going to be me, and there are people out there that value this course because it means something to them just as there are people who think that biology/chemistry/physics/law has some meaning to them. This is exactly the attitude that I absolutely hate in so many (not all) of you liberal arts majors. What's my game again? Most, especially in a communications class that I am enrolled in, have no passion for education, nor have any sort of knowledge of the great scholars in the field. Building an appropriate relationship resources. Want to know about the religious beliefs, folk tales, socio-economic interactions, gender and class standards, or ethnic makeup of a region? WebPragmatism is a philosophical tradition that considers words and thought as tools and instruments for prediction, problem solving, and action, and rejects the idea that the function of thought is to describe, represent, or mirror reality.Pragmatists contend that most philosophical topicssuch as the nature of knowledge, language, concepts, meaning, Well, this course teaches analytic skills, highly valued in the field of medicine. Anyone who reads this exchange will see that I am not really the one who needs explaining to. Express concerns to the people involved when significant violations of this Code are detected unless this is impossible, counter-productive, or dangerous. Retrieved on January 3, 2018, from, The 4 main kinds of ethics. I have a great life, traveling the world, and learning about ways to make easy money. Most potential employers prefer a person who thinks outside the box. This article must have been written by a cookie-cutter business major. Just because a degree in art is useless doesnt mean that art is. Hence, much more limiting in what you can eventually do. ", "At best, a business major will be mediocre, collecting six-figures per year, and wondering what else the world has to offer besides pie-charts and bar-graphs. Those guys get the best jobs (research jobs), not teaching jobs. Hes just doing what he was taught. To others, that power is derived from knowledge. WebThe Socrates (aka and Berkeley Scholars web hosting services have been retired as of January 5th, 2018. Athletes and celebrities almost negate education altogether and make far more than your average mathematician or engineer, so is the NFL or are Kardashians doing anything constructive to society? knows nothing about and b). Youre expected to know about history, philosophy, and to be always aware of what is happening in the art world today. When we increase our awareness of the components of ethical behavior, it is easy to see ethical concerns in many places in our lives. Assist colleagues in professional development. Site MapPrivacy PolicyTerms & Conditions Contact Us, 10125 Colesville Road, #136 For your information, I have done my dues on language skills. And who on earth is "Brabidge"? Approve software only if they have a well-founded belief that it is safe, meets specifications, passes appropriate tests, and does not diminish quality of life, diminish privacy or harm the environment. lands without their parentsnothing to futures here. I coordinate the Sport Management (Surfing Studies) course at Southern Cross University. Now the act of doing this is though for many because we are in a society where everyone is pretty much programed to think a certain way. I did IB english lit and history. I don't think that's ever useless. Ok, an ad hominem argument is not exactly an fallacy, and therefore not invalid. Thanks for saving me the effort! As noted below, the Respondent has the right to appear with counsel at any formal hearing. Not really, I think the sciences enable more critical thinking and new perspectives Philosophy I can sort of see where that would be applicable but Art History? Plato and Aristotle had little influence on the world for centuries after their deaths, because of their lost works and mediocre successors. Philosophers influence thinkers, policy makers, leaders, non-peons who read, and many influencers in other theoretical disciplines. Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues. , I think it's safe to say that this debate is over. I've known a few people in that business, and even if doesn't turn me on having a degree in it is far from useless. Thats funny Well, Im not going to analyze anyones comments, nor will I try to teach anyone by quoting a famous philosopher. "Anyone who reads this exchange will see that I am not really the one who needs explaining to." IB introduced me to concepts like existentialism, critique, and reflection and analysis on key pieces of literature that developed my skills. Those who get a degree in a fine art such as philosophy or art history and under-utilize their talents by working a dead-end job have nobody to blame but themselves. All were interesting to me and useful as they exposed me to things I found I enjoyed. You have a very narrow minded view of the sciences. And nobody wants plaid bellbottoms back. Its Platos fault that Academy is a synonym for enemy of the people.. But before we do that, philosophy will have helped us sharpen our reasons for the decision. eh. You take this and base your entire argument on it. How philosophical of you. Its true, people like to flaunt their business or other degrees only to be sitting in a cubicle for the rest of their life. All in all, we have a life to live, each and everyone of us, dont we not? Most matieral sciences such as physics and maths did arise from philosophy. And well, I admit I do get a little obsessive. If you think women are discriminated against, then I suggest you try living in the real world instead of reading books and watching TV shows from the 1960s. Loser. Private Reprimand is appropriate when the violation has not caused serious professional or personal harm. Since you did not know what it meant, why were you using it so frequently? As for ending up working in a convenience store I know two people with philosophy/philosophy combined degrees. I work at an Art Gallery and I am happy. On a absolute final note, its really hilarious how a philosophy major is telling me the inside scoop on my own field (job prospects, competition, skills needed etc.) It is also embarrassing to pretend that reading Russell and Wittgenstein is some esoteric thing that only those foolish enough to be philosophy majors could understand. Philosophy is a well respected study, and has been for centuries. 1. Okay, maybe David Beckham studies is useless. Foreigners came to Greece to study its various constitutions (laws), long before there was an Academy. Second, BCIT people are the very definition of what you said before, ie number crunching. And in response to your last paragraph, Im quite sure Im not in a dreamworld. Identify, document, and report significant issues of social concern, of which they are aware, in software or related documents, to the employer or the client. 4. Of course that makes analytical philosophy quite boring and not very relevant to societal issues, but I think studying analytical philosophy has benefits similar to studying mathematics or even science. You think any field out there is not competitive? The influence is there, although it might not be noticed. Psychology degrees are useful in the field of criminal justice, human resources, forensics, gerontologyect. So for you to just come out and imply that you're a master at English just shows me how little you've actually mastered it. If you feel that your need for money is bigger than the need to spend your years while enjoying living, then try going for business engineering or whatever is not useless. Not a chance!! I doubt when Im taking my last breath that Ill be uttering words such as: if only there had been more women graduating from women studies programs that I may have been spared this dreadful disease. Addams co-founded Chicago's Hull House, one of America's most famous settlement heard that NA companies have scanning device for resumes, names are not NA .applicants are not NA.shreddedno chance go home. If you're really, really into surfing, you can become world-class with your "Surfing" degree. This is why dont choose a career because it might make you a lot of money, study subjects you enjoy and the right career path or ideas will come your way. If it is good, I'll publish it and you can be a shining beacon for other philosophy majors. It is the equivivlent of saying all science is useless, I would never even dream of picking up one of Russells books because I do not want to waste my time pondering over questions that have no answers. Consequently, there is medical ethics, military ethics, teaching ethics, legal ethics, among others. In the medieval Western university, the seven liberal arts were, "the Trivium" or grammar, rhetoric and logic and "the Quadrivium" or geometry, arithmetic, music and astronomy.". The answer would probably depend more on the graduate than on the subject. 3. And all in order to reach the cutting edge of the field, which is where you come up with a notion more ridiculous than any that has gone before in order to get published. It is a commitment to virtuous, caring, courageous thinking that involves self-examination and the well-being of others as our highest intent. MT-BC Fact Sheet. But even that I seriously doubt. Philosophied! In particular, software engineers shall, as appropriate: 7.01. First, its kind of questionable that people who have nothing better to do take philosophy as a major. We support ministers in leading the nations health and social care to help people live more independent, healthier lives for longer. Well this is a dumb comment. Retrieved from, Dual relationship (2015, August 6). On the other hand, some of the subjects listed can, have been and will continue to be a sensible choice that will open doors. To the philosophy majorsGood for you, this world needs ethics and any critical abstract thinkers because who knows what is to come. I believe it was there HCOM 212. Today when hardly anybody has a sense of chronology in history, you belittle this as just so much idle chatter. As for the small percentage of high paying jobs and upper management. But these have been supported by various other people, mainly other peers who work in my field. As a useful degree that adds to the production of society completely useless. Browse Jobs: Helpful resources for physical educators who teach children with disabilities. 1.06. The concept of Evolution, the dynamics in politics, the string theory, and mathematics came from a philosophical question (e.g. Welcome to the real world. As for the drugs reference, well, you just made yourself a sophomore again. At best, a business major will be mediocre, collecting six-figures per year, and wondering what else the world has to offer besides pie-charts and bar-graphs. 2.4 empower clients to make desired changes in their lives. The Muslim ethic is responsible for ensuring compliance with the commandments of the Koran. I am currently attending college, working to double major in Art History and English, and I have to say Art History is the greatest discipline Ive ever encountered. On a side note, I did have a lot of fun talking to other people about the questions of humanity, life, the universe, and so on. You're basing your positions on a claim that hasn't even been properly found to be true. People like you who cannot understand the arts, and actually argue that it has no place in society, are actually part of the reason why we are in a cultural dearth currently. It's like reading how to read. It also seeks that human beings follow in the footsteps of Muhammad, a Muslim prophet who is considered an example to follow. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Im telling you that people like us do already have these skills. COLLEGE PROFESSOR IN THE ART to maintenance (how'd you like to mow THAT lawn?). Third, if you can obtain a graduate degree in Philosophy, you can then teach it at a university. I do see the humour. This Code of Ethics is grounded in a set of eight Core Values: 1. If anyone tells you they are making it big in New York as an aartist they are telling a "BIG LIE.". This fervent defence does make me wonder if my supposedly absurd claims may contain a hint of truth. Besides, theyll learn how worthless it is later on when they are looking for work and how much it costs when they actually find work and start paying taxes. 59 cents being how much a woman made for every dollar a man made, and in that book he explains in detail why men earn more than women. If someone wants to delve into the wonders of the Arts and culture then let them, it's what stimulates and interests them. Just because the work is hard does not mean it is not useless. Sure, its not a great career to go into, but you can certainly get something personal (and professional, so long as you double-major in something more marketable) out of studying the subject matter. Here is an interesting anecdote. It opens your mind and enlightens. That means nothing. Its a shame that you claim to be defending your discipline yet don't even have the necessary skills of research and argument, as well as holding a position. By manifesting patience, wisdom, and genuine desire to help meet the needs of our clients, we offer compassion to those we serve. Therefore it is said that a soldier has ethics when he obeys a superior. Although I agree with the beckham course. NURSES AND PATIENTS OR OTHER PEOPLE REQUIRING CARE OR SERVICES 7 2. School system is only a reference point for the average, and if somebody takes pride in an art or philosophy degree, he missed the point of all things that he learned. Then Id be qualified to talk about everyones professions like I know everything about them while not actually performing them! If you have a question, concern, or complaint related to the AMTA Code of Ethics, please contact a member of the Ethics Board using our secure email address: It really feels good to give people like you what's been coming to them. That was philosophy, heard about political theories? Ensure an appropriate method is used for any project on which they work or propose to work. I currently study all of them separately at A level along with maths and I have no hesitation in saying I find philosophy to be the most challenging. Archaeology is definitely missing. Instead, I will say this: I have a major in philosophy. (2017). It's not even a particularly new sub-field; it's been around for two decades. Neverendingcircles, So bad you don`t know anything about Parapsychology . 2.1 act with the best interest of clients in mind at all times. I know some people say that college is really just a place to find yourself or something but what college is really supposed to be is job training. Recognize that violations of this Code are inconsistent with being a professional software engineer. Also funny how every time someone gets you on an argument, you shift it to another topic, thereby avoiding having to admit they got you. Mental health practitioners (who also have to partially study philosophy) have put the problem down to unhealthy high levels of critical thinking? Ensure that clients, employers, and supervisors know of the software engineers commitment to this Code of ethics, and the subsequent ramifications of such commitment. Also enjoy art and writing on my free time. Give a fair hearing to the opinions, concerns, or complaints of a colleague. Of course some scientists (Einstein, Tesla, Kepler, Newton etc. ) CLIENT AND EMPLOYER Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer consistent with the public interest. They may be respectable courses. Do some research, then make your Useless College Degree list. Consult core ethical principles, ethical standards and codes, relevant laws, and institutional policies. Yes you should be allowed to pursue an interest, I agree. It is the study of liberal arts that provides culture, so these people are needed. Sounds good to me. But the real question raised, is the study of philosophy useful for the purposes of getting a good career? Well funny you mention mediocre actually, the majority of people (at least in the university I'm in) who are studying Arts, is far greater than people who are studying business, science or law. WebICN Code of Ethics for Nurses. Could this decision or situation be damaging to someone or to some group? That, indeed, requires the most instense logic and reasoning. Naive as it may sound, I mostly want to have fun. Ethics specifies the values, professionally accountable if the relationship becomes detrimental to the former client or damages the standing of the profession. 3.14. American Music Therapy Association and its logo are registered trademarks with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office. Please enter password. 6.07. Coventry, Edinburgh, Northampton and Liverpool in the UK, plus Belford and Flamel in the US all offer the course, which makes you wonder if people are watching too many Most Haunted episodes. Grievant - Individual or entity who submits a complaint or concern, Respondent - Individual or entity named in the ethics complaint, responsible for the alleged violation, Hushmail - The preferred method of contacting members of the Ethics Board is through Hushmail, a confidential, encrypted email service at the address, Adopted by the Assembly of Delegates November 17, 2018, Effective February 1, 2019, And guess what? Dont forget, it was the likes of Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Montiescqueau, and Sade who were responsible for the French Revolution and Reign of Terror, which was, until the various deaths under Communism during the 20th Century, the most violent act that ever occurred (heck, it was also the first time genocide occurred within Europe since Carthage was salted. And after all, philosophy has always proven to influence culture in many crucial ways, often ways which MOST PEOPLE DO NOT REALIZE IT THEMSELVES. With all due respect, you did a poor job of defending your intelligence. WebThe 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. Its not because women are being discriminated against; that just because shes a woman that she is getting paid less is complete bull. But i tell you now i will never ever give up on my dream and i dont care what people think of the degree course. (The Common Good Approach), Which option leads me to act as the sort of person I want to be? Would he/she be able to figure out scientific truths herself by simply extrapolating from her own observations? Philosophy is directly relevant to every subject, its in the same vein as math. Information, including confidential information, may be shared with legal Counsel of the Association, with the Association's Executive Director, and with others duly appointed persons authorized by the Board to assist it in carrying out its functions. 1.3 respect, acknowledge, and protect the rights of all clients, including the rights to safety, treatment, respect, dignity, and self-determination, as well as the rights to choose a provider, to exercise legal and civil rights, and to participate in treatment decisions. By the way, going back for my M.A. I'm right now doing a course that requires us to write essay after essay about sustainability and the engineer's responsibility to society. WebAbout the Code of Ethics. Support, as members of a profession, other software engineers striving to follow this Code. EVERY and ANY major is respectable. Why? Oh how marvelous, now I understand how such juvenile writing can spring forth from your keyboard. Nothing should hold you back from educating yourself. many issues are relevant to political, social and scientific areas in the modern world. 1 Not a cornerstone subject but an old one all the same. The AMTA Ethics Board members are knowledgeable about ethics, the AMTA Code of Ethics, and models of problem solving. Retrieved on January 3, 2018, from, Retrieved on January 3, 2018, from Its as important as any study of history. Two things to consider here. 6.06. It would require him to know how people would react by seeing his idea. There is always an argument against anything but there tends to be arguments that are more valid than others and Im afraid most of the arguments here against philosophy are invalid. So I guess when I look at my paychecks I guess it would be appropriate to laugh. Well, you can add civil engineering to that list. In a way that advances society of course. What is science? jQuery('#gform_74').submit(function() { jQuery("input[name='profile.firstName']").val(jQuery("#input_74_1_3").val()); jQuery("input[name='profile.lastName']").val(jQuery("#input_74_1_6").val()); jQuery("input[name='']").val(jQuery("#input_74_2").val()); if(jQuery("#choice_74_6_1").is(':checked')){jQuery("input[name='preferences.ieee_privacy_policy.isConsentGranted']").click();}jQuery(".gigya-hidden-submit input").click();}); jQuery('#gform_75').submit(function() { jQuery("input[name='profile.firstName']").val(jQuery("#input_75_1_3").val()); jQuery("input[name='profile.lastName']").val(jQuery("#input_75_1_6").val()); jQuery("input[name='']").val(jQuery("#input_75_2").val()); if(jQuery("#choice_75_6_1").is(':checked')){jQuery("input[name='preferences.ieee_privacy_policy.isConsentGranted']").click();}jQuery(".gigya-hidden-submit input").click();}); The premier source for computing research. Philosophy itself is not useless, but I cant say that love to study it. ICN Code Sure they can make a lot of money, but they are paid because of the services and goods they provide in order for society to receive a higher standard of living. And by the way, I took IB history and English lit in high school, so I actually came to university WITH these skills. Your basic error is rationalism. 5.4 will serve as a positive role model for students and interns regarding professional behavior, most especially regarding ethical behavior; assuring that students learn about and operate under the guidelines of this Code. Can I learn more about the situation? 3.1 fulfill their legal and professional obligations to the profession with respect to any applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations, and employer policies. So is it so hard to believe that a queer composer's music will contain queer elements? All those remarks about professions youve never bothered to study? If you want a decent place, you are looking at $2,000.00 for a 1 bedroom, plus,utilities,food,tec And if you drive, your insurance rates could be 1/3 of your rent.. Consultation & Clarification: Music therapists can request a consult at any time to explore whether a particular situation is a violation of the AMTA Code of Ethics. Youre letting this forum take over your life. Funding is cut primarily to arts classes and those with low-enrolment. The written notice must be received by the Judicial Review Board by no later than ninety (90) days from the date of the decision by the Ethics Board. The purpose of board certification in music therapy is to provide an objective national standard that can be used as a measure of professionalism by interested agencies, groups, and individuals. What are the options for acting? Ensure proper and achievable goals and objectives for any project on which they work or propose. 5.04. Medical ethics is one that is applied in the field of health and medicine. Art/antiques dealer buys and sells art and antiques, usually specialising in one or more of the following areas: ceramics; glass; paintings; sculpture; clocks; books. Now it has become this symbiotic institution of payments for the chance of getting more money back in the long run. robot in a company that was someone elses dream. With this, it will be more difficult to round-up money/get funding, with a more-or-less laughable degree. 10. Heck, Sartre, aside from being a Soviet plant, also was responsible for the communist takeover of Cambodia just by his teachings, alongside other philosophers. Anyone who cant argue with the facts like to call people stupid, you dumbass!. The music therapist seeks to continually improve skills and knowledge, evaluating the strength and applicability of evidence into all areas of professional practice and behavior. However, what they are incapable of getting though their heads is that most people get a degree in philosophy AS WELL as in another practical field where the two combined will have results that can analyse relevant matters, even in engineering, business economics, and mathematics. WebContact the Center of Ethics and Human Rights at For real. It means that 18 men are qualified for the job while only 2 women are. Of course this list is for fun and every course or degree has some merit to someone. will be pushing the limits of human understanding while they create the things I use everyday, but they are almost by definition the extreme minority. Ask any company. These values and principles provide guidelines for ethical decision-making in our daily practice. Obviously you do not know anything about the degree and you don't realise that Art will never disappear, it will always be here, constantly changing and developing, which means that there will always be jobs. Besides skilled trade programs, nursing, medicine, etc. As for my own view towards the liberal arts, I think that they are a necessary part of the world we live in. WebOur Job Center is a great place to publicize your school district job openings. Thats like me claiming that Architectural Engineers have it easy because they get to punch a calculator all day. My son is majoring in Engineering. I bet whoever wrote this list just had the image of someone asking a patient how they're feeling today while they sit on a sofa. Mathematics is directly relevant to engineering, but at some point I have to stop writing equations and design a bridge. Aya None of these are useless. We need to put bread on the table! Although the Respondent has the right to consult with an attorney concerning all phases of the ethics process, the Respondent must respond to charges and recommendations of the Ethics Board personally and not through legal counsel or another third party. Minoring in history (half art history) was a fruitful component of my engineering studies. If you had studied philosophy you might have learned that respectable is a completely subjective description. Do we need doctors more than bankers? Since you are so empirically rigorous in your argument, open your eyes and have a look at what's going on in the labs and math classrooms at your school. Your homicidal tendencies towards ignorant people are quite ironic because you are ignorant. they work in a vast range of fields including but not exclusively-retailing, technology, education, politics, finance, criminal justice, professors, computer programing, national defence, medical, and even gaming. My philosophy course taught me so many ways to view and judge a situation, just like medical emergencies where this progression in skill is highly valued. These obligations are founded in the software engineers humanity, in special care owed to people affected by the work of software engineers, and the unique elements of the practice of software engineering. However, philosophy students who argue that philosophy teaches you to think critically are deluding themselves. Many of them end up teaching, doing research or going on to law school. Art and philosophy(a class I decided to take on the side and enjoyed even though I was almost brain dead on both subjects) combined can (1) give studio art students a better understanding of what they can do to better assert themselves as artists, (2) allow those in art education, who plan on becoming art teachers at any level of education, to have a better idea on how to better teach students to focus on whatever strengths they have, and (3) to better justify the presence of art and WHY people enjoy it. Due to seemingly popular demand, the UCLA have actually combined queer theory the study of gender, feminism and gayness with the science of music, to produce a very open-minded course within their Herb Alpert School of Music. A person with a graduate degree in psychology can teach psychology online and on-campus. Demonstrating integrity and veracity challenges each individual to act with truthfulness and accuracy in all communications. Take responsibility for detecting, correcting, and reporting errors in software and associated documents on which they work. I personally think any liberal arts based degree is, well not useless but rather unsuited to tertiary/university education. The Ethics Board member will verify membership status of the Respondent by contacting the Executive Director of AMTA. Philosophy majors are about as marketable as other liberal arts degrees. Learning business skills now that will be obsolete in 5 years seems like a waste of time to me. That was all the rage as far as useless degrees go when I went to college in the 80's. Please enter email. Extend software engineering knowledge by appropriate participation in professional organizations, meetings and publications. You seem to think you know everything about what goes on at UBC. Philosophy is based on assumptions. Many programs can be base courses for another program or careers. I believe social work is a great field. Those that cant, teach. The point is society NEEDS engineers, not so much people with philosophy degrees. ), an undergraduate degree in philosophy wont give you any immediately applicable knowledge. Another reason is that in a society that is controlled by complexities of life (politics, media, economics); philosophy becomes a how should I say this a spice (?) Philosophy is the foundation stone of every science that has ever come in to existence and for 2 thousand years Aristotles work was untouched as the authority on over 100 different areas of science. In my opinion, all degrees are a waste of time except maybe for medicine, law and some business degrees. Like any young profession, the historical development of public relations shows a progression toward more self-aware and ethical models of communication. What is personal identity? Predicting the future of our country is the only way of stopping major problems, or at least putting a pillow in the way of the punch. People saying homosexuality is unnatural comes from intolerable people, usually religious. This can be said for many areas. Dont make anonymous insults if you cant handle a little poke back. What do you think we do? Nor are they those who spend their life developing a skillset of how to design and build things. This is just unforgivable. Assist colleagues in being fully aware of current standard work practices including policies and procedures for protecting passwords, files and other confidential information, and security measures in general. What does this mean? Good luck doing anything if you deny a crucial premise to what made the world what it is today and thus made YOU the way you are today. I don't think it is a matter of playing a "card" but to surpass the notion that women are unimportant to history or today's society just merely overlooked or suppressed. People who major in those areas are NOT limited to those professions. Fellman, S.J. Philosophers are among the most reasonable and persuasive people ( the good ones at least) around. Things like communism, Nazism, Christianity, secular humanism, atheism all of these ideas were all cooked in universities, in philosophy faculties, by people pondering how they should be applied, until a few decades later, they become the impetus for a major revolutionary movement which can affect all layers of society directly. Wow, I am surprised by the high volume of idiots here who proclaim that philosophy is useless, yet they are philosophizing at the same time they are saying it is useless. WebCREATE A FOLLOWING Tribune Content Agency builds audience Our content engages millions of readers in 75 countries every day However, in some cases they are similar to each other. How? Integrity, and 8. They might even suggest something for you to read to help you understand your lot in life, but odds are you wont understand it. Man you are quite honestly a perfect example of a pretentious arts w**ker. Striving for excellence - ongoing commitment to expand our knowledge and skills in all areas. This is near the conclusion, is it not? They are both earning over 100k. Until recently women's contribution to history has been practically unknown. And to read your blog is like making fun of what i aspire to be. Im pretty sure Art History is not useless. It really ought to be taken with a grain of salt, since the author's agenda is pretty clear (and pretty extreme). Door openings, knocking on windows, dogs stareing at nothing and growling, Life is very short, I rather enjoy it learning about my deepest interests than working all day long on a big company without knowing why. Information about a grievance may also be released when necessary to protect the interests of a) the Grievant or Respondent, b) other investigative or adjudicative bodies, c) the Association, or d) members of the public, and release will not unduly interfere with the Association's interest in respecting the legitimate confidentiality interests of participants in the ethics process. B.S. My aunt who is a professor for Art History helped me a lot understanding it better. Philosophy stands out in admissions and teaches you analytic skills. ^You are telling me you cannot understand that? Funny how you tell me to let go but you're the one writing follow-up comments. For example: if a soldier is told to torture a prisoner, it would be unethical to comply with that order since human rights would be violated. But I think thats the very reason we need philosophy. Let me put it this way. All sciences, social or natural, came from a philosophical concept. Despite what Max thinks, he will be competing with many of the graduates from BCIT that weve both mentioned. Can those same jobs be filled by non-philosophers? If this is correct, then it looks like I'm actually a Liberal Arts major myself (studying math/ physics). When a question arises regarding behaviors and ethics, the member is encouraged to consult with the Ethics Board. Dont forget your multi colored shirts! Saying my attempt is pathetic, of course, isnt an argument at all. The dynamic and demanding context of software engineering requires a code that is adaptable and relevant to new situations as they occur. In Berkeley they offered a course for the PC game Starcraft. Should there even be government? It will not only enrich their personal lives but create a more well rounded, multidisciplinary, multi facted individual and employee. Surely you cannot be serious when you say Maybe an art gallery curator, but how many of those does the world actually need?. a lot of it proven to just be the thoughts of smart but insane men with their heads up their asses. You guys seem to have a lot of time on your hands. i enjoyed the list. 1.6 respect and protect the client's confidentiality at all times and following any applicable institutional or legal rules and regulations. And by the way, the factories, research funds, raw materials for the computers all of these were not possible were it not for a certain structure of government in the nations, which came about as a result of philosophizing. If you have a question, concern, or complaint related to the AMTA Code of Ethics, please contact a member of the Ethics Board using our secure email address: The fact that there are fields that are only hireable by academic institutions has no relevance to whether the field itself is useful. It all depends HOW you apply philosophy. The top ten useless articles, all start with top 10. And to the claim that Aristotle has been proven wrong by modern science or whatever the claim was Im not even sure what this is supposed to mean. is perfect, but yet rewarding to ones life as a new knowlege, an accomplishment, a requirement, or anything either way. Not promote their own interest at the expense of the profession, client or employer. Isnt saying that Sciences have a foundation in Philosophy the same as saying that you are superior because you studied elementary school Arithmetic which is a foundation of Algebra and Calculus? If you make a living by doing what you love, you will be much happier than if you had a career in which you made more money but hated. Web6.04. Some of their graduates do quite well if they get hired by one of the country clubs or privately owned courses around here. I took IB in high school and did English Lit as well as History. You obviously dont appreciate philosophy, but I implore you to not bust my chops (or anyone elses for that matter) by way of hard, short-sighted criticism. GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED in the . From the science majors, philosophy majors, business majors, etc. It's almost offensive. Could it be theyre so in love with themselves that they cant stop blabbing? A lot of these seem to be selective subjects within a course so aren't a big deal. Knowing HOW to learn is more important than learning itself.". How do we make our laws? Improve their understanding of the software and related documents on which they work and of the environment in which they will be used. One reason why people study philosophy is to study which view of life is right and which view of life is wrong. Why should other taxpayers be forced to pay for your way in life? The moment we say philosophy is useless we are already philosophizing. Are you imply it is a good idea to pursue an undergraduate degree that prepares you for graduate study in a field you are interested in? A lot of people who complain about the small percentage are arguing about equal outcome; which is completely ridiculous. NURSES AND PRACTICE 12 3. It is the most basic fundamental part of a search for knowledge, without which we would not have people in academic institutions studying modern science, maths, or even business studies (which owes its basic principles to philosophers like Locke and Rawls.). 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