jp morgan competitive analysis

NCR Recognized as a WW Leader in IDC MarketScape for Point of Sale Applications for Fast Casual & However, J.P. Morgan may be restricted from updating information contained in this communication for regulatory or other reasons. Conducting applied research focused on frontier technologies to transform scientific findings into business value. // go smooth _tween.pause(); Transacting with advanced layers of security says you can be J.P. Morgans website and/or mobile terms, privacy and security policies dont apply to the site or app you're about to visit. "),f)}})}};j=wa.prototype,j.parseComplex=function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g,h,i,j,k,l,m=this.keyword;if(this.multi&&(I.test(c)||I.test(b)? J.P.Morgan is a global leader in financial services, offering solutions to the world's most important corporations, governments and institutions in more than 100 countries. (this._time=p,a=p+1e-4):this._time<0?this._time=a=0:a=this._time)),this._hasPause&&!this._forcingPlayhead&&!b){if(a=this._time,a>=q)for(d=this._first;d&&d._startTime<=a&&!m;)d._duration||"isPause"!||d.ratio||0===d._startTime&&0===this._rawPrevTime||(m=d),d=d._next;else for(d=this._last;d&&d._startTime>=a&&!m;)d._duration||"isPause">0&&(m=d),d=d._prev;m&&(this._time=a=m._startTime,this._totalTime=a+this._cycle*(this._totalDuration+this._repeatDelay))}if(this._cycle!==w&&!this._locked){var x=this._yoyo&&0!==(1&w),y=x===(this._yoyo&&0!==(1&this._cycle)),z=this._totalTime,A=this._cycle,B=this._rawPrevTime,C=this._time;if(this._totalTime=w*p,this._cycle-1;)c=b[d],i[c]&&(i[c].parse===h?e=!0:c="transformOrigin"===c?Da:i[c].p),Ta(g,c);e&&(Ta(g,Ba),f=this.t._gsTransform,f&&(f.svg&&(this.t.removeAttribute("data-svg-origin"),this.t.removeAttribute("transform")),delete this.t._gsTransform))}};for(xa("clearProps",{parser:function(a,b,d,e,f){return f=new sa(a,d,0,0,f,2),f.setRatio=Va,f.e=b,,,c=!0,f}}),j="bezier,throwProps,physicsProps,physics2D".split(","),va=j.length;va--;)ya(j[va]);j=g.prototype,j._firstPT=j._lastParsedTransform=j._transform=null,j._onInitTween=function(a,b,h,j){if(!a.nodeType)return!1;this._target=q=a,this._tween=h,this._vars=b,r=j,k=b.autoRound,c=!1,d=b.suffixMap||g.suffixMap,e=Z(a,""),f=this._overwriteProps;var n,p,s,t,u,v,w,x,z,;if(l&&""===A.zIndex&&(n=$(a,"zIndex",e),("auto"===n||""===n)&&this._addLazySet(A,"zIndex",0)),"string"==typeof b&&(t=A.cssText,n=ba(a,e),A.cssText=t+";"+b,n=ca(a,n,ba(a)).difs,!T&&y.test(b)&&(n.opacity=parseFloat(RegExp.$1)),b=n,A.cssText=t),b.className?this._firstPT=p=i.className.parse(a,b.className,"className",this,null,null,b):this._firstPT=p=this.parse(a,b,null),this._transformType){for(z=3===this._transformType,Ba?m&&(l=!0,""===A.zIndex&&(w=$(a,"zIndex",e),("auto"===w||""===w)&&this._addLazySet(A,"zIndex",0)),o&&this._addLazySet(A,"WebkitBackfaceVisibility",this._vars.WebkitBackfaceVisibility||(z? : opens new window to JPMorgan Chase & Co. Technology Media & Communications Conference. And in the services space, vertical integration of technology is becoming increasingly important. "top":"left"]=d.duration*g,i.css(n,r),o&&_()}else{"fixed"!=i.css(n,"position")&&(i.css(n,{position:"fixed"}),_());var u=i.get.offset(A.spacer,!0),f=d.reverse||0===d.duration?t.scrollPos-p.start:Math.round(g*d.duration*10)/10;u[t.vertical? solutions, Trade & working } else { // play from 1 to 0 provides music designed for the brain (generated by AI) to improve focus, meditation, relaxation, naps & sleep within 15 minutes of use. Build a competitive edge with embedded banking solutions for a seamless * /** (i=k-t,j=l-u,v.xOffset+=i*w[0]+j*w[2]-i,v.yOffset+=i*w[1]+j*w[3]-j):v.xOffset=v.yOffset=0),f||a.setAttribute("data-svg-origin",h.join(" "))},La=function(a){try{return a.getBBox()}catch(a){}},Ma=function(a){return!! Click the links below for secure access to your accounts: Industrial and multifamily properties continue to perform well, and investors should keep an eye on climbing interest rates. * // get the current tweenChanges option }; : opens new window to JPMorgan Chase & Co. Technology Media & Communications Conference. Global Head of Payments, J.P. Morgan, Accepting more currencies says your business is part To learn more, visit The growth in electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) is climbing and by 2025, EVs and HEVs will account for an estimated 30% of all vehicle sales. The next target date cited by automakers as a tipping point is 2025, when everything from materials and fuel to cost and the companies that build cars are set to look dramatically different. Providing insights, bespoke products and informed index management decisions. The point-of-sale is just the beginning of a conversation between your business and your (o=void 0,0):0;return e}}),C=function(e){e=arguments.length? * DATE: 2016-07-14 The other way they make money from it as well, meaning the media companies, is they'll charge higher rates to the distributor, or they'll have more leverage negotiating with a distributor, meaning the cable company, the telecom company, to pay for their network because they have this valuable content. We do believe that the inflection point will be past 2025. Discuss a time in which you were a member of a successful team. It's one, making it easier, for example, to check into the physicians office. Asian manufacturers hold the lion's share of global production, with Panasonic commanding a 40% stake, followed by LG Chem with an 18% market share. Simplify your complex payments ecosystem with industry-leading end-to-end payment solutions. 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Noelle: Let's talk about the broadcasters for a minute. This is in clear contrast to Audi and Mercedes., Jose Asumendi, Head of European Automotives, J.P. Morgan, 1J.P. J.P. Morgans website and/or mobile terms, privacy and security policies dont apply to the site or app you're about to visit. Noelle: It's clearly a very dynamic and interesting part of the media space right now. How real estate as a service can help you gain a competitive edge. WebWRAL - NBC News Channel 5 - Raleigh breaking news, North Carolina news today, WRAL weather forecasts, NC lottery updates. In biotechnology, we expect both vertical integration and building of scale to lead to more M&A. * scene.removeTween(true); The majority of these are AC Level 1 and 2, with only around 20% of all public charging points offering fast chargers. And we've built a legacy preparing businesses for the future, investing billions in tomorrow's technologies Pairing the unique and complicated data and problems of a bank, with machine learning expertise. JP Morgan Chase Mission Statement and Vision Analysis, outperformed Wall Street's Bank Index considerably, 2020 Guide: How to Settle Debt and Remove from Credit Report, Pros and Cons of Personal Loans to Pay Off Credit Card Debt, Debt Settlement Programs: How They Work and Who Can Help, Chase Credit Journey Review 2020: Pros, Cons and Alternatives, What Is Credit & How Does Credit Work [In-Depth Guide], SoFi Student Loan Debt Refinancing Reviews 2020: Pros, Cons and Cost. * @param {(object|string)} TweenObject - A TweenMax, TweenLite, TimelineMax or TimelineLite object that should be animated in the scene. // wrap Tween into a Timeline Object if available to include delay and repeats in the duration and standardize methods. * if (reset) { perennial visibility and reconciliation challenges. We are a leader in investment management, dedicating to creating a strategic advantage for institutions by connecting clients with J.P.Morgan investment professionals globally. This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument. * Instead of supplying a tween this method can also be used as a shorthand for `` (see example below). Scene.removeTween = function (reset) { The corporate mission statement and vision of the company, as well as its core values, had a crucial role in the sustainability and resilience of this company. (o.touchObject.swipeLength>10),void 0===o.touchObject.curX)return!1;if(!0===o.touchObject.edgeHit&&o.$slider.trigger("edge",[o,o.swipeDirection()]),o.touchObject.swipeLength>=o.touchObject.minSwipe){switch(t=o.swipeDirection()){case"left":case"down":e=o.options.swipeToSlide?o.checkNavigable(o.currentSlide+o.getSlideCount()):o.currentSlide+o.getSlideCount(),o.currentDirection=0;break;case"right":case"up":e=o.options.swipeToSlide?o.checkNavigable(o.currentSlide-o.getSlideCount()):o.currentSlide-o.getSlideCount(),o.currentDirection=1}"vertical"!=t&&(o.slideHandler(e),o.touchObject={},o.$slider.trigger("swipe",[o,t]))}else o.touchObject.startX!==o.touchObject.curX&&(o.slideHandler(o.currentSlide),o.touchObject={})},e.prototype.swipeHandler=function(i){var e=this;if(! updateTweenProgress(); To learn how to avoid this issue see here:"); * @example :[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}\\b";for(j in ka)oa+="|"+j+"\\b";oa=new RegExp(oa+")","gi"),g.colorStringFilter=function(a){var b,c=a[0]+a[1];oa.test(c)&&(b=-1!==c.indexOf("hsl(")||-1!==c.indexOf("hsla("),a[0]=na(a[0],b),a[1]=na(a[1],b)),oa.lastIndex=0},b.defaultStringFilter||(b.defaultStringFilter=g.colorStringFilter);var pa=function(a,b,c,d){if(null==a)return function(a){return a};var e,f=b?(a.match(oa)||[""])[0]:"",g=a.split(f).join("").match(u)||[],h=a.substr(0,a.indexOf(g[0])),i=")"===a.charAt(a.length-1)? network. (this._yoyo=a,this):this._yoyo},k.currentLabel=function(a){return arguments.length?,!0):this.getLabelBefore(this._time+1e-8)},d},!0),function(){var a=180/Math.PI,b=[],c=[],d=[],e={},f=_gsScope._gsDefine.globals,g=function(a,b,c,d){c===d&&(c=d-(d-b)/1e6),a===b&&(b=a+(c-a)/1e6),this.a=a,this.b=b,this.c=c,this.d=d,this.da=d-a,,},h=",x,y,z,left,top,right,bottom,marginTop,marginLeft,marginRight,marginBottom,paddingLeft,paddingTop,paddingRight,paddingBottom,backgroundPosition,backgroundPosition_y,",i=function(a,b,c,d){var e={a:a},f={},g={},h={c:d},i=(a+b)/2,j=(b+c)/2,k=(c+d)/2,l=(i+j)/2,m=(j+k)/2,n=(m-l)/8;return e.b=i+(a-i)/4,f.b=l+n,e.c=f.a=(e.b+f.b)/2,f.c=g.a=(l+m)/2,g.b=m-n,h.b=k+(d-k)/4,g.c=h.a=(g.b+h.b)/2,[e,f,g,h]},j=function(a,e,f,g,h){var j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w=a.length-1,x=0,y=a[0].a;for(j=0;w>j;j++)n=a[x],k=n.a,l=n.d,m=a[x+1].d,h?(t=b[j],u=c[j],v=(u+t)*e*.25/(g?.5:d[j]||.5),o=l-(l-k)*(g?.5*e:0!==t?v/t:0),p=l+(m-l)*(g?.5*e:0!==u?v/u:0),q=l-(o+((p-o)*(3*t/(t+u)+.5)/4||0))):(o=l-(l-k)*e*.5,p=l+(m-l)*e*.5,q=l-(o+p)/2),o+=q,p+=q,n.c=r=o,0!==j?n.b=y:n.b=y=n.a+.6*(n.c-n.a),n.da=l-k,,,f? /*! Intelligence Cloud. A portal into the industry-leading proprietary financial market data from Markets Research and Trading. Visit Chase Retaining and attracting qualified human resources, it's what allowed and will be key for JP Morgan Chase to remain a key player in the financial industry worldwide. You really can derive a lot of benefits from having these sports rights, for example, from the advertising side. Ryan: Hi, thanks for tuning in. * It offers an easy API to trigger Tweens or synchronize them to the scrollbar movement. (k=f=!0,j="onReverseComplete"):u>=0&&this._first&&(k=!0),this._rawPrevTime=a;else{if(this._rawPrevTime=p||!b||a||this._rawPrevTime===a?a:e,0===a&&f)for(d=this._first;d&&0===d._startTime;)d._duration||(f=!1),d=d._next;a=0,this._initted||(k=!0)}else if(0===p&&0>u&&(k=!0),this._time=this._rawPrevTime=a,this._locked||(this._totalTime=a,0!==this._repeat&&(l=p+this._repeatDelay,this._cycle=this._totalTime/l>>0,0!==this._cycle&&this._cycle===this._totalTime/l&&a>=r&&this._cycle--,this._time=this._totalTime-this._cycle*l,this._yoyo&&0!==(1&this._cycle)&&(this._time=p-this._time),this._time>p? AstroGrowth is a directory of business software which includes expert and guest reviews, and the latest strategies and trends in the industry. * @param {boolean} [newTweenChanges] - The new tweenChanges setting of the scene. if (state === 'DURING' && _tween.paused()) { The way it works, is you have these sports leagues, such as the NFL, the NBA, and those sell their content to a distributor, sometimes more than one distributor, a linear distributor, even some digital distributors. JPMorgan Chase & Co. or its affiliates and/or subsidiaries (collectively, J.P. Morgan) normally make a market and trade as principal in securities, other financial products and other asset classes that may be discussed in this communication. So it certainly addresses that need here in the U.S. And in fact, we think about virtual care as sort of the great equalizer when it comes to access to healthcare globally. For general inquiries regarding JPMorgan Chase & Co. or other lines of business, please call +1 212 270 6000. As a global leader, we deliver strategic advice and solutions, including capital raising, risk management, and trade finance services to corporations, institutions and governments. China's local government policy requires 30% of all new buses to be NEV. EV battery manufacturing is dominated by a relatively small number of players. And I believe the NBA goes even further out than that. They'll look it up, they'll say, "Is there a clinic near me "to be able to get the services that I want?". Noelle: They're doing their best to compete at this point. } (k.length>0&&f.removeClassToggle(),R=t,k=n,f.on("enter.internal_class leave.internal_class",function(e){var t="enter"===e.type?i.addClass:i.removeClass;k.forEach(function(e){t(e,R)})}),f):f},this.removeClassToggle=function(e){return e&&k.forEach(function(e){i.removeClass(e,R)}),"start.internal_class end.internal_class"),R=void 0,k=[],f},w(),f};var r={defaults:{duration:0,offset:0,triggerElement:void 0,triggerHook:.5,reverse:!0,loglevel:2},validate:{offset:function(e){if(e=parseFloat(e),!i.type.Number(e))throw 0;return e},triggerElement:function(e){if(e=e||void 0){var t=i.get.elements(e)[0];if(!t)throw 0;e=t}return e},triggerHook:function(e){var t={onCenter:.5,onEnter:1,onLeave:0};if(i.type.Number(e))e=Math.max(0,Math.min(parseFloat(e),1));else{if(! Comparatively, in 2016 just under 1 million vehicles or 1% of global auto sales came from plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs).1. WebCount J.R. Smith among those who hopes LeBron James gets bitten by the golf bug, but Smith admits James is going to need lessons. In Context J.P. Morgan's newsletter that features insights across global markets and industries. } "borderLeftWidth":"borderTopWidth"]=d+e;else{if(l=a.parentNode||N.body,i=l._gsCache,j=b.ticker.frame,i&&k&&i.time===j)return i.width*d/100;m[k?"width":"height"]=d+e}l.appendChild(P),h=parseFloat(P[k? Any opinions and recommendations herein do not take into account individual client circumstances, objectives, or needs and are not intended as recommendations of particular securities, financial instruments or strategies to particular clients. If we think about the last patent cycle, it had almost no pipeline, you had very few of these smaller biotech companies that you could look to partner with or outright acquire. (a!=this._reversed&&(this._reversed=a,this.totalTime(this._timeline&&!this._timeline.smoothChildTiming?this.totalDuration()-this._totalTime:this._totalTime,!0)),this):this._reversed},g.paused=function(a){if(!arguments.length)return this._paused;var b,c,d=this._timeline;return a!=this._paused&&d&&(i||a||h.wake(),b=d.rawTime(),c=b-this._pauseTime,!a&&d.smoothChildTiming&&(this._startTime+=c,this._uncache(!1)),this._pauseTime=a?b:null,this._paused=a,this._active=this.isActive(),!a&&0!==c&&this._initted&&this.duration()&&(b=d.smoothChildTiming?this._totalTime:(b-this._startTime)/this._timeScale,this.render(b,b===this._totalTime,!0))),this._gc&&!a&&this._enabled(!0,!1),this};var E=s("core.SimpleTimeline",function(a){,0,a),this.autoRemoveChildren=this.smoothChildTiming=!0});g=E.prototype=new C,g.constructor=E,g.kill()._gc=!1,g._first=g._last=g._recent=null,g._sortChildren=!1,g.add=g.insert=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f;if(a._startTime=Number(b||0)+a._delay,a._paused&&this!==a._timeline&&(a._pauseTime=a._startTime+(this.rawTime()-a._startTime)/a._timeScale),a.timeline&&a.timeline._remove(a,!0),a.timeline=a._timeline=this,a._gc&&a._enabled(!0,!0),e=this._last,this._sortChildren)for(f=a._startTime;e&&e._startTime>f;)e=e._prev;return e? "Left":"Top",e=$(a,"margin"+d,c);return a["offset"+d]-(_(a,b,parseFloat(e),e.replace(w,""))||0)},ba=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f={};if(b=b||Z(a,null))if(c=b.length)for(;--c>-1;)e=b[c],(-1===e.indexOf("-transform")||Ca===e)&&(f[e.replace(C,E)]=b.getPropertyValue(e));else for(c in b)(-1===c.indexOf("Transform")||Ba===c)&&(f[c]=b[c]);else if(b=a.currentStyle|| in b)"string"==typeof c&&void 0===f[c]&&(f[c.replace(C,E)]=b[c]);return T||(f.opacity=U(a)),d=Pa(a,b,!1),f.rotation=d.rotation,f.skewX=d.skewX,f.scaleX=d.scaleX,f.scaleY=d.scaleY,f.x=d.x,f.y=d.y,Ea&&(f.z=d.z,f.rotationX=d.rotationX,f.rotationY=d.rotationY,f.scaleZ=d.scaleZ),f.filters&&delete f.filters,f},ca=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f,g,h,i={},;for(g in c)"cssText"!==g&&"length"!==g&&isNaN(g)&&(b[g]!==(f=c[g])||e&&e[g])&&-1===g.indexOf("Origin")&&("number"==typeof f||"string"==typeof f)&&(i[g]="auto"!==f||"left"!==g&&"top"!==g? (a&&a.propName&&a.init&&a.API))throw"illegal plugin definition. By 2025, J.P. Morgan estimates this will rise close to 8.4 million vehicles or a 7.7% market share. It's two, things like Telehealth and Telemedicine reaching that patient where they want to be reached. Kimberly: We've been working in healthcare for over 10 years. Retroactive dual-credit policies announced in March are pushing manufacturers to have a larger proportion of NEVs in their production portfolio. And offering seamless ways to pay says you can stay ahead in a world where anything is possible. So pretty much what it means is that there will be shortages and the prices would have to respond accordingly. But at the same time we see enough regional variance. in both people and technology to provide the global scale and service of a world-class bank, with So if you have one area like sports rights where you're actually still seeing mass audience tune in to watch it live, advertisers realize this is so scarce and therefore even more valuable. Explore global cybersecurity and fraud prevention articles, videos and quizzes to strengthen business resiliency. [e[0],e[1],e[4],e[5],e[12],e[13]]:e},Pa=R.getTransform=function(a,c,d,e){if(a._gsTransform&&d&&!e)return a._gsTransform;var f,h,i,j,k,l,m=d?a._gsTransform||new Fa:new Fa,n=m.scaleX<0,o=2e-5,p=1e5,q=Ea?parseFloat($(a,Da,c,!1,"0 0 0").split(" ")[2])||m.zOrigin||0:0,r=parseFloat(g.defaultTransformPerspective)||0;if(m.svg=! WRAL news in Raleigh, NC // Browser globals Scene.removeTween(e.reset); And that is absolutely, I'd say, the main focus or big focus in investment for these media companies just to keep investing in the digital platforms and moving that direction. * if (_tween.repeat && _tween.repeat() === -1) { Whether your business is a large multinational or a small business enterprise, We've been heavily focused in medical imaging and life sciences and drug discovery. animation.GSAP# * @private Morgan WalletTM. ("duration"===e&&(o=void 0),F(e,t)&&(f.trigger("change",{what:e,newval:d[e]}),r.shifts.indexOf(e)>-1&&f.trigger("shift",{reason:e})),f):d[e]})};this.controller=function(){return s},this.state=function(){return h},this.scrollOffset=function(){return p.start},this.triggerPosition=function(){var e=d.offset;return s&&(e+=d.triggerElement?"size")*f.triggerHook()),e};var T,A;f.on("shift.internal",function(e){var t="duration"===e.reason;(h===c&&t||h===l&&0===d.duration)&&O(),t&&_()}).on("progress.internal",function(){O()}).on("add.internal",function(){_()}).on("destroy.internal",function(e){f.removePin(e.reset)});var O=function(e){if(T&&s){var,n=A.spacer.firstChild;if(e||h!==l){var r={position:A.inFlow?"relative":"absolute",top:0,left:0},o=i.css(n,"position")!=r.position;A.pushFollowers?d.duration>0&&(h===c&&0===parseFloat(i.css(A.spacer,"padding-top"))?o=!0:h===a&&0===parseFloat(i.css(A.spacer,"padding-bottom"))&&(o=!0)):r[t.vertical? All existing government subsidies will expire from 2021, which could trigger some pre-buying activity before 2020. Our financial advisors create solutions addressing strategic investment approaches, professional portfolio management and a broad range of wealth management services. We also lead volunteer service activities for employees in local communities by utilizing our many resources, including those that stem from access to capital, economies of scale, global reach and expertise. If it isnt a palindrome, repeat the process until the sum is a palindrome. So in terms of the biggest usage out there, we still see-- lithium for example, we see this year balanced market. Please review its terms, privacy and security policies to see how they apply to you. Aluminum demand will also get a substantial boost as EVs grow in popularity and vehicles get lighter. Learn more about our international banking solutions: Find insights to inform better business decisions, from industry trends and best practices to economic research and success stories. developing sophisticated payments solutions like connected mobility solutions and blockchain return Scene; } Future Lab for Applied Research and Engineering, Follow J.P.Morgan Chase & Co. on Facebook, : opens new window to JPMorgan Chase Careers. And with the real burgeoning artificial intelligence community, what we've seen is the last five, six years, the research community in all facets of healthcare have really embraced artificial intelligence. }); For general inquiries regarding JPMorgan Chase & Co. or other lines of business, please call +1 212 270 6000. What are the metals that are used most in the vehicles, and which metals are expected to increase the most going forward? future. * @example "0 8px":"2px 4px"}),u.appendChild(a)},m=function(){a.parentNode.removeChild(a)},h=function(){a.parentNode!==u&&f();var r={};r[t?"top":"left"]=e.triggerPosition(),r[t?"height":"width"]=e.duration(),o.css(a,r),o.css(p,{display:e.duration()>0? Contactless payments keep New York's MTA moving forward. This communication is provided for information purposes only. Thank you. Scene.on("destroy.plugin_gsap", function (e) { * Greensock License info at "":"none"})},v=function(){var n=d.trigger(r.colorTrigger),a={};a[t?"right":"bottom"]=0,a[t?"border-top-width":"border-left-width"]=1,o.css(n.firstChild,a),o.css(n.firstChild.firstChild,{padding:t? Morgans Research team leverages cutting-edge technologies and innovative tools to bring clients industry-leading analysis and investment advice. Through a series of global hackathons, students and professionals work side by side with our employees to develop creative solutions for nonprofits. ").pop(),[],function(){return o});else if(r)if(e===b){module.exports=c[b]=o;for(s in c)o[s]=c[s]}else c[b]&&(c[b][n]=o);for(s=0;s-1;)for(f=i[j],e=d?s("easing."+f,null,!0):k.easing[f]||{},g=l.length;--g>-1;)h=l[g],v[f+". So we need the big scale to make it very attractive for the advertiser. Leverages cutting-edge technologies and innovative tools to bring clients industry-leading analysis and investment advice. This communication has been prepared based upon information, including market prices, data and other information, from sources believed to be reliable, but J.P. Morgan does not warrant its completeness or accuracy except with respect to any disclosures relative to J.P. Morgan and/or its affiliates and an analyst's involvement with any company (or security, other financial product or other asset class) that may be the subject of this communication. var updateTweenProgress = function () { In terms of medical technology, we also continue to see innovation cycle as capital continues to pour in and as big buyers, big companies, do continue to consolidate smaller companies. } If an object containing parameters are supplied, a default duration of 1 will be used. A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. J.P. Morgans website and/or mobile terms, privacy and security policies dont apply to the site or app you're about to visit. "visible":"hidden"))):A.zoom=1,s=p;s&&s._next;)s=s._next;x=new sa(a,"transform",0,0,null,2),this._linkCSSP(x,null,s),x.setRatio=Ba?Ra:Qa,||Pa(a,e,!0),x.tween=h,,f.pop()}if(c){for(;p;){for(v=p._next,s=t;s&&>;)s=s._next;(p._prev=s?s._prev:u)?p._prev._next=p:t=p,(p._next=s)?s._prev=p:u=p,p=v}this._firstPT=t}return!0},j.parse=function(a,b,c,f){var g,h,j,l,m,n,o,p,s,t,;for(g in b)n=b[g],"function"==typeof n&&(n=n(r,q)),h=i[g],h?c=h.parse(a,n,g,this,c,f,b):(m=$(a,g,e)+"",s="string"==typeof n,"color"===g||"fill"===g||"stroke"===g||-1!==g.indexOf("Color")||s&&A.test(n)?(s||(n=ma(n),n=(n.length>3?"rgba(":"rgb(")+n.join(",")+")"),c=ua(u,g,m,n,!0,"transparent",c,0,f)):s&&J.test(n)?c=ua(u,g,m,n,!0,null,c,0,f):(j=parseFloat(m),o=j||0===j?m.substr((j+"").length):"",(""===m||"auto"===m)&&("width"===g||"height"===g?(j=fa(a,g,e),o="px"):"left"===g||"top"===g?(j=aa(a,g,e),o="px"):(j="opacity"!==g?0:1,o="")),t=s&&"="===n.charAt(1),t? WebPlease review its terms, privacy and security policies to see how they apply to you. (this._dirty&&this.totalDuration(),a>this._duration&&(a=this._duration),this._yoyo&&0!==(1&this._cycle)?a=this._duration-a+this._cycle*(this._duration+this._repeatDelay):0!==this._repeat&&(a+=this._cycle*(this._duration+this._repeatDelay)),this.totalTime(a,b)):this._time},k.duration=function(b){return arguments.length?,b):this._duration},k.totalDuration=function(a){return arguments.length?-1===this._repeat?this:this.duration((a-this._repeat*this._repeatDelay)/(this._repeat+1)):(this._dirty&&(this._totalDuration=-1===this._repeat?999999999999:this._duration*(this._repeat+1)+this._repeatDelay*this._repeat,this._dirty=!1),this._totalDuration)},k.repeat=function(a){return arguments.length? * @returns {Scene} `set` - Parent object for chaining. (j=this._time/r,k=this._easeType,l=this._easePower,(1===k||3===k&&j>=.5)&&(j=1-j),3===k&&(j*=2),1===l?j*=j:2===l?j*=j*j:3===l?j*=j*j*j:4===l&&(j*=j*j*j*j),1===k?this.ratio=1-j:2===k?this.ratio=j:this._time/r<.5?this.ratio=j/2:this.ratio=1-j/2):this.ratio=this._ease.getRatio(this._time/r)),o===this._time&&!c&&q===this._cycle)return void(p!==this._totalTime&&this._onUpdate&&(b||this._callback("onUpdate")));if(!this._initted){if(this._init(),!this._initted||this._gc)return;if(!c&&this._firstPT&&(this.vars.lazy!==!1&&this._duration||this.vars.lazy&&!this._duration))return this._time=o,this._totalTime=p,this._rawPrevTime=s,this._cycle=q,h.lazyTweens.push(this),void(this._lazy=[a,b]);this._time&&!d?this.ratio=this._ease.getRatio(this._time/r):d&&this._ease._calcEnd&&(this.ratio=this._ease.getRatio(0===this._time?0:1))}for(this._lazy!==!1&&(this._lazy=!1),this._active||!this._paused&&this._time!==o&&a>=0&&(this._active=!0),0===p&&(2===this._initted&&a>0&&this._init(),this._startAt&&(a>=0?this._startAt.render(a,b,c):e||(e="_dummyGS")),this.vars.onStart&&(0!==this._totalTime||0===r)&&(b||this._callback("onStart"))),f=this._firstPT;f;)f.f?f.t[f.p](f.c*this.ratio+f.s):f.t[f.p]=f.c*this.ratio+f.s,f=f._next;this._onUpdate&&(0>a&&this._startAt&&this._startTime&&this._startAt.render(a,b,c),b||(this._totalTime!==p||e)&&this._callback("onUpdate")),this._cycle!==q&&(b||this._gc||this.vars.onRepeat&&this._callback("onRepeat")),e&&(!this._gc||c)&&(0>a&&this._startAt&&!this._onUpdate&&this._startTime&&this._startAt.render(a,b,c),d&&(this._timeline.autoRemoveChildren&&this._enabled(!1,!1),this._active=!1),!b&&this.vars[e]&&this._callback(e),0===r&&this._rawPrevTime===g&&m!==g&&(this._rawPrevTime=0))},,b,c){return new f(a,b,c)},f.from=function(a,b,c){return c.runBackwards=!0,c.immediateRender=0!=c.immediateRender,new f(a,b,c)},f.fromTo=function(a,b,c,d){return d.startAt=c,d.immediateRender=0!=d.immediateRender&&0!=c.immediateRender,new f(a,b,d)},f.staggerTo=f.allTo=function(a,b,g,h,k,m,n){h=h||0;var o,p,q,r,s=0,t=[],u=function(){g.onComplete&&g.onComplete.apply(g.onCompleteScope||this,arguments),k.apply(n||g.callbackScope||this,m||l)},v=g.cycle,w=g.startAt&&g.startAt.cycle;for(j(a)||("string"==typeof a&&(a=c.selector(a)||a),i(a)&&(a=d(a))),a=a||[],0>h&&(a=d(a),a.reverse(),h*=-1),o=a.length-1,q=0;o>=q;q++){p={};for(r in g)p[r]=g[r];if(v&&(e(p,a,q),null!=p.duration&&(b=p.duration,delete p.duration)),w){w=p.startAt={};for(r in g.startAt)w[r]=g.startAt[r];e(p.startAt,a,q)}p.delay=s+(p.delay||0),q===o&&k&&(p.onComplete=u),t[q]=new f(a[q],b,p),s+=h}return t},f.staggerFrom=f.allFrom=function(a,b,c,d,e,g,h){return c.runBackwards=!0,c.immediateRender=0!=c.immediateRender,f.staggerTo(a,b,c,d,e,g,h)},f.staggerFromTo=f.allFromTo=function(a,b,c,d,e,g,h,i){return d.startAt=c,d.immediateRender=0!=d.immediateRender&&0!=c.immediateRender,f.staggerTo(a,b,d,e,g,h,i)},f.delayedCall=function(a,b,c,d,e){return new f(b,0,{delay:a,onComplete:b,onCompleteParams:c,callbackScope:d,onReverseComplete:b,onReverseCompleteParams:c,immediateRender:!1,useFrames:e,overwrite:0})},f.set=function(a,b){return new f(a,0,b)},f.isTweening=function(a){return c.getTweensOf(a,!0).length>0};var m=function(a,b){for(var d=[],e=0,f=a._first;f;)f instanceof c?d[e++]=f:(b&&(d[e++]=f),d=d.concat(m(f,b)),e=d.length),f=f._next;return d},n=f.getAllTweens=function(b){return m(a._rootTimeline,b).concat(m(a._rootFramesTimeline,b))};f.killAll=function(a,c,d,e){null==c&&(c=!0),null==d&&(d=!0);var f,g,h,i=n(0!=e),j=i.length,k=c&&d&&e;for(h=0;j>h;h++)g=i[h],(k||g instanceof b||(||c&&!f)&&(a?g.totalTime(g._reversed?0:g.totalDuration()):g._enabled(!1,!1))},f.killChildTweensOf=function(a,b){if(null!=a){var e,g,k,l,m,n=h.tweenLookup;if("string"==typeof a&&(a=c.selector(a)||a),i(a)&&(a=d(a)),j(a))for(l=a.length;--l>-1;)f.killChildTweensOf(a[l],b);else{e=[];for(k in n)for(g=n[k].target.parentNode;g;)g===a&&(e=e.concat(n[k].tweens)),g=g.parentNode;for(m=e.length,l=0;m>l;l++)b&&e[l].totalTime(e[l].totalDuration()),e[l]._enabled(!1,!1)}}};var o=function(a,c,d,e){c=c!==!1,d=d!==!1,e=e!==!1;for(var f,g,h=n(e),i=c&&d&&e,j=h.length;--j>-1;)g=h[j],(i||g instanceof b||(||c&&!f)&&g.paused(a)};return f.pauseAll=function(a,b,c){o(!0,a,b,c)},f.resumeAll=function(a,b,c){o(!1,a,b,c)},f.globalTimeScale=function(b){var d=a._rootTimeline,e=c.ticker.time;return arguments.length? (c.removeAttribute("filter"),b=!$(,"filter")):(c.filter=d.replace(z,""),b=!0)),b||(this.xn1&&(c.filter=d=d||"alpha(opacity="+e+")"),-1===d.indexOf("pacity")?0===e&&this.xn1||(c.filter=d+" alpha(opacity="+e+")"):c.filter=d.replace(x,"opacity="+e))};xa("opacity,alpha,autoAlpha",{defaultValue:"1",parser:function(a,b,c,d,f,g){var h=parseFloat($(a,"opacity",e,!1,"1")),,j="autoAlpha"===c;return"string"==typeof b&&"="===b.charAt(1)&&(b=("-"===b.charAt(0)?-1:1)*parseFloat(b.substr(2))+h),j&&1===h&&"hidden"===$(a,"visibility",e)&&0!==b&&(h=0),T?f=new sa(i,"opacity",h,b-h,f):(f=new sa(i,"opacity",100*h,100*(b-h),f),f.xn1=j?1:0,i.zoom=1,f.type=2,f.b="alpha(opacity="+f.s+")",f.e="alpha(opacity="+(f.s+f.c)+")",,f.plugin=g,f.setRatio=Sa),j&&(f=new sa(i,"visibility",0,0,f,-1,null,!1,0,0!==h?"inherit":"hidden",0===b? Scene._log.apply(this, arguments); Past performance is not indicative of future results. newCallback.apply(this, arguments); Our financial advisors create solutions addressing strategic investment approaches, professional portfolio management and a broad range of wealth management services. They tell the world so our partners can evolve, adapt, and innovate to move them and the world forward. To give you a perspective, the "Monday Night Football" package goes for just under $2 billion per year, and the prices just keep going up. * If the scene has a duration, the tween's duration will be projected to the scroll distance of the scene, meaning its progress will be synced to scrollbar movement. }; _tween.kill();; List of Holidays; Map [335KB] Visa Section; Fax:+91-11-2467-8081 Email:; JAPAN VISA INFORMATION HOTLINE Hotline number:+91-(0)008000502412; SNS close Tweets by Amb_JPNtoIND Tweets by JapaninIndia . PayPal Seamlessly Integrated Acquired Company. capital, Virtual (g=1,h=c,t=!0):h!==l||i||O(),t){var o={progress:g,state:h,scrollDirection:r},u=h!=n,p=function(e){f.trigger(e,o)};u&&n!==l&&(p("enter"),p(n===a?"start":"end")),p("progress"),u&&h!==l&&(p(h===a? The number is still quite conservative. In M&A, we saw a number of transformational deals that we expect will continue in 2020. What is the root cause, and how should treasurers respond? "); var NAMESPACE = "animation.gsap"; So, could you talk a little bit about as we see younger audiences really streaming content including live content, live sports, how do you see the advertisers adapting and innovating to these changes in behavior? /*! * /*! var Those-- this number is, slightly more optimistic than the previous number published by J.P. Morgan on the global scale. * Both the `lite` and the `max` versions of the GSAP library are supported. account Our analysts, economists and strategists have earned this reputation through timely, in-depth analysis of companies, industries, markets and the worlds economies. transparent":"transparent",h.e=h.e.split(E[m]).join("transparent")):(T||(y=!1),C?h.appendXtra(y?"hsla(":"hsl(",p[0],ha(u[0],p[0]),",",!1,!0).appendXtra("",p[1],ha(u[1],p[1]),"%,",!1).appendXtra("",p[2],ha(u[2],p[2]),y?"%,":"%"+B,!1):h.appendXtra(y?"rgba(":"rgb(",p[0],u[0]-p[0],",",!0,!0).appendXtra("",p[1],u[1]-p[1],",",!0).appendXtra("",p[2],u[2]-p[2],y? Capable of charging a small- to medium-sized car (24 kWh battery) in 4 to 6 hours. * var timeline = new TimelineMax(); It's a very well supplied market, at least not until 2023. * To have access to this extension, please include `plugins/animation.gsap.js`. } inset":"")}:function(a){var b,f,m;if("number"==typeof a)a+=l;else if(d&&I.test(a)){for(f=a.replace(I,"|").split("|"),m=0;mm--)for(;++mi;i++)h[a[i]]=j[i]=j[i]||j[(i-1)/2>>0];return e.parse(b,h,f,g)}},ra=(R._setPluginRatio=function(a){this.plugin.setRatio(a);for(var b,c,d,e,f,,h=g.proxy,i=g.firstMPT,j=1e-6;i;)b=h[i.v],i.r?b=Math.round(b):j>b&&b>-j&&(b=0),i.t[i.p]=b,i=i._next;if(g.autoRotate&&(g.autoRotate.rotation=g.mod?g.mod(h.rotation,this.t):h.rotation),1===a||0===a)for(i=g.firstMPT,f=1===a? As announced in early 2018, JPMorgan Chase will deploy $1.75 billion in philanthropic capital around the world by 2023. (This is for both of the coding questions!). You know, the advertisers are also clinging to that because that's where they get their live audience. WebHow real estate as a service can help you gain a competitive edge. J.P. Morgan Research does not provide individually tailored investment advice. Leverages cutting-edge technologies and innovative tools to bring clients industry-leading analysis and investment advice. IN DAILY PAYMENTS PROCESSED "The market is going to be flooded with multiple ways to own electric powered vehicles. */ * @version 2.0.5 !c.push&&}}(),p={},q=function(e,f,g,h){[e]?p[e].sc:[],p[e]=this,this.gsClass=null,this.func=g;var i=[];this.check=function(k){for(var l,m,n,o,r,s=f.length,t=s;--s>-1;)(l=p[f[s]]||new q(f[s],[])).gsClass?(i[s]=l.gsClass,t--):k&&;if(0===t&&g){if(m=("com.greensock."+e).split("."),n=m.pop(),o=j(m.join(". Nickel is an interesting market because it sparks a lot of interest out there. (j.sleep(),m=a,void j.fps(c)):m},j.fps(a),setTimeout(function(){"auto"===m&&j.frame<5&&"hidden"!==document.visibilityState&&j.useRAF(!1)},1500)}),g=k.Ticker.prototype=new,g.constructor=k.Ticker;var C=s("core.Animation",function(a,b){if(this.vars=b=b||{},this._duration=this._totalDuration=a||0,this._delay=Number(b.delay)||0,this._timeScale=1,this._active=b.immediateRender===!0,,this._reversed=b.reversed===!0,V){i||h.wake();var c=this.vars.useFrames?U:V;c.add(this,c._time),this.vars.paused&&this.paused(!0)}});h=C.ticker=new k.Ticker,g=C.prototype,g._dirty=g._gc=g._initted=g._paused=!1,g._totalTime=g._time=0,g._rawPrevTime=-1,g._next=g._last=g._onUpdate=g._timeline=g.timeline=null,g._paused=!1;var D=function(){i&&A()-B>2e3&&h.wake(),setTimeout(D,2e3)};D(),,b){return null!=a&&,b),this.reversed(!1).paused(!1)},g.pause=function(a,b){return null!=a&&,b),this.paused(!0)},g.resume=function(a,b){return null!=a&&,b),this.paused(!1)},,b){return this.totalTime(Number(a),b!==!1)},g.restart=function(a,b){return this.reversed(!1).paused(!1).totalTime(a?-this._delay:0,b!==!1,!0)},g.reverse=function(a,b){return null!=a&&||this.totalDuration(),b),this.reversed(!0).paused(!1)},g.render=function(a,b,c){},g.invalidate=function(){return this._time=this._totalTime=0,this._initted=this._gc=!1,this._rawPrevTime=-1,(this._gc||!this.timeline)&&this._enabled(!0),this},g.isActive=function(){var a,b=this._timeline,c=this._startTime;return!b||!this._gc&&!this._paused&&b.isActive()&&(a=b.rawTime())>=c&&a-1;)"{self}"===a[b]&&(c[b]=this);return c},g._callback=function(a){var b=this.vars,c=b[a],d=b[a+"Params"],e=b[a+"Scope"]||b.callbackScope||this,f=d?d.length:0;switch(f){case;break;case,d[0]);break;case,d[0],d[1]);break;default:c.apply(e,d)}},g.eventCallback=function(a,b,c,d){if("on"===(a||"").substr(0,2)){var e=this.vars;if(1===arguments.length)return e[a];null==b?delete e[a]:(e[a]=b,e[a+"Params"]=o(c)&&-1!==c.join("").indexOf("{self}")?this._swapSelfInParams(c):c,e[a+"Scope"]=d),"onUpdate"===a&&(this._onUpdate=b)}return this},g.delay=function(a){return arguments.length? // just hard set it Receipt and review of this information constitutes your agreement not to redistribute or retransmit the contents and information contained in this communication without first obtaining express permission from an authorized officer of J.P. Morgan. If `tweenChanges` is `true`, the progress update when scrolling will not be immediate, but instead the animation will smoothly animate to the target state. With healthy balance sheets, consumer demand could bolster retail, multifamily and industrial asset classes. {}:[],,this.vars.immediateRender&&(this._time=-l,this.render(Math.min(0,-this._delay))),this},g._enabled=function(a,b){if(i||h.wake(),a&&this._gc){var c,d=this._targets;if(d)for(c=d.length;--c>-1;)this._siblings[c]=Y(d[c],this,!0);else this._siblings=Y(,this,!0)}return,a,b),this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled&&this._firstPT?F._onPluginEvent(a? Please review its terms, privacy and security policies to see how they apply to you. In Europe, plug-in electric vehicles (BEVs and PHEVs) will rise from roughly a 2% share of total new sales in 2017 to around 9% by 2025, nearly eclipsing 1.5 million vehicles by the middle of the next decade. So again, the conclusion from the report was it's gradualism yes, it will happen gradually. function () {}, console); platforms that can help you _tween.reverse(); // check if there are position tweens defined for the trigger and warn about it :) J.P. Morgan isnt responsible for (and doesnt provide) any products, services or content at this third-party site or app, except for products and services that explicitly carry the J.P. Morgan name. if (Scene.duration() === 0) { } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { (k._cssRegister(),i[d].parse(a,c,d,e,f,g,j)):(V("Error: "+b+" js file not loaded. trusted. * ScrollMagic v2.0.5 (2015-04-29) var log(3, "added tween"); } After the death of JP Morgan, his son JP Morgan Jr. took charge of the bank founded by his father, maintaining it as one of the cornerstones of the financial industry in America. * For a better understanding, try enabling and disabling this option in the [Scene Manipulation Example](../examples/basic/scene_manipulation.html). ";"string"!=typeof b?b:F.selector(b)||b;var e,f,g,h=b.jquery||b.length&&b!==a&&b[0]&&(b[0]===a||b[0].nodeType&&b[0].style&&!b.nodeType),i=this.vars.overwrite;if(this._overwrite=i=null==i?T[F.defaultOverwrite]:"number"==typeof i?i>>0:T[i],(h||b instanceof Array||b.push&&o(b))&&"number"!=typeof b[0])for(this._targets=g=m(b),this._propLookup=[],this._siblings=[],e=0;eo&&(k+=i-p),B+=i,j.time=(B-k)/1e3,b=j.time-g,(!c||b>0||a===!0)&&(j.frame++,g+=b+(b>=f?.004:f-b),h=!0),a!==!0&&(e=d(r)),h&&j.dispatchEvent(q)};,j.time=j.frame=0,j.tick=function(){r(!0)},j.lagSmoothing=function(a,b){o=a||1/l,p=Math.min(b,o,0)},j.sleep=function(){null!=e&&(m&&z?z(e):clearTimeout(e),d=n,e=null,j===h&&(i=!1))},j.wake=function(a){null!==e?j.sleep():a?k+=-B+(B=A()):j.frame>10&&(B=A()-o+5),d=0===c?n:m&&y?y:function(a){return setTimeout(a,1e3*(g-j.time)+1|0)},j===h&&(i=!0),r(2)},j.fps=function(a){return arguments.length? of a global market, Leveraging secure payments solutions says you prioritize your customers privacy and data, Innovative payment solutions like blockchain and connected car say you're looking towards At any stage, we bring you the expertise and analysis needed to help you think ahead and stay informed. Morgan Stanley Investment Research is one of the financial industry's dominant thought leaders in equity and fixed-income investing. The vision of JPMorgan Chase is underlined by its core principles: Exceptional client service, operational excellence, commitment to integrity, fairness, and responsibility.A great and winning culture. These are the key four elements that are over time that have allowed JPMorgan Chase to grow by */ } else { It'd be very interesting to see if it changes, and we see one of these major contracts be awarded to a digital player. Serving the world's largest corporate clients and institutional investors, we support the entire investment cycle with market-leading research, analytics, execution and investor services. * @example General Motors recently announced plans to launch 10 heavily electrified vehicle models in China from 2021 through 2023, adding to the 10 it already had planned for 2016 through 2020. Morgans website and/or mobile terms, privacy and security policies dont apply to the site or app you're about to visit. payment solutions that send the right message. Your payments are more than I think that those are the things that we'll see come to the market over the next several years. So globally about 60 percent of the word's population has a mobile device and that gives them access to healthcare, regardless of where they are. 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