However, whistleblowers/insiders have revealed the existence of operational space weapons such as "Rods of God", which drops large rod-like projectiles from space with pinpoint accuracy and devastating results. Is a lightning based minefield in space feasible? One can imagine the devastating impact these poles could have on their target. 2 Ways to Install Thanks to the clear components and included fittings, our curved curtain rods can be easily installed on the ceiling or wall. In an age of rogue regimes and pre-emptive war, states developing clandestine nuclear programs know better than to leave them in plain sight. Analysis of @Rods_of_God's friends, friends, Twitter history, number of one-sided lovers, monthly tweets, time period tweets, client tweets, etc are shown on the analytical results page. Russia recently claimed it was planning to establish a facility which would be built by an army of humanoid robots. "The 'rods from god' idea was a bundle of telephone-pole-size (20 feet long, 1 foot in diameter) tungsten rods, dropped from orbit, reaching a speed of up to 10 times the speed of sound. Lasers and high-powered microwave gun systems could be fitted to spacecraft or satellites because they have the range. Exodus 4:1 Then Moses answered and said, "But suppose they will not believe. @Michael Not 1 30mm shell, it is an A10's 30mm autocannon. According to Stilwell, Project Thor ratchets up the destruction. Gungir will be found under the Utility tab. The effects of such a weapon was depicted in the movie G.I Joe 2. But if it was basically a dart that punctures into the ground it would probably be a devastating bunker buster. Does a grenade kill you the same way a gun does? Therefore, when Moses willingly cast his rod on the ground before God, he was actually surrendering or presenting his whole life to God. a TV show or movie? So, you'll still get a significant explosive shockwave, a cloud of dust and debris, etc. But it wouldn't be like an explosion from bombs, which have a lot of light. Military experts say the interceptor missiles can use kinetic energy to blast out of Earth's atmosphere and obliterate large objects. With enough kinetic energy, the explosion will not be "dark". The idea was dreamed up back in the 1950s by science fiction writer and space weapons expert Jerry Pournelle, according to The New York Times. As they break up from aerodynamic stress, the surface area skyrockets, and so does drag, and thus so does aerodynamic heating. The idea was dreamed up back in the 1950s by science fiction writer and space weapons expert Jerry Pournelle, according to The New York Times. Stilwell pegs the cost of each rod at around $230 million per. Add a new light switch in line with another switch? Blake Stilwell of We Are The Mighty ( The results are shown graphically in graphs, etc. What ever material a kinetic weapon hits only has a limited binding strength to stop the projectile before it becomes displaced. Does illicit payments qualify as transaction costs? God asks what Moses has in his hand, and Moses answers "a staff" ("a rod" in the KJV version). Location determined by GPS and sent to satellite, which can still see the tank(s) No? Earthquakes, Nukes, Technology, Volcanoes, War. It was put together by the U.S., Great Britain and the former Soviet Union and has wide support from nations around the world. Cover graphics from Transformative Flight Plan (2003), a document which looks as though it was written by HYDRA but was actually prepared for and by the USAF. This provocative vision would in the end recreate the global war system, which has been deeply embedded into the culture and consciousness here on Earth. As a practical example: @jdunlop You need to read my whole answer because I explained everything you are seeing in that link. The Space Force would be used by these space entrepreneurs as their own private pirate forces to ensure they controlled the extraction of resources mined from planetary bodies. Rods From God. Insane U.S. Plan to Spend Billions on Weaponizing Space Makes Defense Contractors Jump for JoyBut Rest of World Cowers in Horror at Prospect of New Arms Race Leading to World War III is the rather lengthy headline of a new Covert Action piece by Karl Grossman. Click it. These conduct sophisticated on-orbit activities, at least some of which are intended to advance their space war capabilities. How do I put three reasons together in a sentence? The idea is that of shooting a projectile at a target that actually speeds up during flight. DARPA is currently forging ahead with its SeeMe satellites which involve two dozen satellites grouping together to allow detailed imagery from space. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 ( bans the stationing of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in outer space, prohibits military activities on celestial bodies, and details legally binding rules governing the peaceful exploration and use of space. Can you explain the satellite's orbit and how much rod mass you want to hit the ground? It is called the Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition or MAHEM. They were shotgunning a large swath of jungle, raining bullet-size death at high speeds.. on, View The difference is sort of like slowly pouring gravel on your foot, versus dropping a heavy rock of equivalent mass on your foot. What worries Pentagon chiefs is that Russia and China continue to launch experimental satellites. Im hereby directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a Space Force as the sixth branch of the armed forces It is going to be something., The following year, the U.S. Space Force was established. The main problem of course being treaties, the size and weight of the rods, and getting them in orbit on a launcher satellite. It would release a ton of force which would destroy the surrounding area and create a cloud of pulverized ejecta. More than that . Ecclesiastes 3:5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; I. Termed 'Rods from God', it is a system which essentially drops solid metal rods, typically made from tungsten, from orbital positions. Outrage as Satanic Temple displays demonic baby next to nativity scene at statehouse and shouts 'Hail Satan! That said, it will not make the sort of "fireball" explosion you get from a chemical warhead. But instead of using rocks rods the size of telephone poles are deployed. MDF printed art piece features a horse in misty morning field and an ispirational quote.Reads" God Made a Horse from the Breath of the Wind, the Beauty of the Earth, and the Soul of an Angel.Measures24" x 17 3/4" H.Has two sawtooth hooks on the back for easy hanging. The project seeks to drop a massive tungsten rod directly from orbit. me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, 'The Lord has not appeared to you.'. It would mostly just be dark particulates and larger debris. The difference is sort of like slowly pouring gravel on your foot, versus dropping a heavy rock of equivalent mass on your foot. They are at least 10 years away from being operational, and the cost of launching heavy tungsten rods into orbit would be, well . Examples of frauds discovered because someone tried to mimic a random sequence. Some technologies with peaceful applications such as satellite inspection, refuelling, and repair can also be used against adversary spacecraft, a report stated. Project Thor, aka rods from god, is an initiative under development that could weaponize space, encourage China and Russia to follow suit, and enrich Americas defense contractors, and apparently violate the Outer Space Treaty of 1967. complete answer It symbolized his ambition, vocation, wisdom, skills, status, strength or might. This foundational treaty has allowed for half a century of ever expanding peaceful activity in space, free from man-made threats, writes Paul Meyer, in his chapter Arms Control in Outer Space: A Diplomatic Alternative to Star Wars, in the book Security in the Global Commons and Beyond. This strange but utterly terrifying weapon has been dubbed "rods from God" and is based on the concept of creating man-made meteorites that can be guided towards the enemy. In a desperate maneuver, the U.S. activates its rods from Goda scheme developed in Project Thor involving telephone-pole-sized tungsten rods being dropped from orbit reaching a speed ten times the speed of sound [7,500 miles per hour] hitting with the force of nuclear weapons and Beijings military command centers and other significant targets are destroyed.. How can I make an anti-matter "rod" warhead for interplanetary delivery? The Rod from God releases it all in a fraction of a second. The staff is thereafter referred to as the "rod of God" or "staff of God" (depending on the translation). The airburst was estimated to be equivalent to 400 kilotons of TNT, roughly 30 times the energy of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. While the "Outer Space Treaty" signed in 1967 prohibits nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons being placed in orbit, these 'Rods from God' are simple tungsten weapons that just happen to hit with all the force of a ballistic missile. If so-called "Rods from God"-an informal nickname of untraceable origin-ever do materialize, it won't be for at least 15 years. A flamethrower and a hair dryer can also impart the same total energy, but over very different time scales. Weapons expert Amy F. Woolf said: "One warhead would be designed to destroy or disable area targets like airfields or buildings, using a reentry vehicle loaded with tungsten rods known as flechettes that would rain down on the target and destroy everything within an area of up to 3,000 square feet. The Outer Space Treaty, a United Nations treaty ratified in the mid-1960s, prohibits signatories from placing "nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on . What is the first line treatment for atrial flutter? Change starts with us standing up for what we believe. This intriguing idea is being developed by theUS Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The rubber protection cover does not pass through the hole in the rim. President Vladimir Putin already has a new James Bond-like laser system his forces claim is capable of zapping satellites. For more on the development of Project Thor, see Outpacing The Threat With An Agile Defense Space Enterprise, prepared by The Project Thor Team at The Aerospace Corporation (, Covert Actions Grossman pointed out that For decades there has been an effort to extend the Outer Space Treaty and enact the Prevention of an Arms Race, the PAROS treaty, which would bar, Rods From God: US Schemes to Weaponize Space and Enrich Defense Contractors, a scheme developed in Project Thor involving telephone-pole-sized tungsten rods being dropped from orbit reaching a speed ten times the speed of sound [7,500 miles per hour] hitting with the force of nuclear weapons,,,,,, Ways to get involved in the 2022 Election. 111 countries are parties to the treaty, while another 23 have signed the treaty but have not completed ratification. solid-steel pieces, less than 2 inches long, fitted with fins. Contents 1 History 2 The Platform 3 The Rods 4 Trivia 5 Gallery 6 See Also 7 References History This sounds like a far-fetched idea but soon it may come technically possible for a major space power to deflect an asteroid on to its enemy. By Michael Goldfarb . The rods can vary in size, but the larger versions are mentioned as being 6m long with a 30cm diameter, giving them a mass of roughly 8,000 kg. If not, then the rod would have considerable speed - but most of that speed would be tangential to the vertical drop, causing substantial heat on re-entry and possibly burning it up. Plummeting to the Earth gives the telephone-pole sized (20 feet long, one foot in diameter) rods more and more velocity, with the potential of reaching a speed of up to ten times the speed of sound (767 mph). The top-secret American XS-1 under development by DARPA. We pay for your stories! Corporations and rich fat-cats like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Richard Branson, while ignoring the UNs Outer Space and Moon Treaties that call the heavens the province of all mankind, would move to control the shipping lanes from Earth into space. @WHO'sNoToOldRx4CovidIsMurder - you still have the issue of communicating with the rod for guidance. What would happen to a planet after a quarter of it had been blown up? Unfortunately (for the concept but not the tankies) no one could work out a sensor system that could see through the plasma around the nose that would be created as the crowbar plunged down from the heavens, therefore insufficient accuracy to target individual armoured vehicles. In February of this year, it managed to destroy its own satellite. Is the satellite geosynchronous or not? Worth mentioning that part of the original concept was as an area anti-tank weapon - a few dozen crowbar-sized tungsten/depleted uranium rods plunging down from orbit with good terminal guidance could destroy a tank regiment, especially striking from above. Instead of hundreds of small projectiles from a few thousand feet, Thor used a large projectile from a few thousand miles above the Earth. The exception to this rule is when you hit somethin with more binding strength. Most kinds of dirt, rock, sand, and soil have low enough of a binding energy that they become displaced before being heated up enough to visibly glow. In order to explore the Abbey in Marvel's Midnight Suns, you must first obtain the Words of Power. I prefer to see it as a prescient warning that the mash-up of war mongering and war profiteering is as dangerous as it has ever been. Both political parties are virtually locked down when it comes to appropriating funds to move the arms race into space and to colonize the heavens for corporate profits. But if they dig deeper, we can always go higher: hence the call for the Rods From God. More properly known as hypervelocity rod bundles, these weapons would simply be slender solid tungsten cylinders, 20 or 30 feet long and one or two feet in diameter. The rods from god idea was a bundle of telephone-pole-size (20 feet long, 1 foot in diameter) tungsten rods, dropped from orbit, reaching a speed of up to 10 times the speed of sound. This strange but utterly terrifying weapon has been dubbed "rods from God" and is based on the concept of creating man-made meteorites that can be guided towards the enemy. : Rods from God. Anxious to ward off an American or Israeli attack, Iran, for example, appears to have buried its uranium-enrichment halls under 30 feet of earth and concrete. Just one example is the recent approval in Congress of the creation of the Space Force as a new service branch in the military., Gagnon continued: The Pentagon is looking to a future where space would be fully privatized and a new gold rush would ensue. Dr Krepon compared the space arms race to the balance of power between nuclear-armed states during the Cold War. Where does the idea of selling dragon parts come from? Lockheed Martin. Imagine this scenario from the year 2045, Grossman writes: The U.S. and China, after years of belligerence, go to war over control of the Taiwan straits; most of the battles are fought through cyber-attacks and space-based weapons systems that had been perfected over the previous decades. The US is running a laser gun programme called Excalibur. On command, the rods de-orbit and slam into targets at hypersonic speeds, using kinetic. How many transistors at minimum do you need to build a general-purpose computer? And they are believed to be able to hit targets some 500 miles over the Earth, with the ISS orbiting at heights of around 250 miles. Something can be done or not a fit? The Rods from God This strange but utterly terrifying weapon has been dubbed "rods from God" and is based on the concept of creating man-made meteorites that can be guided towards the. Underneath the kinetic bombardment box will be a . This strange but utterly terrifying weapon has been dubbed "rods from God" and is based on the concept of creating man-made meteorites that can be guided towards the enemy. The rod isnt an explosive material, its just very heavy and durable. complete answer Traveling at hypersonic speeds of Mach 5 or greater, these so-called "Rods from God" would be so completely devastating, they could totally forgo any explosive payloadbe it conventional, or . Why does the USA not have a constitutional court. It only takes a minute to sign up. Defense News reported earlier this year that President Joe Biden has no intention of eliminating the Force. 10 views Aug 14, 2022 Rods from god is a theorized weapon that does not officially exist. The so-called "Rods of God" is a kind of space-based kinetic energy weapon concept from the U.S. "Star Wars" program during the Cold War, deploying pole-sized tungsten rod kinetic energy bombs on artificial satellites from space to ground targets. complete answer Anxious to ward off an American or Israeli attack, Iran, for example, appears to have buried its uranium-enrichment halls under 30 feet of . Meanwhile NASA has won funds for a moon-orbitingLunar Orbital Platform-Gateway which could well house troops of the newly formed United States Space Force. A flamethrower and a hair dryer can also impart the same total energy, but over very different time scales. Technology and religion combine in this label to invoke an image of omniscient power by the U.S. military to protect the nation and its allies from space. It's feared some satellites may be not what they seem, A beam director element of a Tactical High Energy Laser being tested in New Mexico is another space capable weapon, US Vice President Mike Pence ducks nuclear question as he details vision for proposed Space Force, The terrifying future space weapons rods from God meteorites, molten metal cannons and weaponised asteroids. In a 2003 proposal the US military estimated that a 6 meter tungsten rod orbiting at 8km/s would hit the ground with the energetic equivalent energy of 11.5 tons of TNT. Striking a tank with a rod from god though will probably still kick up more dust than glowing metal because it will massively over-pernitrate the tank, but perhaps a large steel bunker or warship could still have a significant flash. They were designed in the shape of rods at 6 meters long by .3 meters wide so that during freefall, they would have less friction as it fell through the earths atmosphere which would equate to more velocity and ultimately more kinetic energy hitting the ground. Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Just as back at home, competition between colonial powers over resources may spark conflict between competing nations, just as it has done back home since the dawn of mankind. Who is the most cutest man in the world 2022? The staff is miraculously transformed into a snake and then back into a staff. Its a satellite that contains these long darts, presumably made of a very heavy material like tungsten, that are dropped into the atmosphere. From Asia-Pacific tensions to conflict in Europe and Africa, an understanding of military developments is key to fully comprehending foreign relations and politics today. What would be the ideal way to weaponize plasma? Takedown request | View complete answer on So the level of damage too hard to really calculate in a simple formula. Is this a real shot of a tank being hit by a 30mm shell or something simulated on e.g. Rods from God On the technological level, the Pentagon's planning is in the advanced stage: some projects - aimed at space weaponization - have already been in place for some time. Just how feasible is this concept? White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters during a Feb. 3 briefing that the new service has the full support of the Biden administration.. The terrifying "Rods from God" weapon concept of dropping telephone pole sized tungsten rods from space and destroying targets using gravity alone is a much desired weapon system. For the contribution history and old versions of the merged article please see its history. complete answer on, View The high-quality live top-down footage can be used by troops on the ground via their tablets. Those are impacts are against metal targets which meet the criteria of the exception case I mentioned. Published: December 10, 2006. Talk. All three competing powers have recently established military space forces and are sure to base legions of troops to protect their interests. The Chelyabinsk meteor was estimated to be 20m and traveling at a shallow angle into the atmosphere at 19 km/s. The "rods from God" satellite. Unlike a nuclear weapon, the Rods from God leave no radioactive cloud and take much less time to launch, explained the source. According to Stilwell, Lazy Dog bombs were solid-steel pieces, less than 2 inches long, fitted with fins. The reality of a space war moved closer today as Putin revealed a new alliance with China to create space weapons that could unleash havoc in the West if its satellites were targeted. Email us call 0207 782 4368 . The rods of God of Project Thor could definitely be a reality today, and the only reason it isn't is down to money. Russia, China and other space-faring nations are not going to allow the US to be the Master of Space.. The "rods from God" idea was a bundle of telephone-pole sized (20 feet long, one foot in diameter) tungsten rods, dropped from orbit, reaching a speed of up to ten times the speed of sound. I would have thought that 10-12,000 K plasma would have enough black-body emission and absorption in the near-UV range to make things rather difficult. Lt Col Jeremy Raley said it has two goals. Read Full Article The "Rods of God," as the Thor system is mythically referred to, fires tungsten steel "telephone poles" at hypersonic speeds from orbit. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. INSTALL: C:\<whatever>\<whatever>\KSP **ROOT FOLDER**\Parts\. How big a boom do you want (specifically)? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The Rods from God This strange but utterly terrifying weapon has been dubbed "rods from God" and is based on the concept of creating man-made meteorites that can be guided towards the enemy. A DARPA image MAgneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition aka MAHEM changes shape to suit its target and environmental conditions, Asteroids have the power of dozens of thermo-nuclear weapons, DARPAS attempt to be able to have complete coverage of Earth and its orbit, DARPA's space plane is thought to be used by the new US Space Force. We pay for videos too. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The concept originated during the Cold War.. Since then this. may deploy the system to destroy some 32 Western satellites to render Nato missiles useless. Among the (partially known) Pentagon's new plans, the two most interesting projects are the "Global Strike" program and the "Rods from God" program. The war in Ukraine and their use of . explained how Project Thor was an outgrowth of the use, during the Vietnam War, of what was called Lazy Dog bombs (( Michael Krepon, a space security expert and co-founder of the Stimson Center think tank in Washington DC, said a treaty banning the weaponisation of our orbit could be futile. If it creates a more conventional explosion, it would probably be more effective against large groups of soldiers, vehicles, or buildings. You can call on Atum with the second . To understand what is being planned, I asked Corey Goode a number of questions. The alleged space-based "Rod of God" weapon allows the U.S. military to take out any land-based target from high orbit. While the headline raises eyebrows and maybe some goose-bumps, Grossman, the author of six books, includingWeapons in Space, a TV program host and full professor of journalism at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury, pulls no punches. Measuring 20 feet long and 1 foot in diameter, the "rod from God" weapon could achieve the force of impact from a nuclear strike but with none of the radioactive . Here are the 10 countries with the most nuclear weapons: 5 allegedly 'secret' weapons the US military is working on right View Then you should be able to select where you want the rods from god to hit. 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