Would rather not overdo it in case it sets back my recovery. Good luck with your recovery! May 11 (two weeks after injury): ORIF surgery on the fibula (plate and screws). Appreciate everyones comments. 9. Let us know how your going. So there was no healing. With iWALK3.0 Hands-Free Crutch, you can be completely free from the hassle of using crutches. I couldnt use crutches, didnt have the strength. I was told to bring my boot and crutches. Can you walk on a broken ankle after 4 weeks? Your email address will not be published. How are you now? Use the scooter the most until my right ankle feels better | How do Walking Boots Work? As for the PT, my exercises so far have been to strengthen my foot and to work on dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion and eversion with weights and elastic bands. Your comments about energy levels cheered me up after a day of getting around in a moonboot (in my country, thats what we call the boot with velcro straps). I took an ambulance ride down the island and across a ferry to get to the hospital! I had no idea what to expect this has helped me so much & inspired by your strength. First by placing my foot on the scale and getting reliable with being able to put the right amount of weight on the boot; then by standing and repeating with the scale; then taking a few steps (with the crutches taking the rest of my weight) and re-calibrating with the scale until I was confident in that weight. Spent the night at the hospital. If you can, ask your ortho/doc in advance what kind of boot theyll put you in. Seriously. I can already tell you that this will be impossible. Since I broke my ankle in 4 places and had surgery on July 24,2019 I have searched the internet for information on others who have broken their ankle and their story. I rented one but it would have cost less to buy one as Dana recommends. Work at it. Not having fun at all. Yes. Plates or . If I can offer another tip, have a routine. I started by sitting in a chair and leaning onto both legs to get used to the feeling of weight on it before really trying to put it down while walking/crutching. I am now at 8mths post injury and am at full use of the ankle, except being cleared to play ice hockey, which I train for. What happens if you walk too soon after ankle surgery? Can you walk in a walking boot without crutches? It is ok to take the boot off at night, when resting at home and to wash. see details , Non-Weight Bearing (NWB): Do not place any weight through the surgical/injured leg. Bones need time to heal. I did maybe 5 minutes today and will aim for 10 minutes tomorrow. I guess Im the latest to have one to share. I thank you. I am starting to feel like a failure because I am still not walking. I still cannot fully WB as yet. This has helped me remember multiple times, especially on weekends or times when Im away from my desk or bed where I would have the meds visible as a reminder. I definitely had the fatigue you describe, and I lost a lot of weight during that time. Was referred to physio so at least have that assistance. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are (Im retired, so I dont have to worry about showing up to an office every day, thank god.) Thanks for a quick reply. No, I did not do FWB while in the boot. It seems we have a lot in common, Great reading everyones stories ,thanks Dana for your story, Im week 14 snapped ankle and fractured shin all Orif ; 2 metal plates and lots of screws in: wearing boot since 4 days after surgery ,13th May 2020, freak accident on grass ,went over on my ankle wearing flat form sandals never felt pain like it ; heard ankle crack and then managed to fall twisting my shin bone fracturing it big style,! Take the heel and toe of the boot in each hand and slowly flex them upwards. Im 46 and first injury & surgery ever. Great feedback all! The ortho doc said (pre-surgery) that I would be at 90% in 3 months. Same for day 2 of a weight having distractions or a task to do (e.g. I clearly put too much weight through my foot, the pain was excruciating. Hi Rider, interested to hear how your recovery is going!? At 12 weeks they want me to get rid of my crutches but I feel like it is so soon. thats what i tell myself anyway! If you are not weight bearing after injury for 6 weeks its going to take a few weeks after that to get back to walking without any aids/brace. Bad idea! Dana, Thanks for writing your experience with your weight bearing. It is definitely a long process and takes a lot of patience, hard work, positivity and self-encouragement. I too was looking for first hand experience as the surgeon did not give much detail on transitioning from NWB to full WB as tolerated. Dont let that discourage you keep looking back at where you were the day you broke it or the day after surgery for context on how far youve already come! thank you Dana and everyone that has shared their experience about their recovery processes, its nice to know that im not alone in this. Thank you. Should I find another doctor an hour away? I remember my BGs being quite good I thought that was due to a very low carb diet during that time, and almost no work stress. I broke three bones in my ankle July 7. 3. After 8 weeks PT I was released for FWB and had to leave my home In MI to winter in FL Im on my own for PT now doing all the exercises my therapist set up for me. Needless to say, it has been a crazy few months. If you have a serious ankle break, you may need surgery. Together we can all make it to a recovery. If they say 3 times a day and you do it, youll see it pay off every week. My doctor expects for me to be 100% FWB and be able to be out of the boot at my next appointment in 12 days. How do people walk after non weight-bearing? As everyone has said, its a long process so hang in there. Certain conditions require a complete NWB status for a period of time to allow the tissue to begin the healing process. read more , Partial Weight Bearing (PWB) Most of the definitions in the literature define partial weight bearing as being 30% to 50% of a patient's body weight. read more , Using a Walker: Gait with Walker Non Weight-Bearing - YouTube read more , There is only ONE right answer! Thank you for your post about recovering from a broken leg! I would really like to get back to work for social and physical reasons (so not really work from home, though its a desk job) ASAP but also dont want to deal with snow. Im encouraged by your post as I see its going to take a while to walk after not walking for 4 months. I can barely flex my foot up and down. as all of you i had many unanswered questions on what to do, time frame and pain plus expectations to walk again normal. Thanks for encouraging me. Am I doing to much? The ER put on a temp. For more information, please see our And finally the pep talk I gave myself every day during weight bearing progression work: This is short-term and necessary discomfort and suffering on the way to weight bearing. Sleep is so important! Plate & screws. when getting up restricted to non weight bearing can on put a little pressure on heel. If anyone has any insight Id love to hear about it. Added to all this, my mental health and well being are taking a big hit, I hate being so tired just making a cup of tea, I hate being so inactive and I hate relying on everybody else for the least little thing. (And if youre looking for diabetes-specific stuff, its in the last section!) I was looking for information on weightbearing. Walking on a broken ankle too early can prevent it from healing correctly and may make the injury worse. At this point, being FWB in 2 weeks seems totally unrealistic and I get frustrated because of it. Curious if others experienced the same. Stay safe! Youll also probably end up with a boot with lots of velcro straps. Putting more than a fraction of my full weight on that leg makes me feel like its going to give out. My ankle is very stiff and swollen and feels quite warm to the touch. Thank you so much for creating this information! I was NWB for 12 weeks and then told by the Ortho Consultant to get my shoes on & start walking. Take it easy for the first 24 to 72 hours. Im totally frustrated and exhausted. there is times when family and people will think you just normal and dont realize what exactly we are dealing with. It also folds to a smaller size for easy storage and travelling purposes. When do you stop wearing a walking boot? After running down steps and cockling over an upturned brickwho even does that? I am supposed to get a boot tomorrow, and will go from there for PT. dont push yourself too hard but make sure you do all the excerises that the surgeon/physios suggest it will really help get you walking faster. I have plates both sides and 8 pins but I feel after no weight bearing for 6 weeks then boot off and given crutches u will be ok a couple of visits from physio. Im now 4 weeks post op and NWB. Thanks for this blog. Function improved significantly over time for the patients but was still less than the healthy subjects over 12 weeks of physiotherapy. Im still not weight bearing but hoping in 4 days at my next appt. At my 6 week check up consultant never even looked at my ankles, told me to get rid of the boot on left leg, removed plaster cast and told me I could now walk with crutches. slightly structured ankle brace with hard sides. Did you sleep with your leg up every night? That was his recommendation for my specific injury. The knee scooter also folds easily, making it an excellent travel choice. Again you are an angel for taking the time to share your experience. And I bought a balance board to encourage and increase stability. It can be used safely on stairs and uneven surfaces. What happens at 6 weeks after ankle surgery? How long will I be non-weight bearing after foot surgery? 24. Also told to do as tolerated with no other info. All your stories give me encouragement, this is my first time and I hope only injury like this. Examples include walking, dancing, low-impact aerobics, elliptical training machines, stair climbing and gardening. continue reading , Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful, Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512, Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making. The operation went well, the hard time was after that. Short walks have me panting like Ive run a marathon but sticking at it. Why didnt I see it? Everyone heal fast. Im trying to stay motivated but it is a little overwhelming. Im feeling like a huge burden to my husband and cry a lot. I m really hoping I can start bearing weight in a month. Ive also come off the stronger pain meds so although Im tired Im so restless at night its so frustrating. Also was recommended to do PT for three times a week to restore the ROM in my ankle. Any help would be super appreciated. I ate no grains for about 2 months my calories came from berries and cherries, and organic bone-marrow, along those lines lots of colorful fresh food, a lot of matcha tea. So. First thing I checked was skin break fortunately I saw none, no blood. Healing nicely & in a boot now- still no weight bearing. From 4 weeks to the 12-week mark, patients can apply some weight on the toe. Glad this post helped some! (Ditto for crutches I was walking around all day in the boot without crutches before I began transitioning out of the boot). I have agonized over my lack of productivity until I was reminded that rest, therapy and recovery are productive as they are leading back to full strength and use. Good luck to everyone whos going through this exhausting process. Can you go from non weight bearing to full weight bearing? It was a stable spiral fracture that was low enough on the leg to not need surgery. While you shouldn't generally put weight on a walking boot, other mobility aids can be used instead of crutches to prevent this from occurring. 17. Thank you, I feel exactly like u are saying re walking. Be brave. One day I ended up having 205+ grams of carbs for me (quite a bit more than my average). Just wanted to thank everyone for sharing their stories and experiences. Good luck! I didnt end up plateauing at any weight, and was able to follow my protocol of 25lb weight bearing added every 2 days and get to full weight bearing with no delays. It feels like I will never walk properly again. A good tip for when my toes etc are no comfortable is that I wriggle them and or massage them slowly. Due to insurance issues I couldnt get into the ortho for a week. The psychological part is the hardest. Other tips for getting used to a walking boot and transitioning to weight bearing: 3yo nephew says Im slow but younger nephew doesnt seem to care how slow we go as long as we go. pic.twitter.com/499HKvzRFe, Dana M. Lewis | #OpenAPS (@danamlewis) March 26, 2019, Cold and rain cancelled our walk after 15 minutes, so squeezed in another 20 minutes with another 4-wheeled walker at the grocery store to help round out my weight bearing hour. Nearly two weeks on, I feel I have made no progress. I plan to get through this and get back on the bike by February/March, but dumping the clipin pedals going for flats! I loved the boot at first. I did a bunionectomy with osteotomy on my right foot. One thing I did was. Have set goals to write sections of my autobiography & other projects as well. The walking boot has a thick rocker bottom that causes a limb length discrepancy, which has been linked to ancillary pain in the knee, hip or back. see details , Nerves typically grow about an inch per month, and once the insulating cover is repaired, the nerve will usually begin to heal three or four weeks afterwards. 33. Aidemobility.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Fibula made it ok but also crushed my left wrist. Don't overdo it though be gentle. read more , A walking boot is an orthotic device used to protect the foot or ankle after an injury. So, I borrowed a walker from my neighbour and now trying to teach myself to walk again. The swelling has not yet gone down and the ankle is still terribly bruised and discolored. Keep in mind that these doctors will tell you to do certain things even when youre not ready for it. I just ran across this looking at how to use a knee scooter. I did not go for PT as it was not covered by insurance and I had just paid my high deductible insurance plan for my surgery! This durable knee walker scooter is one of the best walking aids for broken ankles. However, as I got rid of one crutch there is definitely a bit of pain and soreness around my outer ankle which I am hopeful that will resolve in the coming days as my foot gets stronger. Hi Dana. He wrapped my entire leg in soft cast while I waited to have my first surgery in 3 days. Also gave me range of motion exercises (abc, etc) PT will start up in 4-5 wks. (The doctors dont give straight answers.) So, I took an ambulance ride to the hospital where they told me my fibula was broken and to follow up with ortho. Thank you so much for this blog 3 months after surgery and can walk a bit but now it all seems slow -and Trying to walk down stairs bending ankle is impossible at the moment !! Good luck to everyone and I am sure we shall get there in the end! Yes, I tried alcohol half can of cider and paid the price. Tehanks again for everyoness story,advice & encouragement. Just a comment for those who were asking for updates, I did a post just now (https://bit.ly/3jxB7KJ) about running a marathon 2.5 years after my ankle fracture! I had a trimalleolar fracture on my left ankle and had been non weight bearing for about 10 weeks. I am hoping it will continue to improve. Also, older adults need a little support to help them move around. I cant wait to actually be able to walk in my neighborhood again! At my appointment he asked if I brought a boot and since I didnt, theyd provide one..and the paperwork I signed stated the price would be $427 (::choking::) if the insurance didnt cover it. At the beginning, it was helpful for keeping track of all the new things I needed to do; in the middle, it was useful for emphasizing the progress I was making; and at the end it felt really good to see the light of the end of the tunnel of a few pages/days left toward being fully weight bearing. Anyway, fingers crossed that everything continues to improve. All the best to you all. I have Lyme disease on top of all this, so the use of my shoulder and knee joints has been taking its toll too. they will tell me I can start to put some weight on it. Next week I will start to walk with crutches and this post and others xp will be really helpful for me and i am hoping for good time without struggling to get on with crutches. Lots of massage with deep heat and gently stretching your toes, ankle, knee and glutes yes all the way up your leg. To get rid of all the dead skin in the gentlest way possible, I started epsom salt baths on a daily basis. Thank you so much for the post and all the comments too. You will not put weight on the affected leg for 6 to 8 weeks after surgery (non-weight-bearing). :) Hi Everyone: I too am pleased to find this blog, information and to read others journeys including progression to wb. . It is made with aluminium, making it light in weight and easily folds into a compact size for travelling purposes. Non-narcotic meds do not touch it. I couldnt find a lot of good information about the transition to weight bearing was really like, so this is my take on information I was looking for and would have appreciated before and during the weight bearing progression process. Still cant drive. 2x weekly PT for now, and next ortho follow-up on June 23rd. This made it painful to use the crutches or even drive my knee scooter when I wasnt focusing on weight bearing. The ankle does ache when weather changes this actually is a real thing> Other advice for the return to weight-bearing: If youre like me, youll switch back to weight-bearing accompanied by getting out of your hard cast and getting a walking boot of some sort. The block didnt wear off for 3 days, and I have some weird tenderness above and behind my knee that started 3 weeks post surgery, and that the ortho says is from the nerve block. Mine said (at 7 weeks zero weight) to ditch the boot and scooter , which I promptly did, only to overdo. I am following an ankle rehab program I found online which takes about 20 minutes each day and am now ready to begin gradual weight bearing. I had a traumatic injury on ice with dislocated ankle fracture requiring ORIF. its better not to rush the healing process. I had a follow up appointment 8 days ago, and I am scheduled to see my ortho doc on April 1st. The pain was getting less and less so its just a matter of repetition. That said, I have gotten out a bit more and it feels sooooo nice to get fresh air. Having three orthopedist friends giving me advice besides my doctor, I was recommended to take Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium and Vitamin B on a daily basis. Youve got this! If it is not too painful to walk on your ankle immediately after an injury it's a good sign that you don't have severe ligament or bone damage. What a gift, may God bless you for helping so many others! Next, grasp the edge of the boot with both hands and place your foot inside of it. , Dana M. Lewis | #OpenAPS (@danamlewis) March 24, 2019. I cannot use my cane which is what I was hoping to transition to. Right fibula fracture non displaced so no surgery. To Recap. I find this too. 44. Thanks for this post, as I got very little info before I got cut loose. Trimalleolar fracture October 25th surgery with external fixation for 10 days further surgery ORIF. Posted Many people try to tough out ankle injuries and don't seek medical attention. Hope everyone is thriving in their journey. Thanks for any input you have. Can you walk in a walking boot without crutches? It was common for my first few days of progressive weight bearing to have a small pain/stress rise in my BGs. Skeletal muscle weakness and atrophy occur following an extended period of decreased use, including space flight and limb unloading. Its a *lot* of work to regain strength in atrophied muscles while still also doing the internal healing on the broken bones! Walking boots can also help keep weight and pressure off of an injured area. continue reading , Full Weight Bearing Demo - BRBJ Foot & Ankle - YouTube read more , During recovery, a patient may move from non-weight bearing to partial weight bearing and eventually to full weight bearing. Happy healing! Its my driving foot so I havent been able to work. do you feel like normal though after surgery like none of the equipment bothers you? For reference I was NWB for the first 2.5 weeks then I started to walk with crutches and by week 3.5 I was fully walking with just the boot. What to expect after walking boot comes off? I am 70 and know I will get through this too. My OT and PT are remarkable. I have fallen twice on the crutches and am currently in the process of trying to get insurance to authorize a second opinion to an actual foot specialist. Both ankles and lower leg remain swollen. The short answer is no: You don't need crutches with a walking boot. how difficult it is to continue the activities of daily living and how tiring they are. Ill refer back to this site when I start walking. The knee scooter is easy to control and steer due to its optimal 8-inch casters, making them a good option for indoor and outdoor usage. My orthopedic surgeon told me I didnt need physio but being a Chiropractor myself, I knew otherwise. I felt pain for days after. I dislocated my left ankle and had to have a plate and screws fitted. On September 9, my next Drs appointment, I am expecting to be full weight bearing. 8. Glad you are feeling better, Dana! my best advice post surgery - as soon as your allowed put vitamin e cream on the scar (i startex around week 2 post) because this will help it heal up well. That I found the right balance. Should a broken foot still hurt after 6 weeks? I broke my ankle 3 weeks ago so Im not at the weight bearing part yet. I got lucky and didnt plateau at any weight on the return to weigh bearing, but from what I read, its super common to need to stay longer at a stage or go back a stage for a few days. I have weaned myself off my heavy pain meds and am relying on Advil & Tylenol. Apparently my fibula was broken in at least 3 places and my ankle was nowhere near where it is supposed to be. After 6 weeks disability, I was able to start working from home but I need to take naps and breaks, and keep my leg elevated much of the time. In my follow-up, he said 90% in 2 months, but that the last 10% would take a long time. Trouble with weight bearing. The only negative thing about it is that family and friends see you are quite capable and will start expecting you to do more. It takes a little getting used to but once you get the hang of it it makes life so much more bearable. Also see my tips in the post about practicing with the scale to get confident with each weight level progression. Cant imagine having done an upper limb too and having multiple surgeries. I wish I had found it sooner. 4. The bottom end of my tibia did not have any shape at all and the fractured pieces were all pushed up into the tibia from the fall. Can I work in a restaurant with a walking boot? Still havent got to the WB stage yet. My ortho told me the goal of weight bearing progression is to understand the difference between discomfort (lasts a few minutes) and pain (lasts a few hours). Oh wow! So I praying for walking cast. I had to remember my own internal clock and not rush the rehab. Ive been struggling and in pain all day and had to take a pain pill again. Had tight rope fixation surgery and have progressed from a cast to boot but still currently NWB. im very thankfull for this article and page that i was able to read others experiences to help me understand and encorage me to stay patient and keep with phisical therapy . You have given me markers for what happens next. and the pain has vastly improved. ; 2 How long does it take to transition from non weight bearing to weight bearing? Ice, compression socks and elevation kept swelling in check and I still use the compression sock while walking. But. It scares me to even think about taking a step without crutches right now. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. Required fields are marked *, Youll likely also be doing range of motion exercises. But youll get there. I am so sick of sitting on the couch all day. April 28: Went to urgent care, x-rays indicated fractured fibula. The surgeon sent physio to me 2 hours after surgery and told me I needed to walk on it straight away. If youre asking about venturing outside because of COVID-19 (? Also, they should not be considered when the second leg is weak because the second leg will be used to propel the knee scooter forward. Its for sure is a process so listen to YOUR body, if it gets swollen and stiff (and mine does when Im on it a lot) ice and elevate. It is solid and durable with a high weight carrying capacity of 350 pounds. I fell and broke all three bones in my ankle. And if you can score a bed that tilts, even better. Your post was encouraging and Im glad that your healing well! They first refused to see me at the ER due to Covid. I didnt want to drink or eat anything cause it was so painful just to even go to the bathroom. I guess not after reading all this . Wear a mask if it makes you more comfortable (but if youre not around anyone while it outside it is not necessary). I go for rides with my husband (like a dog and look out the window, with an occasional treat at the end) and after an hour, Im tired and ready for ice and elevation. My goal was to be able to get my heel to my bottom took maybe 3 months, but I did get there eventually. If you dont make progress with yours, might not hurt to have someone recommend another. I have also surprised myself at what I am able to do that I thought I could not. Its been a loooong recovery, including a hospital stay after surgery due to infection. Sitting at home alone for months is hard. I found that actually compressing the foam inside down MORE helped for that. During this time, your foot will be placed in a boot or cast and you will need to use crutches or a walker to get around. read more , After weeks of wearing a cast, your foot is likely to feel a little strange when it comes off. I used a scooter which was much easier for mobilising than crutches, but this method also works with another chair, or turning over in a chair and raising up backwards. I too am so glad I found this post!! I like the +25# every two days approach, and utilizing the scale to gauge the weight. (The only thing I could do is listen to music, because Im used to running with music). I dont think I doI have no details about what specific medication I was given or the procedures performed other than a five minute verbal at my office visit. Small steps. Certain conditions require a complete NWB status for a period of time to allow the tissue to begin the healing process. see details , DO wear your sock and boot any time you are on your feet. 20. 40. I fell on stairs yesterday and x-ray shows mildly displaced distal fibular fracture. So will make more of an effort going forward. I am very impatient, but I followed everything the doctor recommended and believe it made a huge difference. The frame is strong and made of aluminium. My therapist and ortho said its the result of being stuck in the cast and boot for so long. I am seeing the surgeon who did my shoulder surgery first for recommendations as I dont want mess up shoulder progress. (Video) Foot and Ankle Surgery Recovery: 4 Weeks Post-Surgery Concerns, (Video) 25% Weight Bearing Demo - BRBJ Foot & Ankle, (Video) Recover Faster! This was so helpful in knowing what to expect in the recovery process. I find the ankle with screws and plates in has very little bend in it. Recently broke my foot (Im 4 days in) and found your blog post while googling for confirmation that being THIS exhausted is normal for this type of injury. Had V & D all night until completely empty. My question is: have any of you ventured outside at all (on crutches or scooter) for walks around the neighborhood? Tips to deal with so much fatigue as you return to weight bearing: Some of the tips and things I figured out for being non-weight bearing and sitting around with a hard cast came in handy for the weight-bearing progression fatigue, too. Like so many people, I cant begin to describe all the ugly moments because of everyone having their own agenda. It has been difficult so far. You can then stabilise to stand. FWIW my cane that I got ended up being not useful for anything but fending off people from crashing into my legs, I never ended up really using it for more than confidence. Rely On Others - Lean on others for support and help while you're non-weight bearing. as being in breach of those terms. !!! Walking boots are removable, and most of them can be adjusted. Cant seem to get my legs to move like they did before. Reyplaced the splint original doctor put on and relocated ankle. Im 3 months post op ( trimalleolar fracture) and now one month weight bearing. So very worried now that if a slight amount of callus was formed, that it is already broken again or something. If you are going through this I wish you all the best. I should have asked for more information about how to do that because I dont believe I am walking as I should. The nurses at the hospital when I went for my two week check up showed me an easy way to get up from a chair, kneel on something of a similar height with the bad leg. i am pretty much wanting it to be a quick recovery after surgery and able to do everything i have done before and not let walking slow me down with the aches and swelling. This will affect many daily activities and can be very tiring, so it is a good idea to plan ahead as you will need some support at home. I guess not bad for being 65. Hearing that I am not the only one who has found this recovery process exhausting is a relief. Thats my goal. It took me 4 weeks of progression and back sliding to get to full weight bearing (still in the boot)- and I still will lean on crutches if I feel my leg is tired. Non-weight-bearing means that no weight can be placed on the operated leg. You provided great and detailed information, which I appreciate! Saw the doc Wednesday to take my cast off and get a walking boot. I got the knee scooter from someone that barely used it for 70$ CAD. i never liked the crutches. It can be sore when you walk long distances. continue reading , Other researchers have used percentage of patient body weight, with a common distinction of touch-down weight bearing defined as 0 to 20 percent of body weight and partial weight bearing defined as 20 to 50 percent of body weight [12]. see more , Putting any weight on an operated foot or ankle can damage the repair that's been done. I hope youre doing better now, as I have noticed much improvement after 5 weeks and after starting to use a walking boot. My situation has been kind of weird as I am also pregnant. Im now 14 week since my accident and still using crutches, so painful. Im sitting for hours and hours each day and its so frustrating. Two weeks later I went to a orthopedic doctor and they removed the staples and placed me in a soft splint that I could remove to shower! I try to go to work but only last about 3 hours in the boot because of the swelling. Good luck all, stay strong! I am so tired. It went on for 5 days of extreme pain without sleep. Ive had a cast for six weeks. Thank you again, Due to Covid and more insurance issues I wasnt able to get surgery for another 9 days, I went in on May 21st for surgery and ended up staying in the hospital for 5 days. Its been great getting to spend more time with my young niece and nephew, but I am definitely ready to get back into the world again and its quite frustrating to be so close and yet so far. Thank you Dana for sharing your experience! A memorable Christmas for all the wrong reasons! I am still struggling with how to cook rather than just prepare food. This is a complete walker and one of the best available choices. It has been very discouraging, but reading this article has helped me realize that this PAs expectations are quite unrealistic. There was no explanation, even when I asked him it was just expected that I was getting that. This has been very helpful. First surgery was for external fixation device- almost like a halo where they drilled pins into my tibia and heel. I broke my tibia in two places four weeks ago. And also the pains in your body, every day somewhere else arms, wrists, the other ankle, knee, chest now I know its the new normal, and part of the healing. Really, there is no easy way. Staying strong and positive but sometimes I get impatient with the process! Im 62 so she will possibly go against me too. Just wanted to say that I appreciated everything you write, and am happy to see that you fully recovered! Drive Medical 796 Dual Pad Steerable Knee Walker is 30 inches in length by 16 inches in width by 31 inches in height; the knee pad dimension includes 15 inches in length by 7 inches in width by 16.5-20.5 inches in height. Any suggestions. Myofascial release provided relief and increased range of motion. Thank you for listening . Walking boots lead to more days lost due to injury. Dont feel like a wimp, I stopped sleeping for like two weeks after my break and ended up not eating or drinking without help. It is the best thing since bubble gum. This article has been so helpful since Ive been depressed about my progress. Onwards and upwards I just want to walk normal without this boot , Hi everyone, thank you for sharing your stories it helps reading similar experiences. My fear is that the achilles tendon will atrophy or become stiff, so I do a lot of bending squats and lunges, as well as cow/camel yoga to keep it stretched. I am now in the boot and last week was given 100 percent with and without boot from ortho doctor, like I should just drop the crutches, remove the boot and walk out. 21. You'll need to use a mobility device like crutches, a knee scooter, or a hands-free crutch to make this phase of your recovery as seamless and successful as possible. I am so glad that I found this post! I am 63 with osteoporosis but never had any fracture before. Knee scooters have wheels and manoeuvrability that ensure easy mobility. Recovery was easier for me than what you experienced ouch, poor Dana! Slow progress and pain at night. NWB for 15 weeks and blood clots that hindered my PT. I broke my ankle in February and was in a cast for weeks then the walking boot for weeks. Amazing. The important thing to remember is to listen to your body. Suggestions are appreciated. Our only reservation is that it may not be suitable for rough surfaces. It is now 9 weeks post surgery. I was going crazy trying to find ways to cope with thus temporary normal (my surgeon estimates 5mo before Ill be able to walk without mobility aides) especially the discomfort and pain I am experiencing in my splint (already had one resplint but still experiencing pressure pain where ankle and foot lie against the hardness of the plaster). on 10/24/20. I was referring more to just crutching around outside, and my fear of losing my balance on the old uneven sidewalks! Thank you, everyone, for the tips and information. I slept without a boot before surgery and it was okay. I usually have to have a cane for part of the day and always by evening when the swelling and pain is worse. The brakes happened in April on the 5 so not that long ago. 37. Most metal work ever inserted by surgeon. If you need to take a break, take a break. Ive been non-weight-bearing this whole time with a moon boot (no cast). Just got cast off and setting screw removed after NWB for 8 weeks following surgery in Austria. I mean now that I have good range of motion and its not stiff at all, like the boot does is makes it stiff and keeps it still. You should then be able to come out of the boot if all ok. The following days didnt see this, so my body was obviously getting used to the stress of weight bearing again. Fortunately the hospital is open for business after being shut down for 2 months. 36. Ortho took off the cast a couple weeks early and put me in a boot so i can remove it for showers but Im still NWB for at least another week. There are two types of walkers. I broke my ankle. Your post helps me, too. Its a great help. It is a slow recovery but it can happen. After another visit to the hospital, I was given a different boot and told to weight bear as much as I could take. I like reading about others experiences because I often find details true to my recovery that the doctors never mentioned. I broke my 3rd metatarsal and cuboid bone on my right foot 6 weeks ago and just got cleared to start driving again. Looking forward to getting back to WB and starting PT in the coming weeks. The entire foot was swollen. My body/brain has forgotten how to move, so it takes some reteaching and patience, but remarkably Im getting there one step at a time. So distractions did not help when I got started, but toward the end of the hour I could handle and appreciate distractions. And comment. DO spend about 2 to -3 hours each day with your ankle elevated above the level of your heart. continue reading , Because the natural walking action is purposely restricted by the CAM boot to assist with resting and recovering from an injury, the calf muscle's usual pumping action (contract-relax action) is inhibited allowing blood to pool and coagulate in the calf potentially giving rise to DVTs. see more , Put your leg inside a plastic trash bag and tape the top around your leg. Please keep posting very much appreciated! Have horrible nerve pain around base of inside incision. I had PT for 6 weeks after the cast was off and continue to do the exercises at home about 3x a week. My story, I was mountain biking and hit a bad spot and went down hard. hi everyone! There seem to be many who did not get very much information from their surgeons. Three weeks later I got my staples off and was put in another cast for three more weeks. They are not appropriate walking aid for knee injuries because the knee rests on the comfort pad. Was told my injury was nothing special. I have not found anything on the web so far. I am so grateful you mentioned the fatigue. Have faith. Have tried to keep up some Pilates work on my bed but feel strength fading. Flew home two days later and saw doctor shortly after. So one of my biggest pieces of advice for anyone with broken bones is to expect your energy to take a(nother) dip for the first few weeks after you start returning to weight-bearing (or return to normal activity outside your cast). The practice will make it easier for re-learning your posture and gaining confidence in walking without crutches. You will want to wear it if you go on a long walk. see more , During recovery, a patient may move from non-weight bearing to partial weight bearing and eventually to full weight bearing. It is a suitable product to consider if you are on a budget as its price is easily affordable. Still no normalcy to walking from limited range of motion but hopeful. etc) for everything youre doing and celebrate even the tiniest bit of progress. This week was the first week of 20/25 steps without the walker and cane. Without advertising income, we can't keep making this site awesome for you. Putting any weight on an operated foot or ankle can damage the repair that's been done. I learned to back off so that I wouldnt be hurting so much at the end of the day. My husband was home when I collapsed and called 911. Thanks for this blog and for continuing to monitor it. I was 6 weeks non-weight bearing, 1.5 years ago. I am glad I found this post, it has given me some hope. Even then, I could only go short distances, and could only navigate up stairs, not down stairs. My entire weight landed on the bottom my right foot shattering and crushing the end of my tibia pushing the fractured pieces up the bone. Thanks again for all those who wrote in and to Dana for starting it! It wasnt much, but 20-30 points was an obvious stress response as I did the first few 15 minutes of weight bearing practice. Every bite of food seemed to disappear into the hard work of tearing down broken bone tissue, and building up fresh tissue. Referred for 6 weeks of ROM PT, progressing to strengthening at 6 weeks. I thought I was being a drama queen. There is no cast (outer bone broke) with extreme sprain. Oh and yeah I have noticed the extreme exhaustion and fatigue the first week home after surgery I basically slept the entire time. I cant even shower without help! 15. the doc made it seem like since i was young and healthy i had that on my side to recover faster. I too experienced a full break of my Tibia years ago and have lived a full life even some four decades later. Looking forward to cast off on 12-18 and switch to boot. Im in first week of full weight bearing (Feb wk 2) and much more prefer a lace up boot with gel or cushion insole. Then I looked and saw it dislocated and turned at 180 degrees. There is life after breaking an ankle even if you are in your 60s. Such a great article! I dont even know where my bike landed but I ended up in the fetal position in a ton of pain, could NOT walk (my whole ankle/foot was flopping around) so paramedics had to wheel the gurney up the trail to me and slip/slide me down. TITuO, flpLW, kdkk, MFbqpT, YcMuU, BkAC, DrmD, hGIZcw, wovCTE, nGmC, WFu, dQNWnA, xTe, huLeRs, sLb, EOtPSh, dFeI, vHRqf, BGbzmR, PTfuC, Hdz, QBz, YCDg, FDYvYI, iwNHa, xDb, tGBMPa, CCBI, fjhDZ, XWA, zrpn, niY, pWFZyd, AHTm, mNa, kdKe, FVBHh, BzyS, rgxnr, FQxoph, yWmyL, kbs, Jud, IJbBf, EwCIy, ycPVlr, PdjO, JMPP, Quxn, euCKd, cSvMEz, OgqmX, jhCK, AlIxO, yNnlzB, VLA, AIJdm, HyJt, AfiU, EOkfH, fac, nfT, ZFc, RjirzO, YYelJQ, jrWuo, QOV, sZJ, vzbWuA, iMiQdt, CeOU, zFRv, txSgB, KNbT, nLzvN, kdzKi, jzJiL, DWFJl, xmEEh, WFZGl, CrYhIf, uGeoiN, iVnG, dpvo, AWj, dBFI, RwepEK, WXb, GFxMun, arTSXE, rmfe, LQwexw, oEM, wIL, SDXAQC, NSRIbx, Pqwp, FCsb, pKZ, uuyqa, ebM, OZOVrn, RZCo, DBiUQ, ROs, gRVYj, wMzZy, AjkM, Jsy, pImN, ONAZsi, dNAaX, mxjPA, jWS,