Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Another implication for teachers is the questioning they employ within the classroom. The new instructional design model (Isman-2011) aims at planing, developing, implementing, evaluating, and organizing full learning activities effectively to ensure competent performance by. All public high schools will be part of this network with only DepEd-approved multi-media applications, materials and mirrored internet sites accessible from school's PCs. For the purposes of this assignment the extremes of this learning theory spectrum, which are represented by the Behaviourist and Constructivist theories of learning, will be discussed. Humanism We cannot teach another person directly; we can only facilitate his learning. Another pitfall of the constructivist theory is that it assumes students actively seek resources and experiences, and therefore students understanding is dependent and anchored by their experiences and pre-existing knowledge. Since constructivism involves learners to interact with their immediate learning environment, learning has been considered to be situation-specific and context-bound activity (McInerney and McInerney, 2002). Since learning constructively is based on the addition of new content to current knowledge, the learner must have sufficient levels of understanding before new content can be used to construct more complex meaning and progress. Learning styles; Science classroom; Diversity in the classroom; Implications for paraeducators. 0000033756 00000 n Which strategies would you most, Watch the video below on the impact of cochlear implants on the profoundly deaf. Vygotsky considered dialogue, usually with a more knowledgeable other, as a vehicle by which concepts are considered, shared and developed. When constructing new concepts and developing understanding, reviewing and reflecting on what has already been learnt also helps to establish and secure students previous knowledge. Studies, including those of Albasli and Yesilce (2018), have shown that tangible learning materials improve classroom learning, and enhances the attainment of instructional objectives in very remarkable and significant ways. Purpose: A diverse range of initiatives in relation to the recognition of prior learning (RPL) have been introduced in higher education systems over the past 20 years. For example, Prittard (2009) reports that behaviouristic methods are more advantageous for those pupils who display anxious tendencies and low motivation. Authentic tasks are likely to hold the attention and interest of children, and lead to a deeper level of engagement than with non-authentic or less authentic tasks (Fulton). Law of Readiness. This may lead to marking criteria discrepancies, confusion and inconsistency, and student misconceptions, which do not match reality. When teachers, understand the learning theories they can focus on different learning styles to reach different students, and create teaching that, focuses directly on student needs and aptitudes.With the various types of learning styles applied by teachers, the lessons taught. Formative assessment is a regular, informal mode of assessment, allowing teachers to monitor students progress, gain an appreciation of what has been learnt and adapt their teaching practices to optimise further learning (Black and Wiliam, 1998). In addition, the constructivist theorists challenged the behaviourist proposed separation between mental processing and knowledge, which had to be bridged by the role of a teacher (Prittard, 2009). Get answer to your question and much more, Learning theories help teachers discover different learning styles that can help teachers develop more effective teaching. Most teachers resist showing students the dirty part of real learning, and by the dirty part I dont mean the hard workI mean the part where we fail nine times in a row before we find a good approach. Which do you believe are the most viable? It is hypothesized that two factors will contribute to the success of this "flipped" classroom: a new digital textbook, which ensures that students prepared meaningfully for class, and a flexible classroom space, which helps to facilitate in-class active learning activities and student-instructor interaction. In addition, Duffy and Cunningham propose that if the constructions and meanings are different amongst students, the little shared understanding may challenge the ease of communication between learners and the class. Using a comparative multiple case study approach, the findings indicated that (1) teachers' implementation in the classroom was influenced by the various . From reviewing the literature, educational researchers which employ these constructivist principles select aspects from both strands of this learning theory (Biggs, 1979), and use constructivist theories as a generalised term. Understanding how knowledge is developed can allow teachers to shape the methodological delivery of their subject content to match the theoretical frameworks underpinning how knowledge is enhanced. 1. Method Design A case study design was used. Information about working in or operating early childhood education services including outside school hours care. According to Winn, 1990, learning is a dynamic process whereby the students knowledge and skills are different when compared before to after learning. We can define learning as the lasting acquisition of knowledge, behaviors, skills, or . In contrast, those of higher academic ability perceive simplistic drill and practice unsatisfying and dull (Prittard 2009). And at last Ive learned that a good teacher is someone who can recognize and connect with good studentsin all their forms. Mark Cohan, Bad Apple: The Social Production and Subsequent Reeducation of a Bad Teacher,Change,November/December, 2009, p. 36. (Demirici and Yavuz, 2009). If a pupil is set tasks which do not require thought or challenge, learning constructively will fail. Classical conditioning involves the reinforcement of a natural reflex or behaviours which occur naturally as a response to a specific stimulus. When students give either incomplete or incorrect responses, teachers should seek to understand those answers more completely by gently guiding student thinking with appropriate probes. This repeated activation and reinforcement ultimately strengthens the neural pathways and connections between the stimuli and specific responses, resulting in a faster, smoother implementation of certain responses (Pritchard, 2009). Dericimi also reported a significant difference in post-test grades and retention learning tests grades, with the constructivist approach being more efficient than the conventional, behaviouristic approach. Also, by understanding these learning theories, it helps teachers to connect themselves to dissimilar students in class that have their own characteristics. Implications For Classroom Teachers Education Essay Learning is the "process that results in a relatively enduring change in a person or persons" (Alexander et al, 2009: 186). However, with behaviourism, the opportunities for feedback are confined to only whether the response desired is correct or not. throughout the course, and focuses on the teaching implications sessions for reading, listening, speaking writing and Use of English. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. In constructivist learning, individuals use world-based experiences in an effort to make sense of what they perceive and establish their understanding of their surroundings (Harris, 1994). According to Winn, 1990, learning is a dynamic process whereby the students' knowledge and skills are different when compared before to after learning. Activating prior knowledge is important to elicit pre-knowledge, allowing teachers to decipher the students current levels of understanding. The numerous perspectives on constructivism within these two sub-types could be essentially grouped around a rooted assumption about learning. 0000020925 00000 n Constructivism is a theory that asserts that learning is an activity that is individual to the learner. The use of resources promotes more interactive learning and interest, which are both shown to positively influence learning. Research suggests that learning through such constructive mediums, like discussion, participation and practice, are academically successful and associated with learning gains and knowledge retention (Demirci & Yavuz, 2009). blended learning as the future of classroom teaching and learning, with several ben-ets to both teacher and student including improved eectiveness, increased access, . Information about NSW public education, including the school finder, high school enrolment, school safety, selective schools and opportunity classes. 0000002984 00000 n Such teachers understand that student questions are essential to deep engagement with and learning ofparticular content. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. In general, teachers, not students, need to decide who will answer questions using strategies that give all students an opportunity to respond. Why? While world language pedagogical practices oftentimes center upon discrete aspects of vocabulary and grammar acquisition rather than attending to the social implications of language education and heteronormativity (Cahnmann-Taylor & Coda, 2019), this study can potentially offer pre- and in-service teachers different ways of approaching world . 1.Introduction. Attending to the way students learn can be used to foster effective teaching practices, allowing teachers to improve their practice, and ultimately enhacne the quality of the learners experience (Macleod & Golby, 2003). This repeated activation strengthens the pathways, affording for a smoother and faster implementation of the response. However, neither of these are true, and being able to remember knowledge is an important prerequisite of learning. However, such experiences and world-based interactions may not be feasible or available to students due to their lifestyle circumstances. Teachers should consider, incorporate and plan for well managed plenary to consolidate knowledge. 2022 Faculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning - All Rights Reserved. The Implications of Learning Theories for classroom teachers are to assist them to do reflections on their practice in teachingthat can also improve their work. Whatever their preconceptions, barriers or deficitswhatever their storythey take new information and new experiences, and to the best of their ability, make them tools for transforming themselves and their world. Therefore rewards and punishments for behaviours must play a crucial role and actively administered within classroom practice. These laws are: 1. Formative assessment will also identify pupils individual learning needs, supporting teachers conduct in differentiation to assure pupils are moving forward, across their ZPD and optimise learning gains. Teachers who are focused on the quality of their questioning, both verbal and written, will also value and encourage students questions. End of preview. As already discussed, scaffolding is crucial for the learner to pass through their zone of proximal development, and can be undertaken by the teacher. In other situations, the concepts of learning without understanding can fuel frustration, lead to misconceptions and generate a difficult learning environment (Prittard 2009). Teacher questioning Implications for classroom teaching Implications for classroom teaching When questioning in the classroom focuses on enabling student learning teachers deliberately prepare, manage and respond to students' responses. 0000047946 00000 n Demerici 2009 advises that information which is connected to a learners prior experiences is more likely to be retained, explaining higher retention rates when a constructivist approach is adopted. Rote learning may be used to help students cope better with some aspects of work that they find difficult. Albert Bandura of Stanford University has proposed four component processes to his theory of observational learning: a) attention, b) retention, c) motor reproduction, and d) reinforcement and motivation. Additionally, as the teacher makes time for student questions, theyhelp their students learn to formulate effective questions. drill or practice work in classroom or assigning home. In addition, Smith (2001, 2002) affirms that rote learning can contribute to understanding. Instructional support: one-on-one tutoring, assistance with classroom management, instructional assistance in a . To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Both sub-types believe that knowledge is actively constructed by individuals (Birenbaum 2003), however through the use of different mediums; either through a series of internal, intellectual stages (cognitive constructivism), or by social interaction (social constructivism). The teacher should keep in view the individual. Another implication for teachers is the questioning they employ within the classroom. Learning is a natural desire, a mean of self-actualization and development of personal potentials. This demands a board array of work which is differentiated to the learners intellect.. Teachers need to offer scope of activities where the accustomed effort and activity falls on the learners responsibility. Therefore, although the constructivist theory assumes that the construction of understanding is the product of the learners interpretation exclusively, the constructivist theory does not account for the interplay between teachers and learners comprehension. larger set of changes in curriculum and theories of teaching and learning, which many have characterized as a paradigm change. Favourably, the constructivist principles match those fundamentals associated with effective contextual learning. It is about engagement. .`6#6k\p^d{kaS1O$xp`|n(8)u2V"? The implications of Learning Theories for classroom teachers.pdf - What are the implications of Learning Theories for classroom teachers? ''Nbsr[2( .z2%%GOhrHLQyMvH9-3o,it*\; 0000032481 00000 n To accommodate these pre-requisites of learning, the individuals knowledge needs to be continually assessed. A hand-ful of significant ideas underlie most reforms of the last 20 years. have no essentials, {{ firstName }} 0000001168 00000 n the group under instruction. However, the recommended approach to situation learning in meaningful contexts (e.g. Therefore constructive pedagogies include regular formative assessment to assure students understanding. 0000003719 00000 n Most questions will be different each time you take the test, You mustanswer at least 9 out of 10 questions correctlyto. loading essentials, You CONCLUSION Instructional materials that are tangible and concrete make teaching and learning quite a pleasurable experience. The learning-teaching synergy happens when teachers are thinking, observing, and focusing in all sorts of ways on learningwhen we are constantly asking, "What's going to help students learn this?" This focus on learning and attempts to understand how it's happening for students drives decision-making about teaching. By forming these links, students can activate and recall their pre-existing knowledge, and use this foundation to build and integrate new concepts. the possible implications of full online learning for the class in the future. Teachers should encourage students to relate new knowledge to current knowledge and external experiences, allowing the new subject content to become embedded within the existing knowledge structures, contributing to or amending to the students schema. Piagets Theory may guide a teachers differentiation as to the ability of pupils, and the required scaffolding and support in order to facilitate the movement between zones of cognitive development. Therefore, constructivism may be seen as subjective and relative (Duffy and Cunningham, 1996). Therefore teachers should strive to include more authentic tasks and set learning concepts which are aligned with students familiar contexts. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that constructivist approaches to learning favour the use of formative assessment and may prompt its use in the classrooms, which Atkin et al, (2001) reports as being very valuable. Following these studies, different theories related to human learning and the various ways in which the brain learns have emerged.. To allow pupils to construct their own knowledge and understanding, questions need to be higher order and exploratory Moursund (2003), in accordance with Blooms Taxonomy (1956) , to include command words such as 'evaluate' and synthesise'. implications for classroom teaching and learning pdfsport business journal Toggle navigation 404.889.0009 streets as public spaces and drivers of urban prosperity 0000034200 00000 n This paper aims to explore the implementation of RPL initiatives, in an Irish context, and the implications for quality assurance in higher education. Learning is the process that results in a relatively enduring change in a person or persons (Alexander et al, 2009: 186). If a learning activity falls beyond the cultural understanding of the learning, then learning is likely to be less successful than if it had been situated in a more familiar setting. Critique of learning theories and associated implications upon classroom practice. California: Sage Publications. 0000019690 00000 n Unlike, behaviourism theories, constructivist theory appreciates the important rol. The Wellbeing Framework supports schools to create learning environments that enable students to be healthy, happy, engaged and successful. Walsh, J. However, constructivism appears to fail to acknowledge adaptive instinctive responses as reactive forms of learning (Fox, 2001) and the role of talent in cognitive development. Teachers become learners of learning. Pupils should be made aware of the negative and positive consequences if they do not respond to the stimuli as desired and the consequences need to be kept consistent. That is, knowledge is actively constructed by the learner (Birenbaum 2003; Harris and Alexander 1998). .Meaningful contexts for learning are very important; however, what is meaningful for a teacher is not necessarily meaningful for the student. 0000047379 00000 n 0000046820 00000 n No amount of efforts can make the child learn if the child is not ready to learn. Importantly, engaging with each other reflects social interactions, which can be a vehicle to develop understanding using social interaction. The NSW Department of Education is committed to employing the best and brightest teachers who can teach and make a difference in NSW public schools. It is therefore plausible to suggest that the quality and depth of understanding associated to a constructivist teaching approach is more likely to exceed that of the behaviourist approach. Walkerdine, 1988, for example argued that if school learning became situated solely within the lived world of daily experiences, the opportunities for abstract reasoning and reflective activity, which are all constituents of constructivism, would become limited and sacrificed, whilst confining students to their local environment. 2. Students will receive, process and use the information they can catch in. Therefore, under behaviourist approaches, feedback cannot be used for learning purposes, therefore opportunities for assessment for learning, which have shown to enhance learning, may not be fruitful. 3. What are the implications of Learning Theories for classroom teachers? The teacher should note that learning is not new knowledge but acquired new behaviour. 0000030314 00000 n As a regular classroom practice, formative assessment could be used as a regular approach to assess existing and new understanding, before moving to the next lesson. 0000030673 00000 n 0000001996 00000 n The focus of behaviourism is the conditioning of observable human behaviour and revolves around the principal conception that a reaction is made in response to a specific stimulus (Prittard, 2009). Supported by Winn (1990), student knowledge is dynamic and changes, that is knowledge and skills are different before learning to after instruction and Behaviourist approaches have been criticised for not addressing this dynamic nature of learning. This suggests that academic and subject knowledge learning, based on the behaviouristic theory, may not be academically supported. This is how cognitivism theory works. Marton et al, (1997) and Entwistle and Smith (2002) conclude that the use of rote memorisation represents a learning approach to a surface level of understanding, whilst establishing links with current knowledge, as encouraged by constructivists, reflects an approach for a deeper level of understanding. Similarly, learning is most effective when learners become engaged, which means that teachers need to adopt an active approach to learning and involve engaging tasks to promote learning in the classroom. Course Hero member to access this document. *You can also browse our support articles here >. GPT-3 can be used to generate human-like text, answer questions, and even create original content. Making a correct response and remembering content does not necessarily imply understanding, and consequently the actual understanding achieved through behavioural approaches is challenged. f The size of the class or section should be as small as. Instead teachers must actively access and consider the alternative perceptions and understanding of the learners, hence why a transmission teaching approach is fruitless. This ensures that teachers can take advantage of opportunities in lesson to consolidate students' understanding. out the central ideas about learning and teaching that run throughout contemporary educational discourse. PheDNET, is a "walled" garden that hosts educational learning and teaching materials and applications for use by Filipino students, their parents and teachers. 0000004994 00000 n Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Scaffolding can allow the movement from one zone to another and assists in the passing through the zone of proximal development. 2. Therefore, teachers need to consider whether the learning is academic or behavioural before teaching the class. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Time to reflect upon what has been undertaken, the processes and the content gives the opportunity for internalisation and for a deeper level of understanding to be developed. The clear objectives allow students to construct their ideas using current knowledge and understand the overarching direction and progression of their learning. For instance, teachers use technology in classrooms like, LCD to show students a video about a healthy lifestyle. Teaching and learning are multi-faceted phenomenaand thats how we should be thinking about them, right from the start. In contrast, constructivism emphasises that the learners must develop their understanding for themselves and constructivist researchers advocate that mental activity is the lifeblood of learning and the extent of what is learnt (Jonassen & Rohrer-Murphy, 1999). 4. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on This law refers to the fact that learning takes place only when the learner is prepared to learn. The following articles and programs are reflective of how those learning to teach (doesnt that include all of us?) . 0000047401 00000 n 0000003899 00000 n possible. COGNITIVIST LEARNING THEORY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS ON CLASSROOM TEACHING AND LEARNING.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. GPT-3 is a big deal now because of its potential to revolutionize how we interact with technology . STUDENT LEARNING STYLES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING Joanna Badara, Ph.D. School of Education University of Bridgeport. Hence it will improve the learning, The implications of Learning Theories for classroom teachers is that the understanding of learning theories helps the teachers to, connect to all different kinds of students as every student is different and their learning styles are also different. What are your impressions and knowledge gained after watching this video? Given the exploratory nature of constructivism, classroom practice needs to be supportive and generate an environment where the student feels safe to ask for help and comfortable in approaching the teacher. In addition, by asking what students understand before embarking on a new concept would help students form links between new and previous knowledge (Fulton). ought to begin and proceed. The stages refer to an explicit age range and characterise the cognitive abilities necessary at each stage to construct meaning of ones environment. Upcoming Conferences for Higher Ed Professionals, How Students Re-Imagined the Teach-Learning Environment and Visualized a Virtual Event, Generation Z: Re-thinking Teaching and Learning Strategies, Six Things that Make College Teachers Successful, Eureka! The response desired, such as a student raising of the hand and silence, must be fully understood by students. Learn more about characters, symbols, and themes in all your favorite books with Course Hero's Educational Implications of Transfer of Learning. 0000034682 00000 n Another important consideration is that behaviourist approaches dont take account of mental cognitive processing involved in learning. Effective teachers continually improve their skills by learning about the latest trends in the field of education. As much as possible, teachers should try to plan their questions before asking to ensure a closer match between questioning and the lessons instructional objectives. Research findings about questioning can provide insights into how to establish a classroom environment where questioning has a focus on promoting student learning. 0000029743 00000 n The purpose of this paper is to . A review of the literature suggests that behaviouristic learning does not offer students the chance to develop deep meaning and understanding (Entwistle & Smith, 2002), but instead has a tendency to promote superficial learning of skills (Fosnot, 1996). Commonly teachers will do decisions, but sometimes it is better to give. Piagets stage developmental theory offers guidance covering the level of complexity that may be expected in a childs thought processes at approximate stages in their development. by teachers can easily be acquired and processed by students' minds. Implication of cognitive development in teaching and learning 1. This reviewing could be done as a starter, but also plays a role at the end of the lesson, forming a plenary. The importance of learning lies in the process, not outcome. Group work may play a very important role in reinforcing subject knowledge and working together and collaborating with peers could be a useful teaching and learning tool. Student loss of face-to-face interaction, the lost social benefits of the educational milieu, and restricted instructor ability to control both the learning environment and assessment process have been significant. strategies. The humanistic theory relates this as teachers can do a handout, survey or ask the students how they want to learn. To help the teacher identify those who need more support than others, formative assessment can be incorporated to highlight the students individual needs that need to be addressed. It is about recognizing teaching as a medium that can do some things exquisitely but cannot do everything. Christa L. Walck, A Teaching Life,Journal of Management Education,November, 1997, p. 481. Learning, according to behaviourists (Skinner 1974; Bandura 1986), is defined as the acquisition of new behaviour. Constructivism is an umbrella term to encompass the wide range of constructivist perspectives, which can be separated into two branches; cognitive constructivism (Piaget, 1976) and social constructivism (Vygotsky, 1986). The following guide offers teaching principles, learning examples, and the importance of a healthy relationship between student learning and teaching. Create a learning environment for enhancing transfer of learning. Download Free Teaching Other Peoples Children Literacy And Learning In A Bilingual Classroom Practitioner Inquiry Series Pdf File Free . Behaviourists identify this form of learning as conditioning, where with consistent reinforcement the behaviour pattern becomes conditioned. As well, they need to establish classroom norms indicating that every student deserves an opportunity to answer questions and that all students answers are important. Therefore, a teachers understanding can colour the students understanding, and together, Patrick (1998) and Marton and Booth (1997) suggested that some teachers moulded the students construction of a concept to align with their concept interpretation. Importantly, teachers need to provide activities which engage and challenge learners. A few carefully prepared questions are preferable to large numbers of questions. It takes courage. In addition, it is assumed that learners utilise the construed data to actively construct their knowledge (Renkl, 1999). I mean the parts where we are confused about our project, defensive in the face of criticism, doubtful of our abilitiesWhatever the venueteachers like modeling their knowledge, not their ignorance, and they avoid referring to the muddy paths, fear-filled moments, and just plain failure that are the unavoidable parts of getting the knowledge we possess. Marshall Gregory, From Shakespeare on the Page to Shakespeare on the Stage,Pedagogy,2006, p. 324. Pre-operational children (2-7 years old) The teacher should. The same strategy should be employed every time the teacher wants to quieten the class, establishing consistency of stimuli and behavioural response. Constructivist learning theory, invoked throughout this volume, is at the center of these important changes and has the most direct implications for changes in teaching and assessment. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative approach is adopted, to provide an . 0000001764 00000 n Instead the learner has autonomy and self-regulates what understanding is established. It is what determines whether students will work in groups, whether they need to write or speak answers, whether their understanding of a concept should be tested, and on and on. The teacher is required to plan in rhythmic patterns that improves the control of their muscles and the body. Teachers can promote this using questions which encourage students to gradually construct their understanding, such as evaluate, synthesise and analytical questions. However, the constructivist theory may imply that all individual differences in learning come down to the consequences of each learners history of learning (Loyens, 2008). Behaviouristic approaches to learning appear to be more favourable to certain individuals, and teachers need to consider the pupils concerned and whether this approach to learning suits their learning styles, needs and ability. The problem of this study is the development of a) a methodology for . In this case, the stimulus, such as the teacher raising their hand or calling out the number three, must be fully explained to the class. The process of giving support to learners at the appropriate time and level of sophistication to meet the individual needs is termed scaffolding. The activities must be varied to provide wide range to suit the loco-motor processes. 0000001223 00000 n Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 0000002175 00000 n Purposeful teaching activities must be employed that suit the type of knowledge to be . (Jones, Carter, & Rua, 1999). If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Support materials need to be widely available, such as a writing frame to support a particular style of prose, or a list of words to help in the process of completing an exercise, designed to assist understanding The provision of practical apparatus, especially in science, may help to explain the solution to a problem and is an engaging approach. Moreover, questions need to be open-ended and allow pupils to develop their personal understanding though answering the questions, rather than simple closed questions, where the answers are already pre-determined. Classroom practice could be based on a discovery-based approach (Huitt, 2004);, where students can find answers out for themselves, answer their own questions through experimenting with new ideas and discuss their beliefs and thinking patterns with their peers. Conversely, the constructivist theory acknowledges that pre-existing knowledge is requisite of learning and that students enter classrooms with pre-conceptions, knowledge and beliefs which they deploy in constructing new understanding. It is a didactic strategy that facilitates the teaching-learning process for students with functional diversity, a tool to support the teaching task and a promoter of an inclusive education that . Why? Students can evidence reality and attach a sense of perspective and reality to their learning. All work is written to order. Constructivist advocates, including Vygotsky 1986 and Piaget (1970; 1976) amongst others, began to criticise the behaviourist approach, as it was seen too teacher centred and directed, void of meaningful learning and the teacher process was focused too much on individual rather than collaborative group work. Chapter 3 of my open textbook on 'Teaching in a Digital Age' is about theory and practice in teaching for a digital age, which I am still in the process of writing. Vygotsky advocates that the process of learning involves moving into and across a zone of proximal development, which is aided by the intervention of another through support. Implications on students' learning The implications of social constructivism on student's learning are that: They no longer sit down to be informed or loaded by the teacher but discover lesson contents by themselves as they respond to the teacher's promptings in the form of questions, assignments, project works and such like. Books written for beginning teachers, in fact lots of teaching books, focus on techniques. Importantly, to help progressive learning and avoid developing misconceptions, teachers need to provide a clear focus and goals, with explicit learning objectives (Clarke, 2001), which are rooted within pupils existing knowledge. In accordance with this assumption, the constructivist theory can explain why pupils conceptions and meaning do vary between each other (Taber, 2000). 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