Nevertheless he only escaped a vote of censure by ten votes, and accordingly resigned office. Goodbye, to celebrate the women who have defied social, His actions, traits Censure sentence the uk, financial regulators have long believed in quiet admonitions and private Censure.2.discriminative Censure; a biography . This bull not only freed Rabelais from ecclesiastical censure, but gave him the right to return to the order of St Benedict when he chose, and to practise medicine. (189) It is folly for an eminent man to think of escaping censure, and a weakness to be affected with it. (99) Earlier yesterday the government had defeated an opposition censure motion in the lower house of parliament. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. (212) Just as some historians seemed more shocked that the author of the Declaration of Independence had sex with Sally Hemmings than by the fact that he owned her, Clinton received far more censure for his sexual misdeeds than for other moral lapses, such as his politically motivated decision to ignore the finding of a bipartisan panel that issuing needles to drug addicts would save lives and curtail the spread of AIDS without increasing drug addiction. The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him. He has been accused of both narcissism and ostentation, but he is never offended. In the following December, Sagasta Iwas defeated on a vote of censure and resigned office. About this time he became an ardent Wycliffite, winning over many persons, some of high rank, to the side of the reformer, and incurring the censure of Archbishop Arundel. They do not represent the opinions of But we must not allow such a theory to blind us to the true wisdom with which the writer defers his censure. and (90) When Parliament returned, the Opposition would take the matter up and proceed to a vote of censure. The chief differences between Burnet's original draft as represented by the Bodleian MS. and the printed history consist in a more lenient view generally of individuals, a modification of the censure levelled at the Anglican clergy, changes obviously dictated by a general variation in his point of view, and a more cautious account of personal matters such as his early relations with Lauderdale. I am proud to say that I made it completely through school without receiving a censure for my conduct! (47) The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him. Le Defricheur was an organ of extreme French sentiment, opposed to confederation, and also under ecclesiastical censure. Modern critics of his work note that he made no attempt to understand the oriental religions which he attacked, and censure him for invoking the aid of the Inquisition and sanctioning persecution of the Nestorians in Malabar. (70) The opposition will put down a censure motion on the government's handling of the affair. 20 examples: The need to resume political activity and stop behaving as quasi-diplomats (84) Although this kind of type suffers censure quite, but I think also cannot to sum up in a word. (159) The intransigent majority refused to listen to a last eloquent appeal that Castelar made to their patriotism and common sense, and they passed a vote of censure. , The tardy fireman is going to be given a censure by his commander. (109) Feargal's censure[], Phena's bitterness - a hell of a burden to carry all your adult life. Pitt's conduct on the change of administration was open to grave censure. See how to use will censure in a sentence. Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from commintting it. (29) Though Hastings was thus irremovable, his policy did not escape censure. First example: House Democrats proposed a resolution to censure the president over his offensive tweets. - "censure" in a sentence. (238) What is the best definition of "censure"? (146) For more than a year all efforts - headed by the poet Whittier - to rescind that censure were without avail, but early in 1874 it was annulled. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. Although subsequently to the Reformation period the Protestant churches for the most part relapsed into the dogmatism of the Roman Catholic Church, and were ever ready with censure for every departure from orthodoxy - yet to-day a spirit of diffidence in regard to one's own beliefs, and of tolerance towards the beliefs of others, is abroad. I would not presume to censure Osborne for hating his mother. (75) The soldier was sent home from boot camp after he received another censure from the general. True, there are still words that you dont know. It is the typical artist, so he declares, who is mad for acclaim and whose self-esteem depends upon adulation. (224) The Word "censure" in Example Sentences. (103) In January Pyongyang, feigning anger at the latest unanimous censure from the UNSC, as good as confirmed this. (14) He received a public censure for his dishonorable behavior. (178) I have often met with happiness after some imprudent step which ought to have brought ruin upon me, and although passing a vote of censure upon myself I would thank God for his mercy. (54) The prospect of censure intensified what, for Galileo, was fast becoming a dilemma. (239) What is "censure" definition and meaning? . (220) What is the best definition of "censure"? See how to use the censure in a sentence. - 20 examples of simple sentences "censure". The soldier was sent home from boot camp after he received another censure from the general. (249) What is the meaning of "censure" in a sentence. - "censure" in a sentence. , The pharmacy board will censure the pharmacist for not properly monitoring his drug supply. (3) i am prepared to accept your censure. If the Hearing Committee's recommendation to impose a public reprimand is not appealed within 21 days as set forth above, the public reprimand shall be imposed and published as provided in Rule 506(e). (194) In London the Lords passed a vote of censure on Lord Palmerstons proceedings; and the Commons only sustained the minister by adopting a resolution approving in general terms the principles on which the foreign policy of the country had been conducted. In return, he described these accusations as "a vote of censure by the criminal classes on the police," and averred that the measures taken were purely precautionary. (82) If he now incurred Natasha's censure it was only for buying too many and too expensive things. Censure also derives from censre and refers to a judicial sentence or official reprimand or criticism. Sentences are everywhere. (63) Options range from no action to a fine, reprimand, censure or expulsion from the House. (10) Third, corrective action rather than censure must follow. If you get another censure from the manager, you will befired. (226) What is definition of "censure" by Merriam-Webster. (166) Nor, though his sympathies are unmistakably with the aristocratic party, does he scruple to censure the pride, cruelty and selfishness which too often marked their conduct (ii. A compound sentence with "censure" contains at least two independent clauses. Detailed Definition and Meaning. to formally reprimand (someone) : to express official censure of (someone). (33) You will receive a censure if you miss practice without a written excuse. (132) The destruction of the Kaaba and Grand Mosque became a major cause for censure of the Umayyads in later histories of the period. There was, indeed, much just and much unjust censure; but even those who were loudest in blame were attracted by the book in spite of themselves. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. (107) If you are caught driving without a license, a censure from a police officer will be the least of your worries. , Because Jack cheated on his teachers exam, he will receive a censure from the state board that will prevent him from teaching for two years. (169) Indeed, James Buchanan was allotted a very difficult part in the political affairs of the day; and the censure he received for what is called his vacillation was somewhat unjust. An example of censure is for a state legislature to criticize of its members for misuse of campaign funds. Lot of example sentences with the word will censure. It is in this last sense that the term is used in the New Testament, usually with an implicit censure of the factious spirit to which such divisions are due. (69) Feargal's censure, Phena's bitterness - a hell of a burden to carry all your adult life. This precipitate action aroused the mistrust of the Germans, and, in view of the ambiguous attitude of the prime minister towards the Czechs, led to a vote of censure being passed at a meeting of the German national council at Prague on July is. On the 5th of March the Congregation of the Index issued a decree reiterating, with the omission of the word "heretical," the censure of the theologians, suspending, usque corrigatur, the great work of Copernicus, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, and absolutely prohibiting a treatise by a Carmelite monk named Foscarini, which treated the same subject from a theological point of view. (177) The Bulletin reports that punishment for violating council rules, including the social media policy, is limited to public reprimand , or censure - and one councilor plans to pursue that. In the past, families who made the decision to continue carrying a baby with a terminal diagnosis were left to cope on their own as best they could, sometimes even with the disapproval and censure of their medical team. (102) Anti thinks, be given by fabricant Xiao Tinghai thunder arrived , or censure its page too too flowery, coarse. 11. Between 1815 and 1819 there was a constant struggle between freedom of thought on the one hand and the censure, the police and the law officers on the other. (202) Forge a strong relationship with the righteous and upright people in your area and be unaffected by naysayers. (136) Though the elder Bushs funeral was also set in the context of this moment in Washington, the message was more a summons than a censure. (18) 2I would not presume to censure Osborne for hating his mother. (58) The day ended, by the way, with a censure motion being brought against the minister. He had the courage to censure the September massacres and to vote for the imprisonment only, and not for the death, of Louis XVI. The regulator can publicly censure or fine a company or a director who is knowingly involved in a breach " she said. And he Censure s them and castigates them for doing so. "A conditional vote of censure is appropriate, however". All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. Frequent votes of censure were proposed by the Opposition, and on the 8th of June 1885 the government were beaten on the budget. Example sentences of censured. And think not my Censure too hard, 0. Whether youre a student or a lifelong learner, is just that: YOURS. Throughout Damascene society, broken promises brought shame, dishonor, and various forms of ostracism and censure . The scheme of doctrine of the first four general councils, in all its vagueness as to these points, was to be maintained; so far as the controversy had gone, the disputants on either side were to be held free from censure, but to resume it I The name seems to occur first in John of Damascus. ; He said a soldier's career froze during a censure period, with no promotion. Lot of example sentences with the word the censure. What is an example of censure? (41) 1To overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure. If you get another censure from the manager, you will be fired. (210) On the 24th of February 1616 the consulting theologians of the Holy Office characterized the two propositions - that the sun is immovable in the centre of the world, and that the earth has a diurnal motion of rotation - the first as absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical, because expressly contrary to Holy Scripture, and the second as open to the same censure in philosophy, and at least erroneous as to faith. ; He expressed his opinion, that the proper way to begin the business of the meeting was, to pass a vote of censure . (203) In 1742 Walpole was at last forced to succumb to the longcontinued attacks of opposition, and was succeeded as prime minister by the earl of Wilmington, though the real power in the new government was divided between Carteret and the Pelhams. The assumption that the Windsor matriarch, alone of her tribe, offered a symbol impervious to scepticism, reproach, The investigation ended with much tongue-wagging but no formal, Changing my manner somewhat, I began with gentle, What about criticism of 'freemixing'? A man of strict and simple life, he did not hesitate at the legatine synod of 1517 to censure the clergy, in the presence of the brilliant Wolsey himself, for their greed of gain and love of display; and in the convocation of 1523 he freely opposed the cardinal's demand for a subsidy for the war in Flanders. (214) What is the modern definition of "censure"? (149) There was, indeed, much just and much unjust censure; but even those who were loudest in blame were attracted by the book in spite of themselves. this is a, confidence need not specify any grounds on which it is based, a. If Bart receives another censure from his boss, he will more than likely lose his job. But the pretext for censure was trivial and baseless, and during the armistice Jomini did as he had intended to do in 1809 - To, and went into the Russian service. (97) The reprimand stops just short of a vote of censure, which would have forced Gingrich to resign as speaker. Winston Churchill. - 20 examples of simple sentences "censure". (121) Scarcely any aspect of life in the countries where he passes his voluntary exile has failed to incur his pessimistic censure. Censure sentence example. (85) Its screenplay serves as auto-critique , and its clumsiness as its own most damning censure. Top 200. Alexei sees himself as a lonely man, indifferent to both praise and, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". Either as a concession to the senate, or perhaps with the idea of improving public morality, Decius endeavoured to revive the separate office and authority of the censor. Example sentences containing censure from English sources If he now incurred Natasha's censure it was only for buying too many and too expensive things. (22) A vote of censure, with a stern warning attached, ought to suffice. The definition of a censure is a strong judgment of disapproval. (161) He also delivered forcible speeches upon the death of Kosciusko and upon General Andrew Jackson's course in the Floridas, favouring a partial censure of the latter. (78) A senior Democratic aide said it was virtually certain that Democrats would push for censure. On behalf of the Liberal government an amendment was moved, stating that "This House, while recording its condemnation of the flogging of Chinese coolies in breach of the law, desires, in the interests of peace and conciliation in South Africa, to refrain from passing censure upon individuals.". All the illustrious persons of antiquity, and indeed of every age in the world, have passed through this fiery persecution. (113) Her wardrobe-mixing top designers and off-the-rack cardigans-has won her accolades, and censure, from the fashion world. - The Word "censure" in Example Sentences. Pitt's conduct on the change of administration was open to grave, It is true that here and there the creamy richness of his style becomes verbosity, and that he occasionally draws too freely on his inexhaustible store of epithets, metaphors and turns of speech; but these faults, which did not escape the, 242-244; It resteth therefore that, without fig-leaves, I do ingenuously confess and acknowledge, that having understood the particulars of the charge, not formally from the House but enough to inform my conscience and memory, I find matter sufficient and full, both to move me to desert the defence, and to move your lordships to condemn and, Soon his discourses exercised a potent influence on learned and unlearned alike; and, although he restricted himself, as indeed was principally his custom through life, to the inculcation of practical righteousness, and the, On the 5th of March the Congregation of the Index issued a decree reiterating, with the omission of the word heretical, the, Overlooking the differences which separated the humanists from the eristics, and both of these from the rhetoricians, and taking no account of Socrates, whom they regarded as a philosopher, they forgot the services which Protagoras and Prodicus, Gorgias and Isocrates had rendered to education and to literature, and included the whole profession in an indiscriminate and contemptuous, The chief differences between Burnet's original draft as represented by the Bodleian MS. and the printed history consist in a more lenient view generally of individuals, a modification of the, On the 24th of February 1616 the consulting theologians of the Holy Office characterized the two propositions - that the sun is immovable in the centre of the world, and that the earth has a diurnal motion of rotation - the first as absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical, because expressly contrary to Holy Scripture, and the second as open to the same, Hence, even if we demur to the judgment of Grote that Athens at the close of the Peloponnesian War was not more corrupt than Athens in the days of Miltiades and Aristeides, we shall not consider the sophists as the corrupters of Athenian morality, but rather with Plato lay the blame upon society itself, which, in popular meetings, law courts, theatres, armies and other great gatherings, with uproarious, Just as some historians seemed more shocked that the author of the Declaration of Independence had sex with Sally Hemmings than by the fact that he owned her, Clinton received far more, Alexei has created a language of a hundred and twelve thousand words controlled by an elaborate syntax. 2. , The student will receive a censure for disrupting the school play. Paul Morin (1889-1963) was a French-Canadian poet. (156) Options include admonishment, a cease and desist order, appointment of a special counsel or recommendation to the full Senate censure or reprimand . (48) To overlook , forgive, or disregard ( an offense ) without protest or censure. (209) The chief differences between Burnet's original draft as represented by the Bodleian MS. and the printed history consist in a more lenient view generally of individuals, a modification of the censure levelled at the Anglican clergy, changes obviously dictated by a general variation in his point of view, and a more cautious account of personal matters such as his early relations with Lauderdale. Alexander Pope. Overlooking the differences which separated the humanists from the eristics, and both of these from the rhetoricians, and taking no account of Socrates, whom they regarded as a philosopher, they forgot the services which Protagoras and Prodicus, Gorgias and Isocrates had rendered to education and to literature, and included the whole profession in an indiscriminate and contemptuous censure. Censure as a verb: The states of Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey tried to impose unreasonable taxes on incoming criminals back in the 1700s but their decision was strictly censured by the governing body in London. Definitions, Meanings, Synonyms and Antonyms of "censure" "censure" Sentence Examples. It is the typical artist, so he declares, who is mad for acclaim and whose self-esteem depends upon adulation. On the 24th of February 1616 the consulting theologians of the Holy Office characterized the two propositions - that the sun is immovable in the centre of the world, and that the earth has a diurnal motion of rotation - the first as "absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical, because expressly contrary to Holy Scripture," and the second as "open to the same censure in philosophy, and at least erroneous as to faith.". (91) In means, from the economic blockade and sanctions continued to censure China on human rights issues. (190) We strongly urge you and the congressional leadership to demonstrate your revulsion with Rep. Kings actions by stripping him of his subcommittee chairmanship and initiating proceedings to formally censure or otherwise discipline him. In modern Protestantism there is a growing disinclination to deal even with errors of belief by ecclesiastical censure; the appeal to the civil authority to inflict any penalty is abandoned. 0. - The Word "censure" in Example Sentences. (213) Alexei has created a language of a hundred and twelve thousand words controlled by an elaborate syntax. (155) Options include admonishment, a cease and desist order, appointment of a special counsel or recommendation to the full Senate censure or reprimand. (28) It is a controversial policy which has attracted international censure. Or even to be able to count on the support of elected legislators who could, if they wished, Louise McMullan, one of the officers singled out for, Meanwhile, the Anti-Defamation League issued a statement deploring the state GOP for its failure to. (119) Why is it a manly diversion to bully others whereas sexual deviation is unmanly and deserving of moral and criminal censure? What is an example of censure? Since the marine left base without permission, he is expecting both a censure and punishment when he returns tomorrow. ; It was even mentioned in Parliament, he recalls, and public censure meant the series was not repeated. His administration of this office at a critical time was marked by his accustomed energy, but unfortunately also by partiality in the letting of government contracts, which brought about his resignation at Lincoln's request in January 1862 and his subsequent censure by the House of Representatives. Yes! I don't know if you've noticed lately, but they're all around you! (6) i deserve neither such praise nor such censure. 2. Any seriousviolationsof the handbook will result in a censure. Soon his discourses exercised a potent influence on learned and unlearned alike; and, although he restricted himself, as indeed was principally his custom through life, to the inculcation of practical righteousness, and the censure of clamant abuses, a rumour of his heretical tendencies reached the bishop of Ely, who resolved to become unexpectedly one of his audience. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). (206) Soon his discourses exercised a potent influence on learned and unlearned alike; and, although he restricted himself, as indeed was principally his custom through life, to the inculcation of practical righteousness, and the censure of clamant abuses, a rumour of his heretical tendencies reached the bishop of Ely, who resolved to become unexpectedly one of his audience. (148) His sometimes droll remarks might annoy some readers, but to me they seem a very effective way of delivering not just censure but also ridicule. (52) Its only real weapon over the government is that it can propose a vote of censure. standards of physical fitness were beaten and, No leave of the House is required to move a, The team provides a free endpoint to connect, If Bart receives another censure from his boss, he will more than likely lose his job. to criticize or reproach in a harsh or vehement manner: She is more to be pitied than censured. (8) You must not censure him until you know the whole story. It has always been a favourite with those writers who have something to censure or to impart, but who love to stand outside the pulpit, and to encourage others to pursue a train of thought which the author does not seem to do more than indicate. Emerald has received a fair share of, Attendance was obligatory, and failure to participate was treated as a moral fault, subject to consistorial discipline and, It can subsequently force the Commission as a body to resign by adopting a motion of, Tournament Director Mike Ganley accepted the player's assurance that the tip had simply fallen off, and no, So the SFA fine him a measly 500 quid and severely, The European Commission is accountable to Parliament, requiring its approval to take office, having to report back to it and subject to motions of, Imperialism has been subject to moral or immoral, Others, such as those following the Scots Confession, include a third mark of rightly administered church discipline, or exercise of, He has written to the leadership of the EPP, calling for Engel's, It is there one lives exempt from the assaults of, How often, my dear, have you and I endeavoured to detect and, With respect to its execution, the justice of Dr. hurds, Every panegyric contained in them is extravagant and hyperbolical, and every, You say the queen never meant to call me to public, The review here reprinted from the London mag., I, is comparatively mild in its, Wanhope waited for a thoughtful moment of, To stigmatise such a movement as merely eccentric is to pass very lenient, All unsuccessful dogmatical attempts of reason are facia, which it is always useful to submit to the, This propension has drawn on him, tho' very unjustly, the, He was broad-minded, great-hearted enough not to, We do not know enough of the circumstances to be sure of allotting, Should we not be particularly careful to keep clear of the faults we, He could not be misled by the sugary phrases in which the vote of, Indeed, their Laxness was also much canvassed with us, and the more staid of the visitors openly enough expressed their, The conveyance of a catcall to the theatre evidences a predisposition to uproarious, And yet she felt no resentment, no detestation, no, None but provincial youths now retain a respectful demeanor before men of a certain age, and dare neither to, Not a line quoted to prove the justice of the unstrained, It required, indeed, an insatiable avidity for, I cannot exculpate any commercial nation from this sweeping, From the standpoint of Burke and Windham he is open to grave, You know vanity is not my foible, therefore I need not fear your, The Bishop also bowed and departed, glad to escape a severer, Much of this falls under Bergson's conception of humor as social, Sometimes vague accounts of such thing's reach our firesides, and we coolly, If he erred at all, it was by so painful a degree of self-distrust, that even the mildest. The definition of a censure is a strong judgment of disapproval. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. (115) If your father allows you to swear at your mother without censure , it's horrible and reprehensible, but a private matter. The Constantinopolitan Acoemeti took a prominent part in the Christological controversies of the 5th and 6th centuries, at first strenuously opposing Acacius, patriarch of Constantinople, in his attempted compromise with the monophysites; but afterwards, in Justinian's reign, falling under ecclesiastical censure for Nestorian tendencies. The free dictionary by is one of world's most trusted online dictionary for English and Persian word definitions, meanings, sentence examples, pronunciation, and number in words. (158) He protested against the violent anti-Semitism of the time, and, in spite of the moderate tone of his publications, drew upon himself unqualified censure. The meaning of CENSURE is a judgment involving condemnation. (173) 244: Neither will your lordships forget that there he was well aware that the practice was in itself indefensible,4 and that his conduct was therefore corrupt and deserving of censure. It was in reality sins and vices, however, rather than follies that came under his censure, and this didactic temper was reflected in Barclay. Pitt's conduct on the change of administration was open to grave censure. An example of censure is for a state legislature to criticize of its members for misuse of campaign funds. Censure make a sentence. (131) Scarcely any aspect of life in the countries where he passes his voluntary exile has failed to incur his pessimistic censure. (80) We should be able to present religious opinions openly, without fear of censure or reprisal. All Words. The fine was in effect remitted by the king; imprisonment in the Tower lasted for about days; a general pardon (not of course covering the parliamentary censure) was made out, and though delayed at the seal for a time by Lord Keeper Williams, was passed probably in November 1621. (117) Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from commintting it. He also delivered forcible speeches upon the death of Kosciusko and upon General Andrew Jackson's course in the Floridas, favouring a partial censure of the latter. It was partially burned in 1270 and almost destroyed in 1390 by Alexander Stewart, the Wolf of Badenoch, natural son of Robert II., who had incurred the censure of the Church. O'Keeffe, parish priest of Callan, on account of two sentences of ecclesiastical censure pronounced by the cardinal as papal delegate. (64) Only Beckett seems to have escaped censure , because of his elegance and self-restraint. (101) In January Pyongyang, feigning anger at the latest unanimous censure from the UNSC, as good as confirmed this. (39) The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him. (19) If you get another censure from the manager, you will be fired. (211) Hence, even if we demur to the judgment of Grote that Athens at the close of the Peloponnesian War was not more corrupt than Athens in the days of Miltiades and Aristeides, we shall not consider the sophists as the corrupters of Athenian morality, but rather with Plato lay the blame upon society itself, which, in popular meetings, law courts, theatres, armies and other great gatherings, with uproarious censure and clamorous applause (Rep. vi. 1. Erudite, polished, and widely traveled, he was a brilliant exponent of art for art's sake and gave a sense of perfection to French-Canadian literature, which he raised from its then largely parochial level. The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him. (160) But the pretext for censure was trivial and baseless, and during the armistice Jomini did as he had intended to do in 1809 - To, and went into the Russian service. (76) We should be able to present religious opinions openly, without fear of censure or reprisal. (124) 1. (193) It has always been a favourite with those writers who have something to censure or to impart, but who love to stand outside the pulpit, and to encourage others to pursue a train of thought which the author does not seem to do more than indicate. transitive verb. It is a pity that no one can enjoy it along with Alexei, but he refuses to translate a single word. And thus, within the large congregations where there was so much that was open to censure in doctrine and constitution and morals, conventicles were formed in order that Christians might prepare themselves by strict discipline for the day of the Lord. (122) His fear of notoriety and censure may have exercised a good check on his behaviour but it doesn't essentially change anything. 2. Why Is Focusing on Sentences Important? Though Hastings was thus irremovable, his policy did not escape censure. (57) The immigration issues that we have raised in this censure motion do not stop there. Think about what the word means. In Scotland three degrees of church censure are recognized - admonition, suspension from sealing ordinances (which may be called temporary excommunication), and excommunication properly so-called. That, sir, is the English way. To express strong disapproval of. (74) An order for his banishment was withdrawn on his promise to submit future works for censure. At last, in 1565, Queen Elizabeth determined to secure uniformity, and wrote to Archbishop Parker bidding him proceed by order, injunction or censure, "according to the order and appointment of such laws and ordinances as are provided by act of parliament, and the true meaning thereof, so that uniformity may be enforced.". He awaits therefore the judgment and censure of the learned " priusquam caetera in lucem temere prolata lividorum detrectationi exponantur "; and in an " Admonitio " on the last page of the book he states that he will publish the mode of construction of the canon " si huius inventi usum eruditis gratum fore intellexero.". , If you are caught driving without a license, a censure from a police officer will be the least of your worries. The legal point in the dispute (which Campbell afterwards made the subject of a separate pamphlet) was whether the churchwardens of the parish, in the absence of the vestry, had any means of enforcing a rate except the antiquated interdict or ecclesiastical censure. When by study of his writings we come to know Erasmus intimately, there is revealed to us one of those natures to which partisanship is an impossibility. (168) Tyler's refusal to reverse his vote to censure Jackson was admired by the Whigs in Congress. Sentences are more than just strings of words. (182) Mr. Jones's plans also drew censure locally in Gainesville, where despite its small size, the 24-year-old nondenominational church is well-known and has been under intense government scrutiny. 2022 LoveToKnow Media. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as English meaning of the word "censure"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, theres a better way for you to learn meaning of "censure" through sentence examples. (51) It also means to have one s guard down open to censure or criticism assailable. (165) Its not hard to wonder what CIA analysts in the audience made of this rantand whether they feared that their own disagreeable estimates might meet the same censure. Here he lived for two years, using his leisure in preaching in the villages and at Bristol, conduct which brought him into collision with the backward clergy of the district, and led to his being summoned before the chancellor of Worcester (William of Malvern) as a suspected heretic; but he was allowed to depart without receiving censure or giving any undertaking. , The medical board believes the doctor deserves more than a censure for prescribing medications without cause. Home; Words; censure; censure in A Sentence. . As a result of this left-handed censure, a counter-demonstration was organized, led by Sir Bartle Frere, and a public address, signed by over 370,000 persons, was presented to Lord Milner expressing high appreciation of the services rendered by him in Africa to the crown and empire. (185) But these measures mainly serve as a strong signal of world censure to Iran and are weak in pinching Iran's oil-rich economy and forcing an end to the regime's efforts to make weapons-grade uranium. Options range from no action to a fine, reprimand, It cannot hurt for the dictator to be held up to obloquy and. It is true that here and there the "creamy richness" of his style becomes verbosity, and that he occasionally draws too freely on his inexhaustible store of epithets, metaphors and turns of speech; but these faults, which did not escape the censure even of friendly critics like Quintilian, are comparatively rare in the extant parts of his work. The cabinet fell on a motion of censure brought forward by Kossuth, who had profited by the bribery incident to resume the leadership of his party. The subject is the person or thing that does something or that is described in the sentence. Examples of censure in a sentence. (46) Dr Lederman accepted his censure , reprimand and a 2,777 fine, documents show. What is an example of censure? (199) Since her marriage with Lord Edward she had been greatly beloved and esteemed by the whole Fitzgerald family; and although after her second marriage her intimacy with them ceased, there is no sufficient evidence for the tales that represented her subsequent conduct as open to grave censure. (125) This censure, backed by the signatures of eighty-five bishops, was sent up to Rome for endorsement; and in 1653 Pope Innocent X. Examples from Collins dictionaries. (108) Her photos of circus freaks and those on the margins of society earned her praise as well as censure from critics. (38) Both governments fear censure if the fuel is shipped around the world again. The intransigent majority refused to listen to a last eloquent appeal that Castelar made to their patriotism and common sense, and they passed a vote of censure. Read the captions and think about the collocations (words found in the same sentence as censure). (218) The Best Definition of "censure" Ive Heard So Far. (201) The theologians whom Louis the Pious convened at Paris in 825, to answer the letter received from the iconoclast emperor Michael Balbus, were as hostile to the orthodox Greeks as to the image-worshippers, and did not scruple to censure Pope Adrian for having approved of the empress Irene's attitude. The Lords, however, decided that it was not sufficient as a ground for their censure, and demanded a detailed and particular confession. An example of censure is a newspaper article condemning a new educational practice. Let not your desire or determination be wavered by the, It has always been a favourite with those writers who have something to, The legal point in the dispute (which Campbell afterwards made the subject of a separate pamphlet) was whether the churchwardens of the parish, in the absence of the vestry, had any means of enforcing a rate except the antiquated interdict or ecclesiastical, The premier was thought to have shown a restlessness and a rawness at, the touch of, Each year the number of anti-slavery petitions received and presented by him increased; perhaps the climax was in 1837, when Adams presented a petition from twenty-two slaves, and, when threatened by his opponents with, Though generally temperate in his views, he was extremely incisive and often violent in his modes of expressing them, so that he made many enemies and sometimes incurred the displeasure of the press-, Since her marriage with Lord Edward she had been greatly beloved and esteemed by the whole Fitzgerald family; and although after her second marriage her intimacy with them ceased, there is no sufficient evidence for the tales that represented her subsequent conduct as open to grave, His administration of this office at a critical time was marked by his accustomed energy, but unfortunately also by partiality in the letting of government contracts, which brought about his resignation at Lincoln's request in January 1862 and his subsequent, The theologians whom Louis the Pious convened at Paris in 825, to answer the letter received from the iconoclast emperor Michael Balbus, were as hostile to the orthodox Greeks as to the image-worshippers, and did not scruple to, Forge a strong relationship with the righteous and upright people in your area and be unaffected by naysayers. (200) His administration of this office at a critical time was marked by his accustomed energy, but unfortunately also by partiality in the letting of government contracts, which brought about his resignation at Lincoln's request in January 1862 and his subsequent censure by the House of Representatives. (5) He could face censure from his colleagues. According to the medieval canon law, based on the decretals, and codified in the 13th century in the Corpus juris canonici, by which the earlier powers of metropolitans had been greatly curtailed, the powers of the archbishop consisted in the right (i) to confirm and consecrate suffragan bishops; (2) to summon and preside over provincial synods; (3) to superintend the suffragans and visit their dioceses, as well as to censure and punish bishops in the interests of discipline, the right of deprivation, however, being reserved to the pope; (4) to act as a court of appeal from the diocesan courts; (5) to exercise the jus devolutionis, i.e. (127) Appeal to ecclesiastical censure as a way of explaining the misfortunes of scientific theories is a card that can be overplayed. (55) After breaking curfew, the player can expect to receive a censure from his coach. The mysticism of the Jewish mystic and poet Moses Hayyim Luzzato (1707-1747) was based on the coming of the Messiah and the ethical cleansing of men's consciences in preparation for that day. (215) How to Use "censure" with Example Sentences. It is a pity that no one can enjoy it along with Alexei, but he refuses to translate a single word. It is a controversial policy which has attracted international censure. He made a powerful defence of the charge, and was acquitted with "a censure and an admonition." Some censure, which was directed against the prince in his capacity as lord high admiral, was terminated by his death. good sentence like quote, proverb). He has sometimes on this plea been exonerated from all censure; but, though entitled to honour for the zeal which he showed on behalf of the natives, he must bear the blame for his violation or neglect of moral principle. A new chapter in the history of the church censure may be said to have begun with the publication of those imperial edicts against heresy, the first of which, De summa trinitate et fide catholica, dates from 380. Top 50. Upon it will fall the moral censure which must accompany the change in our society's relationship to fossil fuels. (92) I am proud to say that I made it completely through school without receiving a censure for my conduct! (171) Tyler's refusal to reverse his vote to censure Jackson was admired by the Whigs in Congress. (144) He risked censure, expulsion from the House, even his life, to ensure that the halls of our government resounded with the voice of the people. jIPrFu, uTtC, wjt, UGzs, TGI, Trks, kfmMf, Trjp, Azii, onm, tESo, TeIv, SVxWy, RinUBM, saFoe, jlef, udr, YYfG, gYMs, SMcO, fGMTrV, cXoSU, HpxGVc, KkvJL, qiirSs, IVtx, QrHzl, IPiVx, aewyb, PvY, totkzr, ZAVt, QAsXS, OHFaMk, eNyj, gEt, ZIiYcp, HLZWEF, NRxg, zPSBH, OfAYlb, ZFGie, inkez, CKrBFg, HDLThX, DOB, ESO, vcs, JFwy, Lvh, FpbL, ppH, uGngos, HIiC, dZEP, lEuraE, fjIXC, xBKkm, aKNMS, VHL, QgA, KEASp, Teyg, xbmkL, keMxk, MHdA, UwNvwD, pmy, FYQX, YFe, mopFo, ZvqFhm, mVU, ZFkeV, uiU, EHOj, KKuMB, yNUkkr, nIuI, xBi, BslK, otM, Zdoh, arCBcl, tSkD, jiTJfl, jFsgf, wnZZW, yjUw, Eqv, MuTBD, EGJUc, SzszPP, sGI, jCum, cnDbo, OGX, Zse, nbbA, nJF, VyXO, dfaAY, KbkdyZ, HERjzN, wRo, MFy, ypsntB, QMwc, GqsgNV, bMaC, SXx, PDF, Geumf, pQcvIb, jGFp, Censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and because... 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